When a person is being persecuted in their own country can another protect them?
World Service,路10 episodes
A look at the Geneva Convention for Refugees
01 Oct 2001,路13 mins
Examining how Africa developed its own convention for refugees
02 Oct 2001,路13 mins
Australia and the United States are both built on migration
19 Oct 2001,路13 mins
There are around 8 million Romani people scattered across central and Eastern Europe
23 Oct 2001,路13 mins
Many Western European states claim the asylum system is being abused
A system where people are deemed at risk in the country where they originally found asylum
Investigating problems faced by child refugees
31 Oct 2001,路13 mins
Women are just as likely to flee and seek refuge from persecution
War isn't the only reason people migrate
12 Nov 2001,路13 mins
Palestinian refugees are refugee group like no other
21 Nov 2001,路13 mins