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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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A Bonny Weekend

Isn`t it just though?!
The sun is shining, there`s nae wind, and it`s no` raining. Maybe we can allow oorselves a wee hope....summer is here, woohoo!


The merganser whom I kept calling `she` is a `he` and has gotten for himself noo, a firm role among me beasts. We hae some half dozen ducks nesting aroond the place, among the rose bushes, doon by the pond, and one right bang next tae the hoose door! And the merganser has latched ontae this one, and has become her gallant protector.
It`s quite funny tae see, but kind o` sweet tae....see, this time o` year, any duck is fair game tae a drake wi` a roving eye...and the drakes can be a right pest tae the females...and this wee nesting duck, a white one, just sits there on her nest wi` it`s dozen or so eggs, minding her ain business, until she gets up tae hae a drink o` water or a feed o` barley or bread scraps.
Then the drakes a` descend on her and mak` her life a misery...
But here comes the orange-heided merganser tae the rescue! Her nest is just ahind a wee picket type fence, so he sits right in front o` her and the eggs and gives the beady eye tae ony wandering drake....and should they hae the affrontery tae chance their luck, up he gets and wi` a surprising quack for sic a wee bird, he flies at them, fearless, until they run off...see, he can fly and me ain ducks cannae...so they run off at top waddling speed and he does this low zoom after them til he judges they are a safe distance awa`, then back he goes tae sit afront o` the nesting white.....
Occasionally he wanders off doon tae the pond tae tak a paddle and a swim, but he always comes back tae the white duck and the nest. All the other ducks, and me geese and hens, seem tae have accepted him noo as one o` the clan. It`s still odd tae gaun oot o` a morning and see him there, running up for a feed wi` the rest o` them. But he rarely flies off frae us noo, the only thing that seems tae chase him awa` for a wee while til he deems it safe again, are strangers at the door.
So we look on him as `one o` oor ain` noo.....

This sunshine has been grand for working ootdoors. The full coohide is noo strung up on its frame and tomorrow will be put ootside tae dry at the steady rate it needs, in the Sanday air. If it rains a peedie while that doesnae matter, for rainwater is soft, unlike oor drinking water, and does the hide guid.
Sheepskins are also strung up and ootdoors, and the scent o` lanolin rich wool in warm sunlight is a nice thing.
I even hung me washing oot, and at night when it comes in and gets hung ower the stove tae air, the room will smell like summer wi` it all. Ye can keep all your fancy air fresheners, just gie me plain auld fresh air......

We hae a date set for the feast noo...July ninth. The venison is coming next week and I hae a few fine fat drakes marked for eating, some recipes hae been tried oot, proclaimed guid and set intae the menu for it all. The high tables, at medieval feasts, had rich fabric and tapestries hung ahind them. So I hae gotten hold o` some lovely heavy fabric, an antique gold wi` a deep bugundy pattern on it, o` dragons and foliage. It fair looks the part! It will be draped on the wall ahind the table and then taken ower the top like a canopy. And I hae horn beakers, pewter tankards and wooden platters all ready tae be used. Furs and skins for the seating are also set aside. And I hae a collection o` richly tapestried cushions. So at least folks will be comfortably seated!

And noo, I hae tae gaun mak` dinner then back oot tae work, tae tak advantage o` the bright sunshine and the bonny day it is. That bonniness was brought hame tae me this morning as I hung the washing oot...there in a bush ahind me a wren sang and so I stopped what I was doing and just stood and looked. There was the wee wren singing his heart oot in the bush, behind which was a field sae green it could hurt the een tae look at it, wi` the farmers fine fat kye enjoying the heat and ahind that, the glimmering line o` the sea which the sun set on fire.
Sunlight mak`s all the difference tae what this island looks like, and a guid dose o` it can fair set the island alight wi` colour and the sharp clarity o` a fresh summer day.
Having said a` that, want tae bet it`ll chuck it doon tomorrow? :-D
I hope everyone is having such a fine weekend.
Posted on Hermit Life at 12:17


Thanks for the news on the merganser front, Hermit. Any chance of a photo? He'll soon be eating out of your hand. The ways of birds and animals are very strange... Glad you had lovely weather at the weekend, we had heavy showers here.

Jill from EK

glad you've adopted anotherv"stray""nce to hear you've good weather-here its pelting doon garden flooded,and have thunder since 9am-good weather or your ducks!

carol from thundery france

For sure it was a fine weekend. Your feast sounds like its coming along nicely. Hope we will see the pics even if we don't get to taste the venison

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Ahhhhhhh...that just summed up the weekend purrrfectly....

Flying Cat from dozing in the sunshine while fpu digs&curses

Glad you had a sunny weekend, Hermit. It rained all weekend here and is damp and grey still. Still, it was a good excuse to stay inside and knit!

Ellie from Damp and cold

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