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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Wur gaan sooth... tae Ayrshire tae ogle Easy Care sheep...

On Weds we're off to Glen App Estate to ogle Easy Care sheep ~ a breed that Erlend has been wondering about for years. On the way down we'll spend the night at Pluscarden Abbey and we've managed to book a sweet little hotel in Girvan. On the way back up we hope to stay at a hotel in Dingwall. It's going to be a nice little trip! I'm also interested in the sheep so that's good. I won't be bored.

I love traveling with Erlend. He's so mellow. He reads the map and drives along without an ounce of road rage or impatience. We enjoy the scenery and the wildlife and if there's time we stop and look at this or that ~ last time it was a horse with a curly coat. We zipped past in the car and Erlend said, "Did that horse have curls?!" Intriqued, we turned around and headed back had a long, satisfying stare at the equally curious horse.

If we get lost or we're late it's no big deal. Erlend pulls over and scrutinizes the map while tactfully (diplomatically?) making polite noises to all of my useless suggestions... Then we're off again without an irritated word having been spoken.

Erlend is a man without a whole lot of entertainment needs and so we are rarely stressed when staying in remote locations or small towns that close down at 5pm. Once we settle at our B&B or hotel he tucks into a book or I say, "Let's go for a walk" and off we go for a walk around whatever place we happen to be. Both of us enjoy just strolling along with each other as company along country lanes or down sidewalks in toons. We peer into shop windows. I admire the objects but I always say, "Don't worry ~ I like to look but I'm don't want to buy everything I see!" (Erlend always looks vastly relieved.) Sometimes we talk, sometimes we just walk and walk and enjoy everything in communal silence. Erlend especially enjoys beaches or anything that has to do with trees! He looooves trees.

Dining is fun with Erlend as well. He's not a picky eater and so he rarely has a complaint. Complaints tend to ruin the moment and with Erlend I rarely have ruined moments. I enjoy the break from cooking and I enjoy seeing Erlend so relaxed and not worried about kye or fences or farm workers pounding on the door with yet another question... I always waffle about what to order and then I decide but when my plate arrives I announce that what Erlend has chosen is what I should have ordered. We then swap half-and-half while Erlend chuckles and shakes his head at his silly "buddoo."

By the time our trip has ended we are both homesick for the farm and the return journey is filled with anticipation. We drive and drive, then we wait in the parking lot at Thurso, then we rock across the Pentland Firth and greet Orkney with huge grins! As we drive through the familiar scenery in the evening light we comment on how happy we are to be back. That night as we settle into our familiar bed we smile at one another. "That was a fine trip but it's good to be home again!"

I fall asleep and then I wake up and I sigh. "Back to cooking! No more eating out!" but it's fine. I like to cook and I've missed plying my art of burning water...

Ahhhhh... I couldn't have found a lovlier man to marry!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 14:24


Enjoy your trip south Moo to see the Easy Care sheep. It sounds as though Erland is an easy going guy too. Let us know of you see any more curly haired horses.

Carol from IBHQ

Hope you enjoy the sheep expedition. Do you know where i can find a man like yours? He sounds perfect lol Have fun :-)

tanith from lewis

I think you rather should have come to Norway and bought some Norwegian sheep. We have the best lambmeat in the world. But anyway have a nice trip " doon sooth".

