Caithream Ciùil
Tha Caithream Ciuil air chuairt agus sinn gu bhidh a cèilidh air Pacific Quay ann an Glaschu. Tha ceud mìle fà ilte oirbh a bhidh na’r cuideachd agus feasgar de cheòl, chraic agus còmradh gu bhidh againn air Diluain an 27mh là de’n Fhaoilleach 2025. Tha sinn an dùil ri ceoladairean tha gu bhidh nochdadh aig Fèis Celtic Connections agus aoighean sònraichte cuideachd. ‘S i Seonag Monk a bhios na tè an taighe, ‘s mar sinn deagh comharradh son deagh chèilidh.
Caithream Ciuil is on the road! We will be hosting a show at Pacific Quay in Glasgow on the 27th of January 2025. We would like to invite you to this afternoon of music and conversation from some of the best artists from the Celtic Connections line up and with our very own Seonag Monk at the helm, and with a few guests thrown in it’s sure to be a cracking afternoon.
Guests include Rachel WalkerÌýand Aaron Jones, one of Scotland’s finest Gaelic singers with one of our foremost folksingers and accompanists, plus American folk singer and musician now based in Glasgow, Cahalen Morrison.
We've been able to release some additional tickets for this recording which will now be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.