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16 October 2014


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Island Blogging
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Bibles buried in sacred ceremony

Nearly 500 bibles have been buried in a religious ceremony at a graveyard on the isle of Lewis.

The idea for the respectful disposal of the bibles, mostly in Gaelic, came from the Ness Charity shop which had become overwhelmed by the number handed in.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 16:01


Island blogging is not what it used to be! Are people all on holiday or is IBHQ off to warmer climes for a bit of r&r? If so, why is the beeb not covering vacancy? Or is it, as I suspect, technical gremlins????? WE NEED OUR COMMENTS UPDATED REGULARLY AND OUR BLOGS POSTED ASAP!!!!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Did you bury the website at the same time? This is the sort of local information I am looking for.

calumannabel from Headstone House Habost

and can we PLEASE get that damned picture of salmonberry off the North Isles home page???!!!!! Musto' been there aboot a year noo.

Ruthodanort from Unst

I'm with ruthodanort on the complaints front. Why should this blogsite be up for awards when the users are fulminating at the 'poor relation' status we are obviously being accorded?

Flying Cat from Irate inder a withered iris

Naturally concerned bloggers have started to think our dear aunt Beeb may have lost the plot slightly. There was a weeks worth of milk bottles outside the basement office and no answer when you shout through the letterbox. Should we break the door down or is this just a case of Aunt forgetting to say she was going away for a week? It would be helpful to keep us informed.

pondhead from Mull

This blog is now closed and we are no longer accepting new posts.

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