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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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I apologize if I have offended anyone here at Island Blogging.

I apologize if I have offended anyone here at Island Blogging.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 13:39


Hi Michelle, it sounds as if someone has had a go, ignore them if so! I like reading your blogs, they are of a very different kind to mine but what a boring world it`d be if we were all the same! I`m Scots, to your American, and heathen to your christianity, so reckon if I can enjoy the differences in our lifestyles surely others can too? I don`t see your blogs as `hogging`, myself, when I log onto IB I go to the wee bit at the side and pull up the entire list of bloggers to see what`s what, it isn`t so hard to do. Keep blogging! :-) And Happy Birthday Erland!

Hermit from on the sofa being slightly delerious!

Keep on blogging, Michelle, your blogs are always entertaining and informative. It's great to read about your life in Orkney, and your idea of using the blog to keep in touch with folk at home is a good one because they see other aspects of life as well. Happy birthday Erland!

Jill from EK

Gratulerer med dagen Erlend! Moo, your go girl. Keep on bloggin, (but how about puttin some o your multi-posts all on the same blog?) you have every right to your cyber-space. Just ignore my previous rants, I think I mentioned I got a verbal slap from my two older kids.

Ruthodanort from Unst, still in Macs hoose.

if people don't like your blogs they are not obliged to read them,i like the majority of them even thoiugh we are of different nationalities and religons,there are more things to worry about in life that,just ignore them and continue doing whatever you feel like!! happy birthday to hubby

carol from agreeingwithyou

someone has blogged in my name on another one of these blogs. Why?

Muness from fetlar

Mac is with me. Here in Fetlar.

Muness from fetlar

Don't know about how this particular blog works, but I found it after searching for a different blog you had. Do you still have it? I had happened on it when doing something else and then later read an article by you in Making It Home magazine. When I read the article I recognized you and looked for the blog again but found this one instead. At any rate, I have greatly enjoyed your posts and although I may never make it to Scotland, I've always loved to read about it and the people that live there. Thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us. As for your faith, it is who you are and there's no need to apologize for that. People who do not have faith have a hard time with that, but that doesn't mean the rest of us need to apologize for what we do have and how we believe. It will be late by the time you read it, but Happy Birthday Erlend-I hope it was special! God bless you both.

Michelle from Fl in the USA

Good blogs Michelle and always remember A shor tcherished prayer in your back yard is worth a hundred meaningless trips to church

frodo the scot from Utica Mi

Happy Birthday, Erlend. You come across as a very competent, conscientious and hardworking farmer. All the VERY best to you, Erlend. May you stay healthy and happy for many years to come.

mjc from NM,USA

I like your blogging very much, Michelle. It was only this Easter that I came across Island Blogging. I did not understand what it was in the beginning. I have wanted to get to know people from Scotland and there you were. Til Erlend, gratulera med dagen og ha lykke til med resten av lemminga.

Dag from Norway

sorry, did someone complain about Moo blogging about her faith? Must have missed that.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Reading your blog is a wonderful window into Orcadian life! One of my favorite things is the Orcadian words with which you pepper your stories; they are so facinating- and I have no relation to them- I've never heard words like them! They really make me think. You write with gusto! And not just for other Island Bloggers! The whole world is trolling the internet- It would be too provincial a thought that only other Islanders should read each others blogs.So don't fret about whatever happened. Write on, we'll read on!! I can't wait to read about Orcadian birthday customs! Happy Birthday to Erland!!

Shauna from Dallas, Tejas

I agree, I often read and enjoy your blogs and enjoy them. I'm someone who isn't really into religion and what I would see as evangelising so I choose not to read those ones! That's the point I'm making, we all have a choice about what to read. Keep on blogging, it would be a shame if you stopped and I've learned loads about lambing and all the rest of it! Happy birthday to your husband anyway!

alix from Ok about everything

You have no reason to apologise to anyone, as far as I see it anyway, and when I read your blogs ( and kind comments ) I always remember that you are an American, therefore I know that you see things slightly different from others. Your religion is alright with me ( I'm a non-believer ) because it is important to you. It is good to read how you are doing/coping in a different climate from your home. Don't bother if some comments are nasty ( I've had them too, and I'm still here, only just mind ) ignore them and remember the good ones. Keep blogging kid, and a happy birthday to Erland...

