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16 October 2014


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Election from the Islands

It would be interesting to hear your views of how living on an island affects your experience of a General Election?

Is it a good thing that you're not door-stopped by canvassers, or do you feel more distanced from it all?

Given our ongoing wind farm debate it's interesting to see that Scottish voters want the problem of electricity supply tackled through more wind farms and not new nuclear power, according to an opinion poll published today (11 April 2005). According to the 麻豆官网首页入口 poll: 73% of Scots support building more wind farms and only 17% the option of nuclear power,

Here's the link to the 麻豆官网首页入口's own coverage of , currently held by the Lib Dems, though I guess that the boundary changes could make quite a difference.

Your views and blogs are welcome over the next few weeks, though we'd appreciate discussion of the topics rather than campaigning for one party or other.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 09:19


Well I reckon the only difference is we get ignored more than usual as the politicians chase the urban masses.

One thing that has struck me is how much the media (that's you lot Blog Blog!) are selling us a puppy. Half of the broadcasts seem to be about issues and policies that don't apply in Scotland.

Here's the split between Holyrood and Westminster:

Holyrood covers >>>

Criminal justice
Economic development
Local government

Wesminster covers>>>

Employment legislation
Foreign policy
UK economy

...yet half of them keep banging on about health and education, which London has no control over, so I'm confused as well as disappointed and cynical.

Davey from Mull

I'd give my vote to any political party that puts up signs saying "If you've four or more cars behind you, pull over and let them pass" signs on the A82/84/85 roads after Stirling.

I'd also give my vote to the party who'll help sort out our ferry/fuel crisis.

I won't be giving my vote though to any party that phones to ask who I'll be voting for...

Jane from at the desk

I'm personally rather flabbergasted that no-one seemes to be saying anything about the housing crisis on the Islands. The choice seems to be here on Mull that you either come onto the Island and buy up a nice house with your huge profit from a property sale down South, or you put yourself on the council list and hope you don't get offerd anywhere too grusome.I am appauled at the numbers of properties in my area that are either lying empty and abandoned,owned by people only here part the year, or given over as holiday homes. Meanwhile the rest of us that are scraping by on either seasonal work and benefits, or badly paid all-year-round work. Because I and my partner haven't got children, we end up having no tax benefits, no allowences and no points to get on in the council list. .....and don't even get me started on the hefty ferry fares that isolate us on the Island because we can't afford to take our car off Mull!
All the parties seem to be concentrating on the elderly and fammilies, leaving people like me in a finacial no-man's land.

witchinthewoods from Mull

Now now Witchy you know that that would be interfering with the free market and that is one thing that is NOT ALLOWED!!! Even if the free market destroys communities and creates chaos.

Kapital is King!

You must not allow any planning you pinko-leftie!!!

Long live Tony! Labour is Great! The war was brilliant!

Dave from Utopia of Mull

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