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16 October 2014

Fetlar School Blog

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We're Back

We have arrived back in Fetlar, safely!
A train!

More news later.
Posted on Fetlar School Blog at 12:05


Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Carol from IBHQ

I think you're going to have to send that choo-choo back unless your next project is building a railway on Fetlar...

Flying Cat from holiday mementos are getting bigger...

hurry up with the news from your trip! how many of you did your teacher manage to lose?

carol from where thers's no trains(or anykind of public trans

Trip? What trip?? Who, why, where, when? Wheretofore? Wither??? Wotnot? Fetlar friends, you continue to confuse and conundrumrate obfuscatory old codgers across the waters! Be so good as to explain in your next blog. And whither the palm-tree??? For the time being, what-ho!

Barney from Swithiod behind again

Well, regale us!! (Good you made it home safely!).

mjc from NM,USA

That's an interesting question...how many of three CAN a teacher loose??

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

If ftelar teacher is anything like certain primary teachers i know over here--the answer is easy----3! and i'm not joking!

carol from scared of the thunderstorm

FC and Carol, I suggest that you are both being a bit simplistic. Suppose that Fetlaar teachers borrows 3 "Green Men" (of indeterminate genus) from Flotta school. Flotta school GM take with them pals from Stromness. One of the Stromness pupils has a a tame cat with her. So there may be more to the question than you see at first sight. Reminds me of the old riddle: "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wives, Each wife had 7 sacks and in each sack were 7 cats". How many living creatures were going to St. Ives?

Barney from Swithiod not so straightforward

Whatever happened to my comment? # I think the three musketeers decided to join the gang in Flotta.

mjc from NM,USA


carol from looking for a calculator

Oh, Carol, you are so sweet! ONE!!! "As I was going to St. Ives" ... the rest is just hogwash to fool you. And it did. Big hug from Barney.

Barney from Swithiod Carol is a sweetie

Would Fetlar school please inform the rest of the botanical world on the progress of theri .. .em, "tree"? With photographic evidence (no "snaps", please).

Barney from Swithiod botanically interested

three hundred and forty-four?

Flying Cat from my brain hurts

ONE, pretty obviously, Barney from Coconut Grove. The others were on their way to Swithiod.

mjc from NM,USA

Dear,dear,barney,if you knew me there is NO WAY you would call me sweet,so think up a better adjective in the future,thank you!

carol from sugar and spice

Oh I don't know...

Flying Cat from fulsome feline flattery

Dear, dear, dear Caol, if you knew me maybe you would be sweet?? Mjc, you have improved considerably on logic since vocational school days, I'm so pleased. "Caol" was a misprint but I think it sounds rather grand, tangy and slightly smokey ... why not try it on for a few days, dearie?

Barney from Swithiod fresher than ever

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