Tws from The Croft Lewis

I think the issue isn't the content of the blogs. Its the frequency. I only know of one other blogger who has submitted more than 5 blogs in any time period 7 that was a school. Wouldn't it just be easier to combine all the different blogs made on the same day? Therefore only only one space would be taken up on the page. There would still be the same content but just in one blog. The island blogging main page is useful as it gives a flavour of what is going on all over the site. When its five different blogs it can tempt you into other areas by the title and / or first line. I know that this has enticed me onto many blogs across the whole of Scotalnd, rather than my local area. Searching purely by blogger doesn't give you a flavour of the comments views or opinions.

Herman from En-route to Muness View for (free) drink

I don't think Ruthodanort mentioned religion in her previous rant did she? I know that she is a very open minded & tolerant person. I don't think any religious opinions would even be noticed by her. I certainly don't think she's trying to influence anyones personal opinion- just trying to make a feature of the blogging site work to its full potential. After all I've been on the northern isles page & all five blogs have been by one blogger which kind of defeats the quick snapshot of the blogs feature (it was a school).I certainly don't think she's trying to stop anyone putting their views on a blog.

Muness from Fetlar

Muness, put that" Ruthodanort is a very open minded & tolerent person " Has Muness been forced to say that, like the freed servicemen and woman in Iran, had to make up stories? And will Muness be selling the whole story to the press? Free The Fetlar View !!!

Tws from Unbelievable

As someone who reads/browses quite often it doesn't really matter if someone has posted lots of different ones. I usually look at the different islands and see what people have to say so I don't think it would matter if one person was really prolific one week - I would still look at other ones. Judging by the spread of comments across different posts I think that most people do the same as me.

alix from a regular reader

I have had a quick look back at some of comments made in earlier blogs by Ruthodanort, and some were far from being friendly. In fact I'd go as far to say that some were very intimidating, and that if I had a spine I'd argue it with Ruthodanort, but I don't so that's that then.

Tws from lookingforagoodhideout

Exkeeeeeuuuuuoooooooooooozzz me, TWS. Think I have only done one comment that I regretted due to the 'nasty' content, which I apologised for straight after. (Having had a smack from my kids.) Oh, there was that one about the baseball bat in hand thing, but, well, I was assuming u were on the same cyber-wavelength as I was and would be grinning wryly rather than running worriedly. And I could probably justify it anyway as you had called me Big and Scary, and now woman likes to have her size referred to in those terms. Although you probably made up for those descriptions in your later comments! BTW, we are now getting a good idea of what you look like, with your last topless blog, and now the description of your spine (or lack of it) too. Mr November maybe?

Ruthodanort from Unst

I don't think there is anything wrong with your spine, TWS. Anyway, as a chiropractor somewhere in Montana advertised: "Everything is fine if your spine is in line." No mention about the spine having to be strong. I would not waste money (and take unnecessary risks) on chiropractors if I were you. Any in Orkney? Direct from Bratislava or Gdansk? We have more than our fair share in Nuevo Mexico, of chiropractors that is. One even bought the local Albuquerque hockey team, if my memory serves me right, and he was not a Russian mafioso tycoon.

mjc from NM,USA

What Muness (or Herman) gives the breath to is followed almost instantly by a repeat (more or less) from Herman (or Muness). Recently, there was even a claim by Muness that someone may have posted something under the changing moniker. Maybe someone did (but what on earth for?), maybe not. Did you, TWS?

mjc from NM,USA

I love your blogs they are the best on the sight. I have never written a comment but i look @ island blogging at least once a week and love it. Everyone shoul be as interesting and funny as you.

kathy from wa-usa

blog away!! People don't have to read them and if they don't read them because it's of no interest then they shouldn't realy have need to comment negativly unless they are looking for an excuse to. I enjoy your posts as well, your life is interesting and different to mine in all ways and if i don't want to read about your religious preferences i can just skip that bit and not need to comment. I spend far to much time reading everyone's blogs already to the disgust of my poor neglected family, and if i replied to everything i realy would have no time left at all, it was bad enough for them when i had only found the western isles blog but now i've discovered the other islands to i think they want to hide my p.c. How come you lot have so many more bloggers than us anyway?? I'd blog myself but no one would read them as i have nothing witty or interesting to blog about(seems to be the main claim of most blogs lol) so i just comment occasionally....

