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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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I'm *supposedly* only one month along...


...but I've never seen a belly THAT big at only one month along! I've suspected pregnancy for about four months now but my tests have popped negative so I've been told, "No! You're not pregnant." Hmmm. I hope I can get an ultra sound scan real soon because it's getting hard to breathe, nearly impossible to bend over, hard to sit down, hard to eat more then two mouthfulls, hard to sleep in any position...I've got *something* in there and it's big!
(Note: Dog is not to scale...)
Back to bed for me ~ I've got the horrid flu!! Erlend was so sweet and he brough back a year's supply of soups and juices for this "one month along" pregnant lady. **Fever Shiver** can't...get...warm... (That's it, pity me! Lay it on thick!)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:43


I don't want to pour cold water on your joy but please realise you are only in the early stages and the next 3 months are critical so look after yourself - no lifting sheep or giving Erland piggybacks.

calumannabel MD from Tannochbrae

The photo looks like Ayers Rock painted blue

Damien Hurst from Brue

Yup, definately looks more than one month along! Congratulations to you both, with best wishes for the future of your family.:-)

Hermit from Sanday

maybe the "bump"has something to do with your body weight before becomming pregnant,also it could be wind as that could cause you to feel bloated

carol from over here

Do you have a picture of your belly, before being with child? It would help. And well done to both you and Erland. I hope everything goes smoothly for you both. Cheery...

Tws from The Pharmacy

How exciting! What a plesant suprise when I came to your blog the other day and you posted you thought you were expecting.....and you really are!

Kolfinna from Kansas USA

Wind, Carol? As in hot air? Surely Moo could not be that dangerous to be around?! # When I was growing up, there used to be a (rather extensive, and fiercely protected) private sphere and a (quite modulated) public one. Also, the term "prudence" was often used, often in connection with privacy. # Oh well, now we are in the age of let it all hang out, or hang down, as the case may be. Comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies: on island blogging (and many other sites) at the click of a mouse. I certainly hope that Moo's saga stays firmly in the first column. Such a hope could use a prayer or two.

mjc from NM,USA

well - how long have you felt sick? if the answer is you've only just started - it may be a long 3 months. sorry!!!

Nurse scallowawife from thinkin hard

Hahaha, great pic! "Dog not to scale".... Good luck to everyone - look after yourself(ves)! (thinks....is it.... could it be... A Twuns???)

Hope Later from not there yet

Wow, Moo! Some picture! Some baby! It looks like you've got some great 'Mom' energy, too! Can't wait to find out when it's really due! I'll bet you can't either. smile

jeh from oakland in the USA

Don't listen to anyone but your doctor (and yourself) I hope for the best. With love DYT

DefineYourTerms from Outside DC, USA

Do you have any strange food cravings yet?

Carol from IBHQ

I wonder if TGMITN has a craving for SPAM Carol? Is that what you were looking for? Congratulations to you both.

PC Muirdoch from The A&E

Food makes me ill !! Uuuugh....

Michelle Therese from ugh food...

Carol from IBHQ - strange food cravings, such as a six pack of McDonald's burgers and a tub of fries? Nah, not Moo surely. I suspect she is now reformed and dinner is a demi-portion of grilled skinless chicken breast with organic greens (and no salad dressing, if you please). Splurge would be one piece of Yorkshire pudding, no gravy. It's going to be a long nine months, I fear.

mjc from NM,USA

congratulations to you and Erlend and please take care of yourself, hope the flu is gone soon,

island threads from lewis

hmmmm ginger is good for sickness. cabbage leaves are good for mastitis - get plantin.... eat a little of anything you can. I wrote myself a letter after pregnancy no 2, to remind myself why I should NEVER get pregnant again. i HATED being pregnant. I was hopeless at giving birth, I had a blood transfusion after no 1. but did I listen to myself ...no.... and now I have 3 lovely boys....

Dr scallowawife from in a dictionary of pregnancy symptoms/causes/cures

Congratulations Moo! Humungous leveld of sympathy heaped on with a ladle! I know yon Hamish the Horse Man has always been good but maybe you should have a quiet word with the new fangled Witch at the Health Centre?

Sunny from Having a happy weep for you

Michelle! B told me the news and I had to Google like crazy to find your blog(s). :-) Congratulations! Ever have any wonders about homebirthin' or nursin,' you know who to call. :p Here's hoping you're further along than you thought, and things smooth out and your flu goes away! (And that I can make my dream trip to the UK and come to see you in the next few years, too!) Just my name at my state dot net, ya know? ;) love, penelope

Penelope from Alaska

Hey, Michelle, I can't tell if my last comment went through or if you have to screen them or what. :) Just wanted to say congratulations! Brad and I are thinking of you and Erlend and your lovely new little one. Grow big and healthy, baby! Get better, Mama! love, penelope

penelope from ak

The 麻豆官网首页入口 moderator screens all comments and a fine job she makes of it too...if the islandblogging Spam Filter doesn't eat everything indiscriminately first!

Flying Cat from having a wee greet

Talk about gushers, and not only oil gushers, in Alaska. Wooaah! Penelope: slow down the sled. No need to murder the English language in honor of Moo's self declared pregnancy. I must admit to following Moo's recent postings with a certain amount of fear and trepidation. Maybe I see hubris where none exists, and in Greek mythology, the Gods don't look favorably on hubris. However, I am sure that Moo and friends don't give a hoot about Greek mythology or superstition. In some cultures, pregnant women are hidden away, safe from prying eyes and evil spirits.

mjc from NM,USA

Have you set up an IB account for the little one? I'm sure he or she will want to follow in mum's foot steps. Best wishes to you and your hubby for a safe and easy pregnancy, a happy and healthy wee one.

CVBruce from CA, USA

I hope things are going well for you Michelle. I saw things are a little hot over on your blog over at blogspot. I hope you are OK xx

Emily from USA

You know, if you import your blogspot blog to wordpress it gives you the IP addresses from which comments were posted -I wonder whether dr bob and aussie mistress might not share an IP address ...

Friendly reader from your other blog

getting really worried about you - this silence is awful - hope you are ok.

scallowawife from shetland

Hello Michelle. (I'm a lurker) Just wanted to say congrats on the little one! Also, those urine tests always came out negative for me until I was about 3 to 4 months along. And I have 5 children. Apparently, some women don't make enough of the pregnancy hormone in the first months to make the test come out positive. And usually, a woman built like me (read: tall with extra curves), doesn't show that quickly with her first pregnancy. With my first, I was still fitting into my regular pants at 6 months. Anyway, good luck and keep us posted! Jennifer

Jennifer D from WI, USA

Hope everythings ok with you guys, I really miss reading your blogs Michelle, Makes me smile during these late nights waiting for the cows to calf here as well ! Why do they all want to do it at night ??

mara from Another orcadian

She's fine. It's business as usual at the other blog.

Sandy from USA

So ... where do i find this other blog please ?

mara from Basking in Orkney sunshine

Good tae ken you're fine Moo, thanks to Sandy for lettin wis ken. How aboot another Blog of the island variety then Moo?

Ruthodanort from Unst

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