The Déjà Vu
Why do we get déjà vu? Read more
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Series 10
Why do we get déjà vu?
The Lucky Number
How do I win the lottery?
The Dawn Chorus
Why do birds sing? And why are some songs so complex?
Series 11
The Alien Enterprise Part 1
How do we look for alien life, and what are we expecting to find?
The Alien Enterprise Part 2
Are intelligent aliens out there?
The Running Joke
How fast can a human run?
The Random Request
Is anything really random?
A World of Pain
Why do we all have different pain thresholds?
Series 12
The Viking Code
How do ancestry DNA tests work?
The Stressful Scone
Why do we have regional accents?
Two Infinities and Beyond - part 1
Does infinity exist? And why are some infinities bigger than others?
Two Infinities and Beyond - part 2
Is anything in the Universe infinite? Science sleuths Drs Rutherford and Fry investigate.
The Good Bad Food
Why does bad food taste so good? Science sleuths Drs Rutherford and Fry investigate.
The Horrible Hangover
Why do we get hangovers and are some drinks worse than others?
Series 13
The Mesmerist
Is hypnotism real? Drs Rutherford and Fry find out by visiting a hypnotist
The Periodic Problem
How do you discover a new chemical element?
An Instrumental Case
Why do instruments sound different?
The Lunar Land Pt 1
Where did the Moon come from?
The Lunar Land Pt2
What would life be like if we had two moons?
Jurassic Squawk
What sound did dinosaurs make?
Series 14
A Frytful Scare Part 1
Why do we enjoy horror? Rutherford and Fry explore the thrill of fear
A Frytful Scare Part 2
Rutherford and Fry board a rollercoaster to investigate why we enjoy being scared
Stephen Fry's Identity Crisis
Stephen Fry asks the duo to investigate why he struggles to remember faces.
The Heart of the Antimatter
How do you make antimatter? Science sleuths Drs Rutherford and Fry investigate.
The Trouble Sum Weather
Why is it so difficult to predict the weather?
The End of the World
What would become the dominant species if, or when, humans go extinct?
Series 15
The Golden Secret
How do you make gold?
The Power of Love
How does love affect our brain?
The ASMRnswer
What is ASMR and why does it only affect some people?
A Cold Case Part 1
Why do we get more colds in winter?
A Cold Case Part 2
From cold feet to cold water swimming, Rutherford and Fry answer your chilling questions