Norwegian for the winter
Posted: Tuesday, 16 January 2007 |
hmmmphhh opens up possibilities - huh! see what happened when I suggested the vacuum cleaner word - total confusion and a very red face.... its not that simple! so far I have learned that a man is in his way on a horse and there's been a bit of rain to make a rainbow...but not sure what his name is yet.... ruthodanort where are you when we need you?? this may need checkin ooot!
scallowawife from shetland
i could think of better way of coming out of depression hi to the scallowawife luve in nz is so so good!!!! !!
carol chauveau from france
Scallowawife, I will alert min kjæreste, n get him to hae a gander at this blog. (likly spelt my norsk wrong again tho) Digital Sands, maybe you and me could be blogging in norsk, just to help oot wi the homework, you ken. I can certainly do with the practice, my grammar is often wrong. Do you think Anne at IBHQ wid be ok with this? (Oooooh, just had a look at your comment on my blog, will have to get oot my nork/engelsk dictionary!)
Ruthodanort from Unst
How do you order a guga sandwich and a half of paraffin in Norwegian then, smartypants?
Idle crofter from The butt of Ness
I wonder if ruthodanort knows how to get theº on top of the o? Probably too busy sweetly, excitingly and prettily plugging her stoorsooker into the nearest wall. I think it's a man who has lost his identity trying to find the pot of gold on horseback. I have found the ø - om tilfelle.........
Flying Cat from pºo engelsk
Lykke til, men scriv ikke på norsk, IBHQ liker ikke.
Hyper-Borean from 0°ù°ì²Ôø²â±ð²Ô±ð
Anybody know of a good Norwegian-English translation site? The one I've found keeps missing out words. Think I'm going to need a better one ... :-)
Anne from IBHQ
Can somebody speaking the engliish pleez . i am learning to hope.
olag from norge
I can sing the Norwegian national anthem (in Norwegian of course) but can't translate it. I'll teach you sometime if you want?
Buzz from Glasgow
ahh thats better your sense of humour is coming back--about time
carol chauveau from france
dear olag, I too am learning to hope. Let me know when you have learned it. Anne fae IBHQ has disallowed my Norske comment - I have assured her that I was taught it at night class by my dislexic tutor, who unfortunately is now deceased. (nothing to do with me, mjc, I hasten to add) Jeg heter scallowawife, jeg bord i scalloway, jeg har tre barne, og jeg er ledig i kveld. the last phrase is the most important one of all - er du ledig i kveld - are you free tonight?unfortuately jeg har da flu, so I canna go oot.
scallowawife from still in bed wi flu...
FC, it was too annoying to keep looking for the å,æ and ø, so last time I was in Norge I bought a norsk keyboard. Problem solved. Although it does have an annoying habit of switching tabs on my internet pages every time I try and write a '@'. I actually have a word document on my desktop now that contains the @ symbol, so I can cut n paste every time I need it. Which I believe is marginally easier than hunting down all the å,ø and æ shortcuts. Not exactly a technical solution, but it does work.
Ruthodanort from Unst
Idle crofter try, "Et smørbrød med guga og et halv av parafin." I think that takes us back to words that are the same, again. I'm not sure if norwegians eat gannet products but they do eat puffin, which is lunde in norwegian. Indeed they have a very pretty breed of dog callled a lundehund. By the way Ness is a norwegian word, believe it or not it means headland!
Hyper-Borean from Hordaland's twin
You can find them under ASCII characters (yep, anally retentive 'bout apostrophes too). Have a look at characters and you will see all the odd ones listed, with their 'ALT+nnn' equivalent. Hmmm, don't seem to work on this blog... still, a Google search should help. Cheers and keep up the languages - you never know how many Old Norse(ians) you're gonna meet!
Freerange from t'Pennines, West Yorkshire
Dear DS, I have to dissappoint you about the Hungarian bit. True, we belong to the same langauage family as the Finnish but apart from that... And be careful - Hungarians are said to be a depressed folks
Krisztina from Hungary
Ja, vi elsker dette landet. I'll leave it at that just now. Funnily enough, I am keen to learn Faroese, and can't wait to go to the Faroe Isles.
Caraid from Glasgow
Muchos gracias, Freerange. We will now be able to tidy up all the post-it notes with instructions for grave, cidilla circumflex etc. It's even more helpful than you might think, as fpu discovered accidentally how to do several norski letters, passed it on to mpu and then promptly forgot how to do them......I try not to smirk, but it's not easy.
Flying Cat from a language lab
If someone could explain what "guga" and "paraffin" means, I could try to come up with a translation. Hyper-Borean's suggestion doesn't make much sense in Norwegian! Ha det!
Adagia from Norway
It could be argued that Hyper-B doesn't make much sense på engelsk...........
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin
I had a software which added the extra norsk letters, but it took away the punctuation keys as substitution. So every time I typed an email I had to keep switching between the norsk and engelsk to be grammatically correct. Eventually i stopped. Lykke til med learning the language!
jennifer from USA
that is so great:D except you spelled "FarvufÃkur" wrong. It's really spelled "FarvurÃkur", but I think it would be more "Faroese" to say "LitrÃkur", since the most common word for colour in the Faroese is "Litir".:) anyway.. great job:)
Rakul from Faroe Islands