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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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I don't understand the Catholic self-imposed suffering thing

Arrrg! I thought I had deleted this negative post of mine!! I pushed "delete" and it's still here! I apologize if I dragged your mood down with such a dreary post - and I apologize if I offended anyone!! Cheers!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 15:33


I dont think u should be using labels like non-Christian, its putting folk in boxes. Also, maybe u should stop analysing every single thing in your life and just lighten up and get on with living it. Your life looks good to me, so just ENJOY IT.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Dear Ruthodanort It's undertakers that put folk in boxes - at last that's how it works in this island. Moo Thing you could always pray to St Jude the Patron Saint of Awkward Luggage sorry Hopeless Cases.

calumannabel from Scapular House Brue

I think folk are far too sensetive about "labels." Let's face it, there are christians and non-christians. That's reality - not putting people in boxes. I'd love to lighten up but since I believe in hell I have to be a bit serious about my faith at times! And this entire Lent and suffering thing has me utterly confused.

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

As some wag at IBHQ (I think, but my memory can be faulty) already suggested, reading some blogs can be said to be a painful experience (some blogs of course are liable to cause more indigestion than others). A few of us great sinners do our blog reading in and out of Lent. For laughter and purgation doubtless # As to Catholicism, I must admit that I have great difficulty in recognizing it in your assessment. Perhaps we dwell in altogether different universes of discourse. I shall leave it at that.

mjc from NM,USA

There's little doubt of that, mjc...

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

How's 'The Restraint of Beasts' going mjc?

calumlibrarian from lewis

Tell us more about the um-coos. They are much more entertaining than the ramifications of the Church of Rome.

Pam Hunt from Glasgow

Taking oneself too seriously is rarely an endearing characteristic. Navel gazing is mostly unproductive, particularly if it is difficult to find the focal point. As to religion (any): it should be taken seriously (intellectually and existentially) but borne lightly (good taste and genuine spirituality demand such detached involvement).

mjc from NM,USA

Calum.: finished the book and posted on Na Hearadh, if I remember correctly. Very pleasant read though the ending is somewhat lame/dangling. After the third accident and impromptu burial, I was afraid a suitable ending would be hard to devise. A fun read. Thanks for the suggestion, Calum.

mjc from NM,USA

I'm a bit with mjc on this, I do not recognise the catholic church from Moo's rather puritan musings. Maybe a visit to a plain undecorated plain psalm singing kirk is in order either that or join Opus Dei. (Disclaimer) The church and I parted company shortly after the men in black stopped beating me, which was a long time ago. In their book mortification of the flesh meant for pupils not teachers.

Hyper-Borean from Sunday school (excluded)

i used to be a church elder. went to church every sunday etc:etc: but have stopped still believe in god but no way now will i have suffer because religeon tells me to! have suffered enough!

carol from crying her eyes out

Bravo mjc! Darn. Wish I'd said that.....it's so elegant and well-turned in the phrase department.

Flying Cat from a hair shirt

mjc I don't recognize much Catholicism in some of the stuff I read from the writing of Saints! Hence this post. PLEASE no more um coos!!!!! Oh man...**Quiver** Erlend is gaan tae toon the morn - leaving me with the blasted coos again! God help me... *Gulp* I'll make sure to give you all a FULL report of the ensuing insanities on the farm hahaha!

Michelle Therese from Moooo!

tusen takk MT, and your next blog maks fine lightsome reading.

Ruthodanort from Unst

WOW look at that! I publish a whiney negative post griping about Catholic mortification and I get 14 comments! Hmmm. I'll have to complain and whine more often!!!! What should I howl about next? The government? Global warming?? Muwahahahhahaaaa!!

Michelle Therese from Moooo! and Baaaah!

I agree with Ruthodanort. Please, please, please.

Herman from Somewhaar in da ether

I didn't really understand Ruthodanort...but I felt to silly to admit it! What is "Tusen takk"??

Michelle Therese from Lost and Confused

Its norsk for thank you very much. Literally, 'thousand thanks'.

Ruthodanort from Unst

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