Produced by Tim Hinman Read more
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Between the Ears at 20
Consequences (Pt2 The Man)
Produced by Tim Hinman
Sonic Art Boom - The Art of Noise
Composer Dan Jones celebrates sound art.
The Woman
Natalie Kestecher describes a documentary fantasy about her unrealistic romantic demands.
The Man
Tim Hinman narrates a monologue about a man who wants to shut out noise pollution.
She Said/He Said
Bob Carlson's dialogue between a couple about a third person who stumbled into their lives
And the Consequence Was...
Steve Urquhart presents three interwoven stories about marks left on the body.
Theme and Variations: What We Value
Considering what we value: wealth, health, liberty and happiness.
Slow Movement: Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel
A man struggles to meditate as he realises he is sitting next to actor Harvey Keitel.
Third Movement: Romantic Scherzo
An exploration of romantic expectations, illusions and delusions.
Final Movement: Art Values
Life model Sue Tilley features in an exploration of the value of art.