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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Hissing Sid and his sister Jo...

May I present: Hissing Sid!
Hissing Sid

One false move on your part and I shall strike...

Because it has been aboot a year since we last hit up the for more furry devils, we decided it was time to add some new barn cats to our collection. We really like having barn cats slinking around as they not only add cheer to the place but they have a taste for rats and mice.

Last night we drove out to Burry in order to visit with two semi-wild barn kitties, "Hissing Sid" and his sister "Jo." The drive was nice and peaceful and Erlend filled me in on several of the latest things he needs to organize as we prepare to launch out into the organic farming scheme. I must admit that I'm glad that he is the one running this show! I'd have lost my mind by now. I'll gladly continue in my work as the Domestic Engineer and quasi-Shepherdess.

Anyhoo, we arrived at the Cat Fosterer's house and were soon led to a cheerful puss-palace containing three cats: one extremely friendly orange fella and the two cats in question. The Fosterer aimed her flashlight at the opening to a little cave and we watched as two mouths opened wide to display sharp fangs while letting loose with copious hisses and growls. "Look at that!" I declared. "They like us!"

"Aye!" Erlend agreed as we scooted closer and observed our future barn residents.




"Yeppers!" I said as I peered at the two huddling balls of hissing fury. "They'll deffinately survive on the farm!"

"Aye!" Erlend wholeheartedly agreed while the orange puss swirled around his ankles and purred with sheer devotion. We spent some time stroking the tame puss while devising a plan about how to get Hissing Sid and Jo into our critter cage.

The Cat Fosterer gestured at the orange puss. "He's part of this group. They came from the same place." she announced and then she and Erlend went off to fetch heavy leather gloves and the cage. I snatched the orange puss up into my arms and enjoyed plenty of attention from him and then I said, "Oh... poor thing! We're about to take away your two friends." I stroked his back. "I guess we'll have to take you away as well."

Erlend returned with the Cat Fosterer and her husband as well as two pairs of sturdy leather gloves and the cage. "Erlend..." I called out from the puss palace. "There's no way we can leave this one behind - we'll just have to take him along with us, ok?"

"Aye." Erlend replied and the Cat Fosterer very kindly grabbed one of her small cat carriers. Orange Puss was soon bundled away and then came the showdown with Hissing Sid and Jo. My brave husband was the one chosen to dive into the fray... a rather nervous Erlend leaned in through the large cave entrance and with much hissing, snarling, and swatting of paws the cats were gently pursuaded by his gloved hand to scoot through the small cave entrance and into our cage. "Way to go Erlend!" I cheered as my husband quickly locked the doors shut.. "You've earned big Man Points from me tonight!!"

All the way home to the West Mainland we had a minor chorus of concerned mews rising from the boot of the van but on the whole the cats were rather pragmatic and settled in for the ride without much fuss. Now they will spend two weeks in our puss-proof stable so that they don't pack up and head back to Burry via paw power. Hopefully they'll enjoy their new home!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 17:52


Hissing Sid ... Poor darling - looks more like Darth Vader, doesn't he ... the force is deffo with him ... :-)

soaplady from has a black cat too ...

I love a black pussie. Count Jim Moriaty was blacker than the blackest proverbial black hat. And he was fat. And he could hiss and growl Worse than Ginsberg on his worstest prowl. Hope they all settle down to be contented family members, Moo.

Barney from Swithiod remember remember.

That was some cat!

Flying Cat from an admiring glance

you called your cat 'Count Jim Moriarty' Barney ...?! there's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there ... :-) My nannas cat was fat too (Grimsby cat - lots of fresh fish and stuff), and she was called Agatha, and she would just sit and glower from her box, whinging softly while her yellow eyes followed you across the room, just waiting for an excuse ... !!

soaplady from a warm draught of admiration ... :-)

Great blog Moo, thanks for that!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Oh, Soaplady, thank you for what I will interpret as a compliment. Count Jim decided to adopt us by curling up each night on our doorstep. He wasn't so fat then. It was our cat - Mum, Jill's and yrs. truly, but the name was unanimously chosen. Alas, it was a long tiem ago.

Barney from Swithiod scunnered

you've got some man there Moo... I like the bit where you suggest - in a non confrontational way - that you take 50% more cats than you first intended - and he just says 'Aye' - wonderful!!

scallowawife from in wonder

Now, Moo- as a pregnant woman, did you know you are not supposed to come into contact with the kitty litter, etc? So, please don't!! I know yours are bar cats, but just to be cautious!! Some communicable thing cats have that is baaaaaad for the fetus. I do like the name though!! S. in Tejas

Shauna from Tejas, USA

Love the black cat! Umm, not sure about hissing Sid ...surely you didn't have Sid Viscious in mind?! Have owned three black cats in the past ... all spoilt and allowed inside.

Plaid from without a cat

I LIKE the idea of a bar cat, think I might become one... FC help me with my CV please....Meee owwww...

scallowawife from on the bar...

Comment missing from yesterday (whenever that was)...if its a 2CV you're needing help with scallowawife, I'm afraid I'm not awful handy under a bonnet! In fact, I don't like hats at all...

Flying Cat from grimly trying again

We tootled around Blois and the Chateaux de la Loire region in one years ago (it must have been, must it not?). The weirdest contraption, but it worked and looked lopsidedly good.

mjc from IN, USA

Goodness that picture! He does look scary! Erlend! You are one brave man! :O) We got your email - thank you! What a story but one I think we are seeing happening quite a bit. Stick to your guns! If I had to do it all over again or if God should bless us with another child, I would use a midwife and have my child at home. I hated hospitals, the procedures and the who ha ha they put you through. I remember telling my doctor just after giving birth that I was ready to go home. I told Blaine the other day that I wished I was close by to help you out after you had the baby. I do hope you have some neighbors who will do that for you. I'd be there in a heartbeat! Do you have Blaine's books? If not, I will put those in my little package to you as well. Love to you both and the wee little one too! xoxo Cat

Cat from Kentucky, USA

Satanic cats (as per Catey). Even Growltiger would not mess with such.

mjc from IN, USA

He reminds me of a turnip lantern. He looks like he's been hollowed out and has a candle burning inside. Bx

Bev from Sunderland

Hey Lady! How are you feeling?! I got your messages and email. I am fine - just time to close some doors and allow others to open. :O) Blaine is going to try and find your mailing address for me - it is somewhere in this thing. I've been busy rearranging furniture in the house - fluffing up the nest and/or stirring up a whole lotta dust! I am sore and bruised but happy with the end results. In all of this I have yet another great big pile of clutter going out to charity - where does this stuff come from I don't know! Love to you and Erlend and kicking baby! xoxo Cat

Cat from Kentucky, USA

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