From starting a novel to finding an agent, advice for aspiring writers
World Service,路8 episodes
Is writing a calling rather than a profession?
30 Mar 1994,路12 mins
Rose Tremain, Ruth Rendell, and Paul Bailey discuss what makes an idea worthy of a novel
31 Mar 1994,路13 mins
Beryl Bainbridge, Malcolm Bradbury and Claire Boylan on giving characters a background
08 Apr 1994,路13 mins
How to decide where to set your book - what landscape, milieu, place or time?
What is meant by "voice" in fiction? And how can a writer develop their own?
14 Apr 1994,路13 mins
How to write something - dialogue - that you don't want to sound written at all
22 Apr 1994,路13 mins
What to do when endings don't suggest themselves, and who to get to read the first draft
09 May 1994,路13 mins
What the literary agent, the publisher, and the book seller, do and want
13 May 1994,路12 mins