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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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A major part of any sleepless persons life is what to do in the night hours. Tv? Rubbish, for the most part, and though I have my favourite dvd`s...god, how many times have I watched The 13th Warrior now?....sometimes, neither movie nor book gives you what you need.
And you get to being a little restless, trapped in the silent dark hours when it seems as if you`re the only one alive who isn`t reclining in the arms of Morpheus.
But I`ve been like this, off and on, since my teen years, so am used to it and have developed admirable coping strategies. Wanna know what some of them are?
*grins widely*
I collect weapons. And I use some of them too..crossbows, archery bows...swords..throwing axes...
I`m lucky enough here to have the outdoor space to be able to practice with these and they are a source of enormous fun and exercise.
I can open up the hay barn doors and in there is a peedie lightbulb which shines upon the target I can set up in there, in front of the bales.
So from outside, I can shoot/fire anything, at any time of day or night.
Or, if it`s too cold or windy outside, I can just sit with some natural wax and polish the beechwood stocks of the crossbows or the laminated limbs of the recurve bows, or the leather clad limbs of the Hunic, my favourite bow.
Sitting by the softly ticking stove, with the scent of beeswax, silence or the song of the wind outside, the wood begins to gleam in the lamplight and you know, there is something quite timeless about all of those things brought together in the night hours, and it`s hugely satisfying.
Or if I am too restless even for that, I`ll go for a walk.
Round the corner of the hof, a curved stone wall bejewelled with moss and lichen, down the softly sloping track, past the pond where I stop and look, and listen, to see what`s out there upon the waters...usually, there are a couple of wild mallards, and the swans, and always somewhere around are the moorhens, the same ones that daily live in my garden alongside my own fat, tame domestic ducks, sharing the barley.
Past the pond and across the single track road at the bottom of the track, across the wee stone bridge and out onto the beach, where the Peedie Sea stretches across to Stronsay under the moonlight, waves gleaming then vanishing, then returning again, an eternal dance made beautiful and otherworldly under silver light.
You wonder, sometimes, how many other sleepless folks ever stood and just watched the sea at night. Watching seals pop up and peer over the water at you, then disappear again when you don`t provide suitable entertainment for them. Watching the occasional sea otter cross the road on the way from one stretch of water to another...
How many others, standing, wondering where the waters lead, thinking random thoughts of what the day ahead might bring and would you have the energy to deal with it?
Lack of sleep always catches up with you, but usually not til daytime, as if there is something about the daylight that saps the strength...a kind of perverse relation of the Curse of Macha perhaps....
but at that moment, on the shore, watching the rhythm of the ocean and the moon walk the skies above you, there`s no tiredness, and instead a kind of contentness happens and it`s peaceful and slowly steals away the restlessness from you.
It`s a soothing, bonny thing to do.
Then it`s time to turn back across the road, up the track, watching the house grow nearer, seeing the warm glow of lamplight in the window, seeing a small silver trail of smoke leave the lum, happy you have such a roof over your head in such a bonny, peaceful place.

The only other coping mechanisms I have for such nights are the books, or the movies....
So that`s what I do...them`s yer choices, as me dad would say....read, watch, polish or shoot..
or take the track to the shore and listen to the song of the waves and the wind, soft and keening, high overhead.
Posted on Hermit Life at 10:48


You make even sleeplessness sound poetic, Hermit. Lovely post. :-)

Ellie from in front of the 'puter

i'm not the only insomniac then - wish i was as upbeat about as you though!! :)

IL from harris

I鈥檓 another one who is always awake in the wee small hours. A stroll round the park with my dogs about 3 am, when no one else is around and the night is still - I feel strangely removed from the world. Wrapped in silence, I draw strength from this quiet time. Then it鈥檚 back to the house and strong black coffee while listening to the radio. There鈥檚 a sort of cosy feeling I鈥檝e come to enjoy from those few hours, alone with the dogs, before Mrs D, and the rest of the world stirs. Of course, I suffer for it later. The wee small hours, I feel alive, senses heightened but, as the day progresses I鈥檓 constantly fighting to stop nodding off! Always enjoy your posts Hermit Life. You have a wonderful way of painting pictures with words that I wish I could emulate. All the best from Brum

Duncan from Another early riser

please tell me how do i sleep? flight from auckland to singapore lasted 13hours --two hours stopover in singa-then singa ok its called changi to frankfort lasted 12hrs 30 then a quick rush just in time to get through security to get my flight from frankfort to marseille-- problrm i cannot sleep on a plane so this am--i am shattered only slept three hours last night so how do i recover?? feel so tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

carol from back hame

I left a very insightful comment here ( whatever that means) yesterday, still no sign, London bus Syndrome again? Oh wait, maybe we could start an Insomniacs Club/Group. Hi my name is Tws, and I am an insomniac. There, I feel better for that already zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tws from The Croft Lewis

IL, insomnia + small offsprigs = nil energy I imagine. At least those of a certain age (not that I am accusing Hermit of being of a certain age...*gulp*) and no longer thus encumbered (in the nicest poss way) can catch up as and when...

Flying Cat from catnap

Now HL, I'm not one for stirring things, but FC's comment about you being over the hill/passed yer sell by date, well that's fighting talk. Remember HL the cat is only a short ferry ride away, don't forget to take all yer bows and arrows with you. FC get yer pu to shift the car ( history has a nasty habit of repeating itself, a bit like cucumber) Oh and have a nice day out Hermit..

Tws from The Wooden Spoon

Another suggestion - our secretary doesn't sleep so she gets up and bakes. We're getting very fat at work because of it. Fruit cake yesterday!

alix from west midlands

I've lost count of the wee hours I've spent at a kitchen table (smoking, once upon a time) watching the skies lighten over the city, listening to the secret sounds of the night in a suburb. Insomnia....a curse..sometimes. i sleep a lot better now :)

GerCelt from Dublin, Ireland

Oh. Which car would you like me to shift Tws? (maybe I already commented here...but who can tell...)

Flying Cat from moving the old banger

Och tws, I`m no` offended at ony mention o` me age...a fine, ripened auld 46 I am and proud o` it! *grins* Let`s face it, when it comes tae gettin` aulder..whit`s the alternative...?

Hermit from Pondering Time

Someone here wants me to say "46 IS NOT OLD!!!" (I don't know why she's shouting...)

Flying Cat from a sardonic grin

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