What do the world's journalists and commentators think about Britain?
World Service,路15 episodes
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's reservations at the prospect of German reunification
06 Feb 1990,路13 mins
What do the world's journalists think of Chancellor John Major's budget?
20 Mar 1990,路13 mins
Do the British deserve their reputation in Europe as the "dirty man of Europe"?
27 Mar 1990,路13 mins
What do two world journalists think of Britain's new national curriculum?
05 Mar 1991,路13 mins
Foreign commentary on British handling of the Troubles in Northern Ireland
11 Mar 1991,路13 mins
The overseas press reaction to the takeover of Harrods by the Al-Fayed brothers
13 Mar 1993,路13 mins
What direction is Prime Minister John Major's back-to-basics campaign taking Britain?
09 Nov 1993,路13 mins
International press coverage of the murder of toddler James Bulger by two 11-year-old boys
26 Nov 1993,路13 mins
Can Britain be said to be leading the European Union out of recession?
03 Dec 1993,路13 mins
Have the recent resignations of British MPs for misconduct damaged Britain's image abroad?
12 Jun 1995,路13 mins
How political correctness led to the sexual abuse of children in local government care
19 Jun 1995,路13 mins
John Major's pivotal role in efforts to end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland
26 Jun 1995,路13 mins
The suing by McDonald's of two environmentalists over pamphlets criticising the company
03 Jul 1995,路13 mins
The choice facing British voters; Prime Minister John Major or Labour leader Tony Blair
10 Jul 1995,路13 mins
With a declining congregation and aging clergy, can the Anglican church balance the books
17 Jul 1995,路13 mins