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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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I`m No Great Cook

I can manage with plain fare....but have been looking around for authentic medieval recipes. What folks would eat back then would maybe surprise ye..or maybe no`...it`s a common misconception that folks then would eat anything that moved for lack o` food.
Granted, there were nae supermarkets, but for the most part, folks had a surprising variety o` foodstuff and also a fairly good standard o` food hygeine.
How and ever, I`ll forego making the roast cat or deer testicles for me visitors, which I`m sure they`ll be extremely glad tae hear....
The recipes for stuffed trout intestine had me puggled tae...I mean, what puir soul had tae fish the fish guts oot and wash, prepare and stuff them.....

(see what I did there, wi` that wee joke....)

But, on viking age cookery, I`m on firmer ground...so rabbit wi` vegetables cooked in real beer, or chicken cooked in cream and ale, will be cooked and sampled of course...as will all manner o` sumptious fruit dishes....(I even have a great recipe for Norwegian Trollkrem ...`troll cream`...with lingonberries which I ken I`ll no` be able to get here, so will have to substitute raspberries or loganberries if I can get them)

and speaking of `sumptious`, in times past there were things called `sumptuary laws` which prohibited common folks from wearing certain clothing and fabrics, notably the more expensive, hard to obtain ones....so you wouldnae see commoners walking aroond wi` fur on their gowns or wearing silk, cotton was barely heard of, it was mostly wool and linen or leather.
However, I intend to flout the sumptuary laws regardless...it`s my feast after all...and intend tae mak a gown trimmed wi` fox fur (for anyone reading this who is anti fur, please dinnae bother hassling me ower it, I tan animal skins meself and am nae stranger tae fur and leather, plus, it`s no` illegal yet!) and made in a luscious silk velvet, all o` which would have had me gaoled way back when.

Och well, back tae recipe planning....oh hey, whar are me cats running tae.....;)

P.S Are we allowed to call the Troll Cream that nowadays considering I`ll no` be using real Trolls.....?
Posted on Hermit Life at 18:43


Are we going to see a side dish of Merganser Duck?

Lerwick Trevor from Running with the cats

Hermit, your cats are not running to ..., they are running away. They heard all about cat roast and such. Trout intestine: give my mother a whole fish, and the part she goes for first is the head, and the eyes. You think I am kidding? I saw a guy stop his chauffeured Mercedes in Kigali, Rwanda, under a lamp post and harvest locusts that had fallen on the ground. Childhood delicacies are never forgotten. I mean, I still like salted fish, particularly schnook, but also cod. The fact that the fare is objectively "poor" is not remembered as such.

mjc from NM

About deer oysters: if invited, Hermit, I'll bring my own Rocky Mountain oysters. Do the deer ones taste any different? How are they prepared?

mjc from NM,USA

Trollkrem is good, but multekrem( cloudberry cream) is much better. It's a very old tradition in Norway to serve multekrem on Cristmas Eve. Dried and salted mutton such as pinnekj酶tt and fenal氓r have roots long back in time, also dried cod ( t酶rrfisk) and salted ( klippfisk) which the Italiens and Spanish use in bacalao.

Dag from Norway

what about wild boar?? very tasty,but i don't know if they exist in orkney

carol from feeling hungry

I got lingon berry jam fae IKEA - it was very nice, quite like raspberry without the seeds or gooseberry

scallowawife from in the larder

Sounds like your off to a great start there Hermit...loads of fun. You know, those wild and wacky Puritans that settled over here in Massachusetts had sumptuary laws too and modesty laws about clothing etc. Of course they also hung witches so I reckon they wouldn't have been too bothered about what I was wearing so much. ;)

Vera from www.veranadine.com

cloudberry is fab stuff - also got that from IKEA and also bought it in Norway. we have had pinnekjott and fenaleur at Christmas beside our very good norwegian friend and nieghbour. Brilliant stuff. I have a couple of norske cookery books but so far have made just epple kake and waffler. where are my norske letters on this keyboard? I also have a book on viking food.

scallowawife from in the fridge, lookin for food

I remember cloudberry liqueur, we bought it on the ferry back from Denmark umpteen years ago,but I've never seen it over here.

jas from under mia's paw

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