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16 October 2014


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Blogging at election time

Just a reminder that as there鈥檚 an election pending we can鈥檛 publish any posts or comments which might seem to favour one particular party, or which could be deemed to be encouraging or discouraging voters towards a party/candidate.

Of course, come the 4th of May, you can let us all know your thoughts on the results! ;-)

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 14:27


so in scotland its voting time as well,our first round starts on sunday and the second and final round a week later.have fun

carol from gettingreadyfortanewrevalution

Hats off for this sound advice Anne. Common sense prevails again. It would be very unwise to advertise parties on Islandblogging. Look what happened to that lassie's house in England when she publicised a wee get together at her parents' house on Myspace. It was gutted and so was she.

Annie B from the usual

Does that mean no more NWSP on IB? You can be very cruel at times Anne, this was my only outlet for the party. Oh well never mind it's all " stuff and nonsense " anyhow, isn't it?

Tws from NWSPHQ

Gutted -so was the house Annie B

calum from demolition house derby

May I vote? If not, why on earth not? # I hear there'll be lots of visitors to Orkney next month: north americans who are all trying to trace their roots to the lair? and who will gullibly keep their receipts in the vain hope of having their VAT refunded ... Hope you all survive. # In passing, if you meet someone you don't like and the person is American, don't blame it on American culture. If someone can't abide my presence, I don't automatically put it on cultural differences, idiosyncracies which rub the wrong way.

mjc from NM,USA

It's OK Anne. I promise I don't favour any party at all, unless there is real ale present.

Nic from Coll

Does this extend to Carol and the french elections?

calum from lewis

Come on mjc, be more assertive! If somebody can't abide your presence it is because they are culturally prejudiced; if you can't abide them it is because they are the pits. PS my grandmother was American, my dad lived in the USA during the war and never went back.

Nic from Coll

calum and others please note i have not said on word concerning politics,have been taking heed of auntie anne of the ibhq

carol from with sore ankle,after crash

I think mentioning the French election might be ok! ;-)

Anne from IBHQ

to be honest,their is nothing raelly worth mentioning,hopefully sego will get in and sarko kicked out-he's even more far right than jean-marie le pen ( i see a for sale sign ready to go outside a house in my village)

carol from with sore ankle,after crash

Thanks for the wise advice/talking points, Nic. # As to your grandma and pa: which State were they from (funny how Americans like to "pin" other Americans or incomers: the regions have their own identity)? About your dad: he retuned to the UK but never went back to the States? Have you ever been over. Worth a visit, if I may say so myself. The natives are generally friendly, particularly in the hinterland.

mjc from NM,USA

watching the news about the french elections - can some one please explain to me why ex-pats (who presumably have wiped their feet of their home soil, never to return) are still allowed to vote?

mia from pondering at the pc

The French Election....

Tws from On the stump

mia is i wanted to register i could still votein british elections as i a still a britsh subject a lot of french people are abroad because of work-france a helluva lot of territorys overseas

carol from with sore ankle,after crash

To mjc - Dad lived in Minnesota and he never got used to standing for the Stars and Stripes, but he was born and grew up in Geneva and French was his first language. His G.G.G.Grandfather (not sure how many greats) was a California Gold miner who struck it rich enough to become a senator. His mother lied about her age and headed for Europe when she was 18ish. It was only when she died we discovered her birthday was in July and not February, when we had always celebrated it. My husband's Dad came from Texas, he went there when he was 16 and shot a rattlesnake. My uncle also married an American (New York). The British bit of my family seem to like ex-Americans. I haven't visited yet, but the 'Cowboy phase' lasted a long time in my childhood.

Nic from Coll

They presumably haven't been so daft as to give up their precious subjectship of good ole Blighty....and to think they could all be genuine citoyens of a genuine republic....

Flying Cat from trying to believe one impossible thing.....

Being a cowboy is fine, until you meet an Apache or Comanche on the war path wanting a toupee. # Thank your lucky stars Nic you don't have to walk funny after too many hours on the saddle. # Good to hear some folks like Americans. I kind of like them myself (eh?!).

mjc from NM,USA

I don't dislike Americans and I don't really blame them for their Pres. or govt......but I do like a bit of harmless fun....and it's hard to miss such a large target!

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

Look, whoever is in charge of putting the "featured blog" on Ib, are you trying to wind me up? On that blog, by the moo moo lady, there was a selection of Photographs to choose from, so why that one? Are you trying to scare the little kiddies away? Are you trying to scare the big kiddies( That'll be me then ) ? Well you've done it, the cows are really creepy, spooky, send a chill down my spine. I am now officially in the HUFF.

Thewhitesettler from A Worried Place

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