tanith from lewis

tws - much as I like EVERYTHING about you - its not really fair to say one thing then back down in the next sentence. you do have a spine - we all do and we all choose to use it if we wish. I don't think comments made were intimidating - we are all entitled to our opinion and our say. it seems we are all singing from the same hymn sheet - all entitled to our opinion and all entitled to voice our support OR criticism? your comment about Ruthodanort is in exactly the same vein as what you say hers was about Moo? am I making sense? And where is our Leader Anne on all this? I really like Moo's blogs - she writes really well actually - but I do have a niggling issue with some of the content. I can't go any further than saying that as this is so public a site. I have said what I feel and think I am justified in doin so. however we cannot and must not let this get out of proportion. its just comments on our publications - which after all are in the public domain - and fair game. I can also see that people from far afield will get a very unique insight into island life through the blogs - and it should be accurate and reflect what life is like - Moo's photographs of her garden and the animals show this really well, you feel as if you've been there yourself.

scallowawife from lookin for TWS

Keep up the posting, I love reading about the Life and Times of Michelle on Orkney.

Yvonne from Washington

Once again Scallowawife unravels the bad knits, picks up the dropped stitches and presents a perfectly pressed garment.

Flying Cat from Jimmy's jumperstretcher

Look all you Northern Islanders, if you wanna have a fight with me, I'll be ready for y'all, even that lovely, lady, with the hour-glass figure and stunning looks, Ruthodanort. I have said this three or four or five times in the past, DO NOT take anything I comment/blog seriously, I have this rather large WOODEN SPOON that I like to stir things with. If you Northerner Islanders want to have a fight with each other, go ahead, I'll hold the jackets, but I am a peaceful man, and anybody who disagrees with me on that I'll see them ootside NOW, OK...

TWS from Tongue-In-Cheek

Hi Scallowawife. In response to your question: All our bloggers are entitled to write about whatever they like – providing our House Rules are adhered to. TGMITN doesn’t criticise or condemn any other religion while writing about her own faith so I see no reason to ask her to stop. With regard to the frequency, I’m aware that the homepage can get clogged up if one blogger posts numerous items in a short space of time. However, this is a problem that can hopefully be resolved at our end - in fact it’s been on my list of things to sort out for a while (as has the annoying problem of the lack of paragraph formatting for comments!). Anyone and everyone is free to comment on all the blogs but if there is critcism to be made it’s always preferable if it’s constructive! If anyone would like to discuss this further please email me at islandblogging@bbc.co.uk.

Anne from IBHQ

Please Anne, I have studied the comments, and as far as I can see, no one has commented negatively re Moo's 'faith blogs'. This was never an issue, the original comment was solely about blog frequency, and I am pleased to see it is something that can be resolved at IBHQ.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Hope thats your own tongue in your cheek, and not Chrissie Mary's.

Ruthodanort from Unst

has thgmitn stopped blogging? she's been quiet since thursday

carol from with sore ankle,after crash

Get yourself a blog, Tanith. Don't be so modest. Nothing to it. A picture of a cat or a dog would get you rave reviews (of course, of course, some cats/dogs deserve them). A picture of the Pope and such will get you question marks from islanders and rave reviews from all over the States - though not necessarily from a certain address in Nuevo Mexico(if Moo's blog is any indication). How about pictures of yourself as you try on various accoutrements for next year's Fank? Start a blog with a picture of yourself and someone you could call, say, Arnish - that should bring in comments like locusts. It's easy: imagination, or imaginative provocation is all that's needed (I think, but then I am a passer-by not an ib blog owner).

mjc from NM,USA

And, if it is Chrissie Mary's, I hope it's tws' facial cheek and not......*bleh*

Flying Cat from patting a plump rump

Keep on blogging, Michelle. Neil Young had a hitsong some years ago: Keep on blogging( or was it rocking) in the free world. Do the same.

Dag from Norway

Carol, what happened? Hope you are ok.

