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16 October 2014


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Photo of the Tart wiv The Cart

(use your imagination)

the tart is sweet Molly Malone. she was a lady of the night - allegedly - and did not die of a 'fever' . poor woman. she did her best I'm sure.

Photo of street art

I was lookin forward to reading this long epistle chalked beautifully on the pavement beside Molly, with lovely art work. Every corner had a busker, or a street artist on it

Photo of pub with hanging baskets

the pubs in Dublin were terrific, the music, the food, the atmosphere...

Photo of my new expensive boots

These were totally TOTALLY justified, as later on I slipped on a leaf whilst wearing my old boots - thus proving the point perfectly that new leather boots with sturdy non-slip soles and fashionable buckles were very necessary.

photo of me

This is me on Sunday, a bit glum, after sleeping in till lunchtime and trailing round the book of Kells for the SECOND time looking for camera and asking every secuity guard where it may have been found. We were sent to the Police station, although the lovely Irish security guards assured me that 'if it's any decent a camera, you'll not see it again.'
Did you know there is no Lost Property in the Garda (Police ) stations in Ireland? No. so when I got home and checked my insurance policy I need a written police statement, confirming the report of the loss within 24 hours. Hmmm. the large woman who I spoke to soooo needed Trinny and Susannah's help in the clothing and make up dept.....sorry that was nasty.

photo of me looking confused and tired

This is us wondering wheter to go to the Guinness factory - who was the one with the hangover? - we did not go. too much wine and dancing the previous night. I can't burn the candle at both ends any more....but I soooo wanted to go and see the 65 acre site and see how Guinness is made, taste the dishes inspired - or laced - with Guinness and get my free pint ....

Funny bits - when we arrived in Dublin there was no stairs for the plane - so we had to wait 10 mins for them to arrive so's we could get off the plane! As we left Ireland, I discovered we had bed bugs....huge ones ... in our bed, on me... they are doing a feature on The One Show on bugs this week ...

Dublin is a fantastic city - its large, sprawling, interesting, arty, creative, friendly - full of foreigners - only the taxi and bus drivers were Irish. Its got no airs and graces, no sense of time, its crowded day and night and there's something for everyone, Temple Bar - an area - wow - so many pubs and clubs, so many music venues, terrific food. we could wander for hours and hours and see so much. Pity some b****r stole me camera and me 50 euro note.....

(but I can hear the Irish taxi drivers sayin - well now the bugger who stole it woold a hadda good reason, an prawbably needid it more than yoo did...)

(I can still hear the taxi driver pullin up outside our hotel and sayin - will ya look at that door - will you tell them it needs a good lik o paint - will ya tell them now please?)

back home: this is a photo of the fantastic sunrise this morning - which I got up in time to see - wow, red sky or what. now where's me camera....

Posted on Scallowawife at 12:42


The photos are brilliant anyway scallowawife...and what a write-up for Dublin's fair city...sure and it's enough to make any spalpeen just drop everything and fly over there, so it is.

Flying Cat from you'll have to go back...

Probably left the camera at airport. Of course, you may have carried home the wrong suitcase (did you?), and someone right now is cussing you in fine Glaswegian brogue.

mjc from NM,USA

I see you had a whale of a time scallowawife----next time come to the south of france--ryanair o cheap flights to montpellier( one hr away) and aeven cheaper ones to nimes(25 kms)-can't guarantee bed bugs though

carol from still over here

See you Jimmy...goany no' dae that!

Flying Cat from toungue-in-brogue

Barcelona is next, Carol, for New Year...

scallowawife from just back fae travel agents

Wow! Go scallowawife! Will there be time to save up for a new digicam? I would be pure devastatit if you didn't post pics of that great city.

