The things people collect and the people who collect them
World Service,路8 episodes
Ian Maggs and his platform signs, station clocks, armorial crests, and much more besides
18 Nov 1993,路13 mins
Mary Cadogan and her comics including The Jolly Adventures of Bruin Boys
26 Nov 1993,路13 mins
Robert Opey has amassed so much packaging he's opened his own museum
29 Nov 1993,路13 mins
Judith Grant and her collection of articles and objects related to the slave trade
06 Dec 1993,路13 mins
Elizabeth Greig's aviation ephemera includes timetables, ticket stubs, and luggage labels
Selwyn Goodacre and his collection of Lewis Carroll's books of Alice in Wonderland
22 Dec 1993,路13 mins
Honor Godfrey and her collection of paper bags. And they're not all plain!
10 Jan 1994,路13 mins
Composer and writer Tony Miall and his collection of over sixty thousand songs
09 Feb 1994,路13 mins