Ruthodanort from sympathetic position in Unst

Is this a new Ruthodanort that we're now seeing? A caring, sharing Ruthiebabe? It'll never last?

Tws from Crash test dummy

ruthodanort, had a crash on sunday details on barebraes last blog but i'm okay,thanks

carol from thanking you all for being so kind

I think her computer crashed and she's got a sore back because of it... Would TGMITN please re-enter the blogosphere? Please please please don't do a Runestone...liff's too short to poots.

Flying Cat from living in hope

Yes please blog again Michelle. as FC says life IS too short.

Barerbraes from Shapinsay

Give her a chance, fc, she takes breaks all the time, cos o the farmy stuff. In fact, she even told us so. Cos o the farm she has to blog when she gets the chance. So I reckon she'll be oot n aboot sittin on sheep while Erlend turns lambs aboot from inside the belly, or catchin yows, or feedin caddies. When the lambing calms doon we'll be getting all the news.

Ruthodanort from checkin oot Moo's tealeaves

I'm not in the poots silly goose! I've been up to my eyes in sheep emergencies. They are never ending!! I just recovered after lugging a one tonne lamb out of the field kicking and wailing the whole way! (The lamb, not me.) He has a very badly hurt foot poor biddy. I deleted this entry after I figured the apology ran long enough so it wouldn't make a negative impact on the blogsphere...how odd that it showed up again! I think I'm going to die from lack of sleep. Thank GOD (or whoever) lambing season is almost over!! ZzzzZZZZZzzzz

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Farming in Orkney seems to be a strenuous job. Better be a cowboy on a paint, check the fence lines, and rustle in one's spare time...

mjc from NM,USA

Wish Runestone would come back. Too bad she became a lightning rod. I can't blame her for wanting a quieter life, one devoid of undeserved aspersions on her character and motives.

mjc from NM,USA

I must say I looked for this blog yesterday and noticed it was missin - it was an alarming experience - I thought - oh no - she's really cross now... glad to see that later on it reappeared! I hope you realise Michelle that when the lambin is finished and you try to sleep for a whole night - you can't - your body won't let you....

scallowawife from in front of the computer, ought to be working,


Ruthodanort from Unst

Dunna delete it! This is the most exciting thing to happen on IB since Lerwick Trevor went to the Fank in a wheelie bin!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Went to the Fank in a wheelie bin? Wow. I wish I'd thought of that all these months we were waiting to find a car... I could have erected a wee sail, climbed in and been oot and aboot all winter!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Silly....*gurr*...silly....*graarr*....GOOSE!!!!!!!! Jings crivvins helpmagrannie, never in the anals of ib has a cat EVER been called a..a...a....GOOSE!!!!!!!! As for going to the fank in a wheelie bin, it's only for women sad enough to a) not be married to a hunky Orcadian farmer and b) actually want a mono-browed Lewisman for her very own. So you see Michelle, (I'm guessing here) you don't wnat to do it! Please don't pull the blog....*miaow* *purr* *mrrrp*

Flying Cat from inapoots!

MT, it is not a word o a lie. Apparantly, he was spotted somewhere off o Sula Sgier sometime towards the end of March.

Ruthodanort from Unst

It is NOT true, malicious rumors from various notorious isles notwithstanding, that LT went from the Fank in a wheelie bin straight to the loony bin, flown out by Coll International Express, holding tight to one of Nic's world famous packed lunches.

mjc from NM,USA

Next thing, we'll all be checking to see whether FC has finally laid a golden egg.

mjc from NM,USA

I'm working on it. *oooyah* On second thoughts, I'll pass on the golden egg production if you don't mind mjc. This is a wondrous strange blog. Last I looked, it was no more, a deceased blog, off it's perch and now......

Flying Cat from all over the joint

The blog has regenerated like a time lord. Is it now the world's shortest blog with the longest comments? Someone tell Guiness.

Muness from Fetlar

This must be, officially speaking, now a Comments Only Blog!!! Is it a first?? How exciting!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Are we just going to Carry on Commenting?

Flying Cat from all agog

Obviously not....

Flying Cat from living in hope

This blog is now closed and we are no longer accepting new posts.

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