Flying Cat from an admiring glance and a furry hug

what is happening on IB??? TWS has went AWOL, Ruthie is in norway,Scallowawife,back from dublin,then off to barca,Ardnort back from US of A,this site should be renamed"SCOTTISH-INTERNATIONAL blogsite!

carol from its the final countdown

Do you get a senior citizens discount, on top of your Air Discount Scheme. lol Your carbon footprint will be very big especially in those kinky boots, Oh and Barcelona is in Spain. If you feel someone touching you, it's not because he/she is fancying you, or because you have a great body ( although you more than likely have a tip top body SW, a body to die for I'm guessing?) it's because they're thieving your property. Just a thought for Barcelona...

Thewhitesettler from Unknown

my body is just great thanks tws and anything of value will be stuffed into my bosom.....or me boots....just like Molly Mallone wid have done...and no I'M NOT IN THE SENIOR CITIZENS AGE GROUP slap slap.... and as for my carbon footprint I'll have you know I've taken steps to offset my carbon. in Dublin I bought a tea cosy - this - as well as supporting local industry and local shops, as well as having CATS on the design, will prevent me having to use the gas to warm the teapot SEVERAL times a day....impressed - I thought you'd be.

scallowawife from gladtwsisalive - butwillhestaythatway

Oooh, tws, you've done it now!! Run, run, run for your life!!

Ruthodanort from Unst

It was Ruthodanort that dropped hints that you were old(-ish). You know me SW, if it's my fault I'll blame the first blogger I can think of. What is it with women and cats? Catty? I'm trying to think of something to put that won't get thrown in the Virtual Bin, but I can't, the money should be safe there, and that's ALL I'm going to say. OK. In Dublins fair city, the girls keep their money inbetween their...........

Tws from Here

I was just wondering if the 'slap slap' was in any way connected with the 'bosom' bit and will probably be made to wish I hadn't shared my kitty sense of wonder with you...

Flying Cat from in wonderment

Have you checked inside your old boots for your camera - or for that matter, inside the other 11 pairs of shoes/boots it's rumoured you took with you?

Diamondbigdod from The logic "plane"

tws, you are such a sh.. stirrer.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Why thank you Ruthie, how kind of you to even think that of me. It just means that I'm doing it right.

Tws from Blog Police HQ

DbigD - of course its not itn my boots - as you know I wear my boots all the time an in rotation so nothing could be hiding in them. and another thing doesn't everyone take lots of footwear on holiday with them? but you must admit the new boots are nice... worth the excess baggage charge....

scallowawife from in a fury of indignation

I don't know scallowawife, boots without steel toecaps, not really sure they have a use - much like flowers. My philosophy being if you can't eat it or smoke it, why on earth would you grow it?

diamondbigdod from in practical mode

I've been consulting the bipeds about this eating and smoking thing, and they're just a bit concerned they might have been rather remiss as parental units, having neither eaten nor smoked the babybipeds whilst growing them...

Flying Cat from lazybed

Mrs Yellow Punto says yesterday's sunrise was an absolute cracker she'd have loved to keep in a box and get out when she's left Shetland and feeling down. Not really possible as she didn't have a very very big box (it wouldn't fit in the Yellow Punto). Any chance anyone took a photo from Scalloway or the trip into Lerwick? If so she'd be dead chuffed to see it posted here or emailed (details can be arranged no doubt). Thanks

The Former Mouth from Way down south

No - But I did see it, and it was fantastic. I spent the whole morning telling folk about it. I actually saw the sea from Gulberwick, and it was all glassy and calm, sort of shiny steel looking. The sky was an unreal blue - the sort of blue you say the sky never really is if you see it in a photo. And there was this pure gold with a tiny clump of cloud on the horizon - I actually didn't know what it was till I realised it was the sun.(the dark rainy days take their toll here) by the way did you remember I LOST MY CAMERA IN DUBLIN... so no, I did not take a photo....I even phoned Ruthodanort who was driving down from Unst for a Risk Assessment course - she may have taken photos on her way down. By the way I think I have seen Mrs Yellow Punto. the car is very yellow.

scallowawife from shetland

Well...it was worth coming all the way down here for that...I'm glad I popped by...

Flying Cat from processing scallowawife's wordpics

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