Urgent ....help needed
Posted: Friday, 22 August 2008 |
Hi everyone, I'm hoping that the mainland bloggers can help me. My daughter who has Aspergers Syndrome is desperately worried about her cat, Claude. He's her bestest ever buddie and she is missing him sooooo much. He went missing Saturday night/Sunday morning(16th/17th Aug) and she is getting more and more upset as each day goes by without any news of him. We live in Finstown just by the post office. He is known to go down as far as the shore on the Evie Rd and the houses along there. If anyone has any news good or bad could you please contact me. I have put photo's of him with this blog so hopefully some one will remember him. Thank you so much for your help. e-mail addy dusty.johnstone@gmail.com 

Posted on Mizzwhitty at 17:53