Wing It, the improvised game show with no script, no prep, and no clue.
Radio 4,路5 episodes
1. The Cow Who Flew Through the Moon
Cariad Lloyd and Steen Raskopoulos improvise for Alasdair Beckett-King in Wing It.
07 Dec 2024,路28 mins
2. The Nightmare Commuter Train
Rachel Parris and Kemah Bob improvise for Alasdair Beckett-King in Wing It.
14 Dec 2024,路28 mins
3. I Wasn't Supposed to Do That
Amy Cooke-Hodgson and Luke Manning improvise for Alasdair Beckett-King in Wing It.
21 Dec 2024,路28 mins
4. The Cage of Curiosities
Amy Hoggart and Thomas Mayo improvise for Alasdair Beckett-King in Wing It.
28 Dec 2024,路28 mins
Mike Wozniak plays host to a panel of improv all stars in this new spontaneous game show.
28 Jan 2024,路28 mins