Dag from Norway

Tanith, I honestly believe that pride is the root of all of our problems, especially in relationships!! I've found that the way to find a man like mine is to defeat and remove pride in its many, destructive forms: First, focus on your own faults and failings and remind yourself every day that *you* are not perfect. Don't beat yourself up, just accept that you are as human as the next person and don't give Pride a chance to get a foot in the door.. Then... grin and bear *his* faults in the context that we are all falable, imperfect human beings! Thirdly, don't hold a grudge. As long as he is not truly abusive, let go of all of the ways that he ticks you off, offends you, mortifies you... you get the drill hahaha! Just let it go like water off a duck's back because it's just not worth your time or energy to hang on to it and stew over it and have a big fat pity party. PRIDE begets pity parties and they are useless... Forthly, (is that even a word?!) when speaking to others, focus on his many good and wonderful qualities. Keep his not-so-good qualities to yourself and one trusted friend/family member that won't gossip. (We all need someone with whom to vent our genuine frustrations...) When you *do* speak of his faults to said friend/family member, do so with the goal of reaching a state of forgiveness and then, forgive and let it all go. (Avoid venting just to vent ~ always find a solution to your anger, the best being forgiveness and forgetting after you let the steam off!! Otherwise you're just trying to make yourself look superior to whomever you are venting against... (Pride yet again...)) A man feels secure when he knows that his woman will not become prideful and rag on him to all and sundry! We all need to have this kind of trust in our relationships. Security in relationships is *essential* if love is to bloom... without it we are like a garden choking with those weeds called PRIDE. Finally, with yours and his imperfect humanity in mind, don't allow yourself to nit-pick his mistakes or point out his faults. Ever. Resist, resist, resist! The only reason we do this is because of... PRIDE! We think we are superior enough to correct others and point out their faults and failings... Instead, Grin and accept. Grin and love. Grin and overlook! Even if you are totally faking it and sitting there gritting your teeth and wanting to wring his neck hahaha!! Don't give in to pride!! Pointing out falts and failures in anyone utterly destroys relationships of every kind! (When you do this, as we all do, make sure you humbly apologize as soon as possible! This *heals* relationships like nothing else can!! Humility is more valuable then gold...use it liberally! Pride is useless and only causes pain.) To sum it up: Chuck pride out the window and "Treat Him As You Would Want Him To Treat You." (Even if *he* fails in this endevor himself...love is not about keeping score. That's what pride tries to do!) This is the best formula in the world for PEACE with your man! Or anyone else for that matter. Too bad we couldn't get the World Leaders in on the game... Anyhoo, we can attempt to set good examples but we cannot force anyone to change so why waste our time and ruin our relationships because of pride, pride, pride??.... As long as the man is not an *abusive* thing that hurts other people then you'll find yourself as happy with a man as I am with my sweet Erlend!! We are all very imperfect and once we accept *and* allow those imperfections to exist in others without our pride kicking in, that's when we step onto the path of a joyful relationship! Anything else covers the path with thorns... and we only have ourselves and our pride to blame when that happens! The love and peace I have in my relationship with Erlend is 100% genuine but it does not come easy ~ it is the down-and-dirty, nitty gritty result of a second-by-second daily battle against PRIDE. It never ends and the second *I*, not Erlend ~ I can't control Erlend, I can only control myself ~ the second that *I* put *my* guard down and give in to pride I see the peace withering

Michelle Therese from Sipping tea...

sound advice :-) thanks xxx

tanith from lewis

Good luck, Tanith. Let us know about your implementation of the advice and future success.

mjc from NM,USA

well mjc, i just wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that lol

tanith from lewis

Being a good keeper-of-the home and keeping the hungry earner well fed and clothed is at least half the battle. Subservience to the master of the house is paramount. I can't emphasise the latter strongly enough...I really can't.

Flying Cat from emphasisinging the traditional

...or purrhaps just emphasising...no need to throw away ings. You never know when they might be needed...

Flying Cat from the smell of freshly baked bread

This is a strong blog with good comments. Re. EffCee, I suppose that the "master of the house" is said blogger..

Barney from Swithiod

Strong drink is what I need, Barney. # Are you getting impatient for your wanderings this July?

mjc from NM,USA

yes well, if there's a cat about, there's no problem guessing who's boss of the household....*sigh*

jas from under Mia's paw

well said FC,wel said!

carol from over here

...and quite right too...just as long as Mia is not under Socks's paw, then all's right with the world!

Flying Cat from Barney's correct supposition

I know who boss cat is....and it's not me! (yet)

Socks from under Mia's paw

We all know who rules THIS farm: Brodgar the cat!!

Michelle Therese from Just got off the ferry...

just burned the tea trying to read the long comments above.... my garden is full of chickweed, moss and daisies - is this pride? I must confess to being confused - if I treat my man like a king, and if I act like a doormat, will my relationship work? and if I expect him to treat me like I treat him - so I then become the king (or queen) and he becomes the doormat, will that work too? oh dear I feel a little tws'y - all these brackets and surmising about stuff.... off to lie down....

scallowawife from exhausted...


Flying Cat from not kow-towing to anyone

well said scallowawife-i loved my hubby to bits,but no way i acted as a doormat and he never treated me like one either--at lot of females fo into marriage looking at their men as if they were prince charming-wel sorry girls prince charmings are only in fairy tales-marriage is real life,with loads of give and take by both sides!

carol from where its still bloody raining!

Chickweed: don't ever mention that word again, Scallo.

mjc from NM,USA

It crossed my mind that, were Moo not already married, she would be a good fit for King Gog.

mjc from NM,USA

I wouldn't employ you as a marriage broker!

Flying Cat from oh Gog!

why not mrs cat-they seem well suited!

mating agency from mainland scotland

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