Visit to Sanday
Posted: Monday, 14 January 2008 |
I still totally get a kick about how Island folk buzz around in ferries like we used busses back home! While everyone else lounges about looking bored I look like Zeb when he gets to ride in the car. "Oh WOW! This is sooo cool! Ooo! Look at THAT! And THAT! Ooooo I love ferries..."
Our Priest, Father Ronnie Walls, headed out to say Mass at "Saville" on the isle of Sanday via plane and I tagged along via ferry. I felt like I would be imposing because I would have to stick around until 6pm but the Soords were very welcoming! (That's my stiff Puritan New England culture clashing with the relaxed Orcadian culture...)
Lucky for me the weather was nice and I was able to sit out on one of the weather decks as the ferry made it's way to Sanday. Upon arrival I had been told to look for a "red bus" that would take me to Saville - but my American eyes saw no such bus, just cars and vans. I had forgotten the Soord's telephone number but just as I started to panic I realized that all I had to do was flag a local down and say, "I have a bad leg and cannot walk far - may I please have a ride?" This Britian place is good for that kind of thing - it's much like rual America here in the British isles!
When I reached the end of the gang plank I heard a friendly voice say, "Are you Michelle?" Ha!! Alas!! The "bus" was a wee red van and I soon found myself puttering around Sanday while the driver struggled in vain to get his door to remain shut. We had a good laugh about this...
When I arrived at Saville I once again fought against my New England culture as I found that my knock had gone unanswered. Oh - but there was a door bell! I pushed the button and a light in the hallway went on. It was a light switch for pity sake!! Finally I just did the Island Thing and walked in the door and hollered, "Helloooo?"
My "hellooo" was answered and I soon found myself bein steered for the chapel because Mass was about to begin. The suspense was killing me - I couldn't wait to see what it looked like!
I found myself in a bonnie little chapel filled to the brim with folk, both Catholic and Protestant - including the local minister!
It was the fourth week of Advent when I visited and the Advent wreath was lovely! We sang, we prayed, we had Mass and then all around me I heard folk saying to one another, "Will you be staying for a cup of tea?" I was delighted because then I'd have the chance to meet everyone! Imagine our shock when the Soord's laid out a mouth-watering four course meal!! We didn't eat - we feasted! And we all talked and had a grand time and then folk filtered away. After the house had emptied I accompanied Maurice to the airport in order to drop Father off for his flight. (Both coming and going he was the only passenger!) Maurice gave me a bit of a tour of the island and then we returned to Saville and he gave me a tour of the critters.
There were chickens...

Christmas Dinner...
And Geraldine the donkey!! (She's trying to find a carrot in Maruice's hand...) All of the critters were wonderfully tame (I hugged the goats and the donkey!) and they ate porridge!! (Even the buckoos!)
Jean (Mrs. Soord) would not allow me to help with the dishes so Maurice showed me their beach and the moonlight over the water was absolutely stunning.
Even a nearby ruin looked divine in the sunset.
The Soords were very kind to me as I hung around until it was time to fetch the ferry. Before I left they stuffed me full of good food and still seemed to like me even after I hogged down the remaining portion of home-baked olive bread. (I love to eat.) The ferry arrived and I enjoyed another smooth crossing - only this time it was dark so I crashed on one of the benches inside and snoozed. When I arrived in Kirkwall my handsome Erlend (and smelly dog) were waiting to snatch me up and zoom back to the farm.
A lovely day all around! I can't WAIT to go back to Sanday.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 12:22
I'd've had to smuggle Geraldine back with me, I think, ferry or not ...! What a beautiful fluffy donkey ...!
soaplady from aaaaaaaaahhhh all over ...!
Thanks for shaaring about your trip - always- it's so much fun to accompany you on your journeys - photos are terrific! The people, their generosity, the Mass and chapel the food the animals the ocean mmm hmm
Happy from in Oakland Cal ee for nye ay
Michele thanks for this little story of your visit to Sanday I feel like I have been there too,
island threads from lewis
Michele, What a wonderful story. I hope the Soords see it.
CVBruce from CA, USA
Haven't figured out yet why one would go all the way from Mainland Orkney to Sanday for mass. Surely it's not something special about the Saville stone, though it was originally from Coos Moo (life is full of interesting coincidences). For example, there is nothing in the New Testament suggesting it had once blocked any important tomb or provided the standing block for a messenger angel. Are there indulgences to be had for attending mass at Saville? Anyway, nice pictures of the menagerie.
mjc from NM,USA
sooo glad I found your blog - it's the best I've seen in a while. I LOVE your cape, btw - awesome stuff...just wondering though: with the wind there, doesn't it tend to want to blow you over when you're wearing that cape? I recall wearing a rain cape in a storm in Wales at one time, and it just about blew me off of the turret of the castle we were touring...with my two year old daughter in tow...
I'm adding you to my Stumbleupon pages - and I'll be back to read more later.
thanks for sharing your life with us!
Conni T枚gel - (btw - I paint sheep, so I was looking for sheep related things online...that's how I found you...let me
sheepincognito from Anderson, SC
I haven't blogged in so long because my camera died! And now I can't figure out how to get to the page that lets me make a new post...
Michelle Therese from Things Go Moo in the Night...
At Last seen it all. It is great Thanks
Maurice from Sanday
We have so enjoyed reading all your news Michelle. Thsnk you for your most recent letter received yesterday. Father Walls hopes to be visiting on the /wednesday of Holy Week the 19th March, Thought we would just let you know. I hope you enjoy your music in the choir with St, Magnus Festival. You will meet Dorothy Beynon who sings in the choir and lives on Sanday and hopes to be back next Monday. They also have a home in Edinburgh.
God bless you
Love from Maurice and Jean xx
Maurice and Jean Soord from Sanday
It was so good to read this news letter from Sanday. Especially since it was about my brother's place. My wife and I were there about five years ago.
Tony Soord from Tomball, Texas
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