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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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So, I have this cold/flu/virus thingy. And it sucks. Got a hacking cough, thumping headache, aches all over, runny nose (even though it`s not getting very far, har..ahem..sorry..a joke from childhood there..) and a throat that feels like it`s been sandpaperd.
And I gotta work. Yup. Got orders to fill, deadlines to meet..but all I wanna do is lie in bed or under a furry, fleecy blanket on the couch and watch junk tv til it narcotises my slightly fevered brain.
But I can`t, so have compromised..I work a peedie bit, then rest, then work another peedie bit, then rest.
Isn`t it funny how, when we feel poorly, we revert to childhood?
When I was wee, and had a cold or the flu, dad would give me a concoction of single malt whisky with blackcurrent juice and honey, all nice and warm.
Yes, I know social workers and other busybodies will throw up their hands in horror at the thought..but the whisky was never enough to get me drunk, and the whole thing was soothing and calmed a cough and was just enough to help me drift off into healing sleep.
Now though, I forego the whisky and just take ordinary painkillers and stoke the stove and snuggle on the sheepskin covered couch under a warm blanket with a stack of dvd`s to watch and a few good books on the table beside me.
Some channels are going through their retro phase...oldies like UFO and the Professionals, anyone remember that?
The Two Ronnies, always make me laugh but oh how I wish that someone would show the Morecambe and Wise show again, haven`t seen it for ages and I miss them. Or Tommy Cooper, who always made me giggle even if I barely understood him half the time.
Nowadays it`s all `alternative` comedians, and what the heck are they? Poking fun at the misfortune of others, or swearing lots and trying to pretend that is funny..well, it`s not.
The Fork Handles sketch from the Two Ronnies...THAT was funny..
Tommy`s `bottle/glass/glass/bottle`...THAT was funny...Eric and Ernies fabulous plays wot Ernie wrote..and the songs..remember Shirley Bassey walking down those stairs with one pit boot on? or Tom Jones trying not to crack up as Eric and Ernie joined in the song in the background?
I guess I won`t get away with naming comedy shows now, here, on the Beeb owned site..especially if they aren`t Beeb material..but it wouldn`t matter because I wouldn`t want to dignify them by discussion..they`re just not a patch on the old days of British comedy....
So anyways, when I`m under the weather, these are my `comfort blanket` ideas....
a snack or two to keep my strength up, usually some form of chocolate which is, of course, the ultimate medicinal food...
a bottle of Lucozade because that`s what mum used to give me, convinced by sixties and seventies ads that it really was a health drink...
something to read, watch or listen to that makes you feel good..so in my case a Stephen King book or some Hammer Horror or better still, Carry On movies...
a warm fire or room is also essential...
and taking the phone off the hook too.
Then just lean back, get comfy and shut the world out and giggle at Sid, Babs and the crowd or get that delicious shiver up your spine (to go with the fluey shivers) at IT.....

By dose is so bunged up by the way, I talk like dis now and it is so red with blowing it, I`m doing me best impression of Rudolph....

Aye, there are plenty worse off than me...but I`m not anyone else, just me. So I`ll relish the time out in spite of the symptoms and pretend my childhood isn`t umpteen years ahind me and remember how mam used to sing `There`s A Tiny House` to me whenever I felt poorly and was bedbound, and how dad used to hand me the concoction of an evening that helped me sleep, and relish the steady warmth of a good old fashioned hot water bottle at my feet.....
Viva Sid, Babs and co....and Carry On Screaming! ...

Posted on Hermit Life at 15:34


I've got a couple of morcambe & wise show videos. Them preparing the breakfast to the music of The Stripper is Comic genius, no words just actions and music. They'd never get away with sharing a bed together nowadays. Nice One HL...

Tws from Just Like That

Honey, lemon juice, cloves, heated for a few minutes over a low heat, and then sipped slowly. And make sure you have a warm puss to hand...

Flying Cat from medicinal compound

Get well soon Hermit Life, the virus is awful, we had it just after Christmas, and I was out for the count for at least two days. Lovely memories of the "good old days, the comedy and the "action" films. I used to be in love with John Thaw in the Sweeney when he played Inspector Reagan. Ah a sad loss to be sure. Keep warm and a speedy recovery

Squidgy the Otter from Isle of Coll


Ruthodanort from off work wi the cold

Is it me or do there seem to be some SERIOUS nasty bugs going around these past years?? I'm a poster-child for "Hypocondracs Are Us" these days. I hope you get better soon!!!!

Michelle Moooooo from Oan the Fairm

yup i know just how you feel hermit: ah a hot toddy-mind you i've never given that to my kids,hubby would never have allowed it,but in certain parts of france(brittany ie.) they used to give kids a certain alchol in their bottles or rub the babies gums with it when they were teething! I sadly have no videos or dvd's of great british comedy acts-so thinks to meself must find a job,save money and go to scotland,then have a shopping spree! get well soonxx

carol from over here

I am wondering what kind of single malt your father gave you, was it Glenmorangie or Brora? I think a wee dram is good for everyone, it certainly can cure a flu ( sometimes anyway) Hope you are feeling well soon, Hermit.

Dag from Norway

You're right about chocolate ... It's no wonder she chose it in Harry Potter as a remedy for Dementor attacks ... :-) But also, don;t discount ice-cream to cool your throat, and all manner of cold desserts (yoghurt, creme brulee, thingies in compartments with helpings of fruit, cheesecakes, and simple jellies), because they slip down really well, especially if you've lost a bit of your appetite ...

soaplady from a sympathetic cloud

Gosh soaplady that was inspirational like. 'Thingies in compartments with helpings of fruit', produced a sudden vision of Carmina Burana on a train...at least I think it was her...or was it Frida Kahlo...

Flying Cat from Arty-farty Fruit Corners

AH you brought back memories! My grandad used to make us a whiskey and orange juice cold cure - yes, whiskey. Cured everything and I still give the same to Salty when he's poorly :)

GerCelt from Dublin, Ireland

wasn't it carmen miranda, singing with bananas on her head ...! I'm an expert on being kind to yourself when you've got a cold ... it's *almost* worth having the cold itself ...! but only *almost* ...!

soaplady from showing her age

Thank-you soaplady...imagine mixing profane High Latin and South American Low Fruit...Tcha! as AnnieB would say if she was here. (A musical dictionary is a wondrous thing...)

Flying Cat from poet of bananas

Who is Carmen Miranda?

Tws from Fruit Market

Discounted premium ice-cream, soaplady? Where, o where, do you find such wonders?

mjc from NM,USA

Just your type Tws, fruity, well-balanced and volumptuous.

Flying Cat from info@EffCee

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