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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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We had snow yesterday! I love snow. Granted, it only fell for a peedie while, and didn`t lie, but it was fair pretty to see, big fat white flakes of it drifting down in that hush and quiet you only get with decent snow.
I`m hoping we get mair the day, although other folks will be hoping it stays away.
I lived in Sutherland and got used to snow, plenty o` it, heaped and piled up ootside the door so that on occasion me dad had to dig us oot! One of my earliest and abiding memories is of being taken down to the burn at the bottom o` the field in the middle o` the nicht, through a deep and softly glowing snowfall, to stand quiet and watch wild red deer drink at the burn. The whole thing had something o` magic aboot it, the breath of the deer misting the air, the snow falling and melting on their flanks, and the hush of the nicht that made you feel like you were the only ones awake at all.
When I was a wee lassie (a long time ago noo!) I mind being shunted off oot to play in the snow, by me mam, trying to get the hoosework done and the dinner ready, bundled up in layers of scratchy woolly jumpers and hats and gloves, and me and me wee sister would spend hours makin` snow folks...I mind fine the mermaid I made, withoot a neck because if I put a neck on it, the heid fell off! And the snow horse, lying doon because we couldnae do legs oot o` snow...and we`d try to build an igloo, just building the snow up aroon us and trying to shape it into some wee kind o` roond hoose.
By the time we were called in for dinner, we were dripping wet and great muckle clumps o` snow stuck to oor wellies and made us have feet three sizes too big. Me mam had to thaw us oot, and get dry claes on us, so there would be steaming piles o` thawing claes in front o` the range.
I do get a wee bit sad, that the days bairns rarely see such snow falls nowadays. This time last year here on isle, we had a decent week o` it, but it never lasts like it used to when I was wee. I hope me ain grandbairns will manage to see at least one winter o` decent, deep snow in their lifetime.

Well, looking oot the window this morning, there has been nae mair o` it, it just looks damp and cauld, wi` nae snow at a`. The weather forecast is promising snow showers later, but I bet it`ll no lie at a`. At least the wind has dropped. The last gale destroyed twa o` me chicken hutches, just lifted them ower the dyke to the next field and dumped them doon in the grass! When we got them back again, it was to find a whole side had been ripped off one, and the other also had a hole in it where the wind took the wood awa`. So they`ve been hauled into the garage and are waiting for the other half to repair them. Chicken hutches dinnae come cheap (hee hee..sorry) nowadays, so we need to repair them soon.
I`ve seen some odd things because o` the wind living here. I have seen things you wouldnae think the wind would lift...the chicken runs, all wire mesh and little else...be lifted twa fields awa`, and yet the upturned wheelbarrow right next to it still left in the same spot.
The last gale we had, I`d to walk oot aroond the side o` the hoose to the garage wall, to get in a frame for stringing sheepskins on...this frame is only two by ones, nothing else..but the wind lifted it as I was carrying it, and knocked me flat on me backside into the mud afore depositing the frame ower the garden wall....I felt right foolish, squelching me way back into the hoose to get cleaned up and having to ask me son to retrieve the frame for me....it made me view me size in a new light...I`m only five foot high, but still thought I was fairly solid for all that....:D
so maybe the next time I`ve tae gaun oot in the wind, I might tie meself to a boulder just in case....

One o` the bonniest things aboot living on this island are the skies...great vast spaces that just fairly shine at night. A clear patch of sky throws up glittering icy points o` light that entrance your eyes and have you walking back indoors with a crick in the neck for staring so long. But we have bonny skyscapes here and I wouldnae swap them for the orange tinted nights o` the sooth.

Yesterday, the field at the front was covered in flocks o` wild geese. I have some geese o` me ain, half a dozen fat white things that are presently eating us oot o hoose and hame...but I watched them go right up to the fence to look at their wild cousins. Me overactive imagination saw them hankering after the wild flight o` their cousins and I wondered if they wished they could take wing and fly after them. The wild geese, being wild, and tough, and probably thinking themselves superior, ignored my domesticated brood steadfastly.
But then, my own geese are housed at nights, and grain fed, and fine and fat and I seriously doubt even if they tried, they could take to the air.
Posted on Hermit Life at 07:36


Mmmmmm fine fat geese! A cat can only take so much torture... You should try the orange tinted aura of Stromness - it doesn't really make for starry-gazey nights either. It's enough to make a cat laugh when the bipeds go a**e over heels. Just one of liff's small pleasures.....

Flying Cat from Isle of Drool

Hello, I've noticed that you put a D inti your blogs, and was wondering why? At least no one can tell you to "get a life" as you've already got one ( Hermit Life that is )

thewhitesettler from the croft lewis

Your recollections are wonderful. You paint a lovely picture.

Barebraes from Shapinsay @--}

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