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16 October 2014

A Northern Journal

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Bah Humbug!

Driving into town the other night, I saw a property with Christmas lights on and shops in town have their displays up. In fact, I saw Christmas stuff in shops back in the beginning of October. Come on guys! Don't you realise it is only the middle of November.Orkney is catching up with the rest of the country in that this 'festival' is coming earlier every year. Am I being a horrible miser or what?

Now, I like Christmas but over the years have become disheartened at the increasing and blatant commercialisation of a Christian festival. Now, I am not religious by any means of the word but I believe that it is a spiritual time of the year which should be respected. I like the time of year for reflection and looking forward, for thinking of friends and family (both here and not with us) and I like lighting a candle (usually several) in the dark nights to herald the coming of lighter days.

I try not to think about gift buying until Decmeber but having it shoved in my face every time I go shopping now really irks me and the uncalled for panic sets in when I start thinking I MUST do my Xmas shopping or it will never be done on time. But, it is not that 'I must'... but society saying 'you must'! Huh! Well of course, I mustn't and won't get dragged onto the bandwagon this early on. December 25th comes around quick enough, so whilst the shops and many other people are gearing up, I hope to remain unattached to the run-up until it is absolutely necessary.

When the time comes will enjoy (in that quiet sort of panicky way that can only come with Christmas shopping) browsing the lovely shops in Stromness, and maybe will pay a visit to those in Kirkwall, and I'll look forward to putting the sleigh bells and tinsel on my long suffering Highland Pony and delivering the Christmas cards to neighbours on horseback. Now that personal touch is what Christmas is all about!

Posted on A Northern Journal at 09:48


I think it was nice when christmas was just a few days, as it was in my childhood ... but now the whole christmas 'experience' has grown to months ...!! I resist putting up Xmas decos in my shop, because I find it distorts my mind, and by Dec, I've 'had enough' of Xmas, and that's not a good way to be ... However, let me just say that I had customers in the shop as early as June who told me they were 'doing their shopping for christmas', and people have been mentioning it to me regularly since end September ...

soaplady from in total agreement ...!!

...particularly Elaine's Christmas Shop...like Brigadoon it only appears for a while, then disappears again.

Flying Cat from strolling up Porteous Brae

Sad to hear this horrible phenomena seems to have spread everywhere. Hallmark starts putting out ornaments in July now and I noticed that several stores had one isle of Halloween items and right next door an isle of Christmas items. It's incredibly depressing. When is the normal time to begin putting up Christmas ornaments in Scotland? In the states it use to be AFTER Thanksgiving, we would start putting up all the outside decorations that weekend, as it was usually the last weekend before the snow started showing up. Then if you were putting up a real tree it would go up a week before Christmas.

ALZ from USA

Yes it is happening here too. The advertisements in the newspaper started in early October. They said it was because the shops were expecting a really bad season, so they wanted to start early. It seems to me that even in good times they are starting earlier and earlier. And not just Christmas. Have you noticed that if you want to buy some winter clothes, you had better start looking before winter, because during the winter all they have is spring clothes.

CVBruce from CA, USA

I refuse to put any decorations up in my place of work until 1 and a half to 2 weeks before the end of term (2nd week into December). At home, I put them up no more than 2 - 3 days before Xmas.

Library-Lass from Orkney

I fully agree with you, NJ. By 25th Dec. I'm usually sick to the teeth of commercial Christmas claptrap.

Trout magnet from looking far ahead to Christmas

I'm in full agreemetn with all the above but it is good to have a reminder that if any of my nearest and dearest are going to have the pleasure of Hebridean soaps then it is time to put pen to paper. This is not an advertisement.

Barney from Swithiod planning ahead

Its traditional to put the tree and decorations up on Christmas Eve and take them down on Twelvth Night, so that's what we do. Heathens as we are, its nice to have a structure to adhere to, thus avoiding premature decoration...

Flying Cat from make mine a pine

I too adhere to the old edict ... decorations up on Christmas Eve, down on 12th night. Frankly I consider shops decorated up months ahead to be shops to avoid! "There is a SEASON for everything under the sun".

Plaid from Christmas in summer

It always amazes me how pagan traditions taken over by religions are allowed to carry on and be shoved in our faces for as long as the government make money from them and yet other non-profitable pagan festivals such as May day would be completely got rid of if they had their way. Thankfully here the Christmas bug seems quite restrained, with some people still refusing to celebrate a pagan festival which has nothing to do with their beliefs.

tanith from lewis

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