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16 October 2014

Annie Beag

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Fank Map for GrannieE

Seemingly our old friend GrannieE is unable to get blogging rights, despite being an islander in all but the minor detail of residency. At the same time we are told that Madonna is trying to buy an identity from Madlamb. Tch.

I for one want to keep well in with the Curator of the Lofty Peak 'Flour of Scotland' Memorabilia Collection and thought that the attached map of the fank would be useful to her? Nudge nudge. X marks the Fank.

Western Isles. X marks the fank.

Graham at Blogging Central will probably have heard that Auchenshuggle has moved north and west as a result of climatic changes and continental drift. Its relocation has played havoc with tram enthusiasts in Glasgow.

Is Penrith a Scottish island? Well call me Jeremy and say I'm from Skigersta!

By the way, I must have been in Woolies just after Etta. I caught a great snap of this celeb shopper looking for the Baltic Bookshop to get Hello and a Gazette.

Is it the Zeta Jones woman?

Posted on Annie Beag at 19:23


In a certain light it looks like Donald, doesn't he scrub up well?

J Roe from Specsavers Barvas

Is that Biafra below South Uist?

calumannabel from Out of Africa

Are we all forgetting that the UK *is* an island? Surely those who have an interest in island life should be able to contribute, especially those who are originally from the IB islands. This may start a fashion (and I've started a few, so I should know) and help to repopulate the islands, surely a worthwhile expansion of IB for the 麻豆官网首页入口. Can we start a petition? Maybe, like most good clubs, we could 'sign someone in' and act as a sponsor. There must be loads of islanders who haven't taken their right to blog - perhap those could be sold - like the farm payments?

MadDonnaKebabLamb from Everywhere

I can confirm that Miss Jones was photographed just before she started Stornoway's inaugural celebrity bollard leapfrog event.

PR Agent from Stars in the Isles

The poor woman must have been perished going out in that flimsy nightie. I hope someone gave her a cardie before she froze.

Cathy Ina from Celebrity Clothing Concern

Watch out rich old codgers of Lewis. That Catherine zee jay will be after the older fanker on the Isle of sonambulesence so watch out. Anything to further her career. She may say its because she never had a father figure when she was young, but don't believe it, she's just after your single farm premiums. Alternatively you could furnish her with the freedom of stornoway (sunday's only). I bet she needs a break from all that washing she does the rest of the week for Michael.

Zee Jay as we call her from Shameless self promotion

It looks like a "cut and past" of th lady in white. I am in Yuma Airzona. Where are the pam trees? Humm....north country.

Joe McDonough from Yuma, AZ

Has anyone else noticed the snow has got into the Island Blogging processing and clogged up the works? It seems to take a whole day for a blog or comment to appear, then there's a big lump all together. It's not helping the flow of information passing across the islands. Our church services are cancelled this Sunday due to the bad weather. Does that mean I need to 'buy back' days I've not attended to make sure there's no shortfall at the pearlly gates? They started short-changing us on pensions, now it looks like I'm being short-changed on eternity.

MadLamb from Top of a snow drift

Och. (See I'm trying the characterisation already!) Someone caught me waiting for the folks at the Stag Bakery to put out the red carpet so I could go in for a mutton pie and a cup of tea.

Cathy Jones from The Movie Trailer

Does anyone ever get long-changed?

Annie B from Lone Shieling

Hello Joe from Blogging US. We could suggest that Calum and Donald get some date palms for the forthcoming matchmaking extravaganza. In fact Calum mentioned tree fellas some time ago. Maybe they're sorting out the palms?

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Never been 'long changed' but I have had 'long shrift' and been 'long circuited'I wouldn't wish either on anybody.

calumannabel from From the Short Island

Arizona? Which part of Harris is that? When are their communions?

Rev ED McCreadie from Onanon Church Ness

Can we have longbread at the fank?

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

The danger with longbread is getting longchanged by Alan John when you buy it. So short for now.

Claire Long from Birmingham

Annie, I am overcome with emulsion, this is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me.All my dreams have come true at once, an Island to call home in the Atlantic. I was doon the Barras last week before mothers surprise 80th birthday party....she thought the surprise was going to church, hey ho. I digress, anyway, from the higher eichellons I have aquired a copy of Byron from 1917, there was also a plethero of tin boxes picked up, one for dyspepsia, mother is using it as an ashtray. No more Lofty Peaks, however the search will continue, we are now up to a toal of nine. Also got an electric singer sewing machine, circa 1950's. Maybe someone could advise me on how to wire it lest I blow myself up. Anyone requiring items from said outlet before the Fank can let me know so that I can have them aquired and packed aboard the hot house in good time. Mother is looking forward to the trip and doesnt mind pushing a while, as long as we can stop at some charity shops and woolen mills enroute. I have now manged to source the Stornoway Gazette and did a cartwheel in the newsagents on reciept of same, Davie nearly died wi his leg in the air and said he didnt know I had it in me. Oh and to my cousin, stop complaining about my spelling, I am dyslexic but at least I'm doing somthing posative for this fine country of ours, ie taking an intrest.So common smartypants Jack, when are you going to contribute, oh and do you never read your emails, lol. I am off now to post to you know who about my new island status, wish me luck.

GrannyE. DBE.RM from Auchenshuggle

Alas dear friends and supporters, it would appear that I am being rubber eared by IBHQ. I will not however let this lie, oh no, one day somehow, I will be given my status. Even this lot cant object to my next objection....if you know what I mean.

GrannyE. DBE.RM from Auchenshuggle whatchin the numpties tryin to drive

GrannieE, I read this with a tear in my eye. No wonder you got a Damehood with all that you're doing to preserve the special things in life. The electric Singer sounds a bit adventurous. I like those clever exercise sewing machines with treadles.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Treadle softly, for you treadle on my dreams, from C S Lewis' Voyage of The dawn Treadler.

flying cat from Orkney Mainland

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