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16 October 2014


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A guided Tour. Please Do Not Touch Anything.

Right I think that I've got this picture posting thing sorted, but it may be rubbish, I dunno, I haven't looked yet. The new camera has loads of Fairies in it, to make the pictures better, no it's not fairies, word association- fairies- Pixies, yes that's it, my camera has loads o' pixies in it. It is a fool proof camera ( I'm reserving judgement on that though, but I'm not a judge, I'm just me, and possibly always will be me, you never know though??) I may have to re-size the pictures, so I'll give it a bash ( not physically, but the other way, whatever that way is??) I'll put the picture in, then give a brief comment to let you know what you're viewing, some of the pictures may need no explanation, but others will. Here goes, hold it, I called my pictures virginity, as this is the 1st time that I've done everything from start to finnish all be myself ( it's gonna be rubbish, I just know it is, oh why did I start this?) Right let's get started-. Well I'll have to go and get them re-sized, so you can do whatyou want until I come back..

That's me in the mirror, just trying it out like, I've still to do all the rest so, maybe after lunch, I'll be back, but I'll save this, so that I don't lose it ( again) ..
Right back again, next picture-
leave me alone

That's Getoffthe on Little Herself's bed.
Bike to Knowhere

You have now entered a place that only a few people have entered before you, that is my Bike To Knowhere, a lot of pain, torture and thinking goes on there. Let's move on, keep to the designated areas please.

This is also a place of pain and thinking, I'd like to point out that there are no floaters here, No Touching please, and don't drink the water, unless you're a dog.
Reading material.

I spend a lot of my time in this room, so reading a newspaper does pass away the time, move on....
shower seat

This is the seat that I sit on when in the shower, not all the time, I like to stand and shower when I can, but there are times when it's not possible. I'd like to point out the fact that there are NO skid marks on the shower seat. Moving on.
Wash yer hands

If you'd like to wash your hands, there is soap, and if you turn the nozzle on the tap, water comes out, it will get hot, so be careful. Next.

Now you can dry your hands, but leave things as you find them, unless things were in a mess ( which is a very rare occurrence in this house) then tidy them up.
Dental Health

As you can see Dental Health is being looked after in this house. It's too late for me alas, my teeth are all gonna fall out, I've lost 5 in the past 2 years. Let's move on.

That's the shampoo and stuff, just a little note for you, if you pick up a bottle, and you can only see the letters tioner, that's not the shampoo, I've been there.
Well that's it for today's tour, maybe we'll go downstairs tomorrow, but I'll see if I can leave you with something
My Darling Daughter

That's it, Little Herself in the flesh, I tried one of me but the guitar kept slipping down too much and wasn't covering everything that it should be covering. I think I'll take a trip to Brazil???? Cheery........
Posted on Thewhitesettler at 12:01


Well, Tws, I am gobsmacked. Such talent! Such ... interesting subject matter. I see from your bathroom windowsill that you are a neat freak, see how carefully spaced all those items are. The pixies seemed to be working OK in all but the first pic, perhaps they were nervous? Getoffthe has the right idea! She's gorgeous. You could use her instead of the guitar for hiding behind, she'd be softer and warmer, too.

Jill from EK

That could well be illegal Jill from EEeekk. I'm astonished that you'd even mention it, tut, tut. There are more to come, but I have to get rid of all the other stuff first, and re-size them. This tourism game, is hard work at times, and what thanks do you get? Yes, exactly,

Tws from Solicitors

What an exceptionally fascinating insight into your life, tws. And Jill is correct, the pixies are working well, congratulations! BTW, if you're not keen on the 'hiding behind the guitar' pic, then a normal pic o yourself would do. (I'm sure the dog would be eternally grateful.)

Ruthodanort from Unst

We are all very grateful for this opportunity of a free guided tour of Tws Towers. I'm sure your charges for real visitors would be beyond my pocket. Do you serve refreshments? Is there a tea room? No Hobnobs for me please, I would prefer home-made shortbread.

Jill from EK

Normal pic o yourself...that's an interesting concept Ruth... Getoffthe seems to have her own toothbrush, unless there's a Lodger. And I don't mean the bit of loo paper peeping round the bend... I hope Little Herself said "Oh Da-a-a-a-ad!" Don't you have a guitar strap? If the Peat Boys can do it with string surely a man of your resources can rustle up a little something...

Flying Cat from stalking pixies

well done --you are getting the hang of it----i'm not

your weather girl from freezing france

Why Brazil, the sphinx would be a better option, shows off your artifacts better

Barebraes (from I bet that gets censored) from Shapinsay

Lovely little herself, well done on the photo tour.

Ac from Coll

Aw...I love Getoffthe....*likes collies* and don`t you dare use her for hidey guitar strap thingy! Eek...poor hound... interesting reading matter...I got Garfield cartoons in my bathroom...*blushes*....

Hermit from Sanday

that's nothing to blush about Hermit, I have to admit to the same thing, only trouble is male staff tends to like his bath seriously hot, so the damp atmosphere isn't really that good for books, so there is now a handy bookcase in the hallway!

jas from under mia's paw

I like it..... its like a virtual tour, you could always become an estate agent? thank godness for digital cameras....it would cost a small fortune in prints.

Fred from Point

I'll bring it with me on Tuesday Fred ( the camera)

Tws from Point The Way

We used to have Peanuts in ours, but they got awful dog-eared and went in the bin.

Flying Cat from snooping around

LOL Some of that was so disgusting, but, it really appealed to my toilet humour. *groan*

Wee Girl from Hills

I once got, as a Xmas pressie, a loo roll with Angus Og cartoons on it. It was great, you read the cartoons, whilst doing your business ( who says men can't multi-task, I was breathing as well) then once you're ready, use it, and flush.

Tws from Reading Material In Loo

What, all at once?!!!

Flying Cat from shock&awe

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