Admiral Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy during the 20th century.
Radio 4 Extra,路18 episodes
New Century, New Enemy: Week 1 Omnibus
Admiral Lord West begins his history of the Royal Navy in the 20th century.
06 Jun 2014,路58 mins
World War to Cold War
Admiral Lord West continues his history of the Royal Navy in the 20th century.
13 Jun 2014,路58 mins
New Britain, New Navy
Lord West concludes his history by examining the period since the end of Empire.
20 Jun 2014,路58 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy since the end of the Cold War.
20 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy in the Falklands War.
19 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of Britain and the Royal Navy in the late Cold War.
18 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy's nuclear submarines, and their wider impact.
17 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy's role in Britain's withdrawal from empire.
16 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West describes how the Royal Navy fought a series of conflicts in the early Cold War.
13 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West explains how the Royal Navy adjusted after the Second World War.
12 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy in the Pacific during the Second World War.
11 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West travels to Malta to tell the story of the Second World War in the Mediterranean.
10 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West tells the story of the Battle of the Atlantic in the Second World War.
09 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West explores the Royal Navy's three very different battles between the wars.
06 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West looks at how the Royal Navy won the First World War.
05 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West looks at the Royal Navy's role at the start of the First World War.
04 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Lord West looks at how a revolution in naval technology transformed ideas of warfare.
03 Jun 2014,路15 mins
Admiral Lord West begins his history of the Royal Navy during the tumultous 20th century.
02 Jun 2014,路15 mins