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Ray Of Hope

Burial gown

Gown for Baby Born Asleep (HKP)

Submitted by Doris Lord
This little gown is open backed, making it easier for staff to dress baby. The finished gown weighs 40 - 45 grms ( 11/4--11/2oz). The chest measures 10" (25cms) and the total length is 121/2 " (31cms).

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Using 4ply yarn (UK) Sport weight (USA) and No 9 (3.75mm) No 5 (USA)

White or Pale Cream is nice, if you do use a colour, please make it pastel. You can vary the skirt pattern, but please do NOT use an open lace pattern, unless you are prepared to line the skirt. If you wash the finished garment steam it, and pat it flat, but do not let the iron touch the garment.

If you wish to make a larger garment use DK wool and no 8 (4mm) No 6 (USA) needles

Cast on 94 stitches, and knit 7 rows in Garter Stitch(every row Knit)

Change to pattern:

1st row Knit 4* Purl 2, Knit 2, to last 4 stitches Knit 42nd row Knit 4* Knit 2, Purl 2, to last 4 stitches Knit43rd row Repeat 2nd Row4th row Repeat 1st row

These four rows form the pattern. Continue in pattern until work measures 8" (20cms) or 10"(25cm) whichever you prefer

Next Row: Knit 4, Decrease 22stitches ( by knitting 2 together) until 4 stitches remain Knit 4. There should be 72 stitches left on needle. Next Row: Knit 4, Purl to the last 4 stitches Knit 4Next Row: Make eyelets as follows. Knit 4* Knit 1 yarn forward Knit 2 together, repeat from * to the last 4 stitches . Knit 4.Next Row: Knit 4 Purl to the last 4 stitches Knit 4. ( 72 stitches on needle)

Divide for the bodice

Next Row: Knit 16 stitches, Cast off 6 stitches Knit 28 ( including stitch on needle).. Cast off 6 stitches, Knit 16 remaining stitches. .

Working on first section only:

Next Row: Knit 4, Purl to endNext Row: Knit 1, Slip1,Knit1, Pass Slip stitch over, Knit to end of row. Repeat these two rows until 8 stitches remain, slip these stitches on to a stitch holder. With wrong side of the work facing re join the yarn .Purl 28 stitches and turn work.Next Row: Knit 1, Slip 1, Knit 1. Pass slip stitch over Knit to last 3 stitches Knit 2 together, Knit 1Next Row: Purl

Repeat these last two rows until 12 stitches remain. Slip these stitches on to a stitch holder.

With wrong side of the work facing re join yarn to the remaining 16 stitches

Next Row: Purl to the last 4 stitches , knit 4Next Row: Knit to the last 3 stitches, knit 2 together ,knit 1Next Row: Purl to the last 4 stitches , knit 4

Repeat the last two rows until 8 stitches remain. Slip these stitches on to a stitch holder


Make Two

Cast on 28 stitches and knit 5 rows Garter Stitch (every row Knit)

Change to Stocking Stitch (knit 1 row Purl 1 row), and work straight, until work measures 21/2 " (6.5cm)

Shape Raglan:

1st row: Cast off two stitches at the beginning of the row - 26sts2nd row: Repeat 1st row - 24sts3rd row: Knit 1, Slip 1, Knit 1.Pass slip stitch over. Knit to the last 3 stitches Knit 2 together Knit 14th row: Purl

Repeat the last two rows until 8 stitches remain

Slip these stitches onto a stitch holder


With right side facing Knit 8 stitches from first section. Knit 8 stitches from first sleeve top, Knit 12 stitches from centre section, knit 8 stitches from second sleeve top, then remaining 8 stitches from last section - 44 stitches

Next Row: KnitNext Row: Knit 4* Wind Yarn round needle, Knit 2 together repeat from * to the last 4 stitches Knit 4 (this forms another eyelet row)

Knit 2 more rows in Garter stitch (every row Knit)

Cast Off.

Thread narrow baby ribbon through holes at waist and neck. Tie at the back of the gown. If you wish you could put a rosebud etc. on the bodice.

No 10 (3.25) needles. 4ply wool

Cast on 121 stsK 5 rows garter stitch


1st row. k5 * k1, wool forward, k.3, sl.1, k2 tog, psso, k3, wf, rep from* to last 6 sts k6.2nd row . k5 purl to last 5 sts. k53rd row. As first row4th row . Knit5th row . As 2nd row6th row . As 2nd row. Repeat these 6 rows to (11.5cm ) 4 陆"inches, (42 rows.)


1st row. k4, k.2 tog ( k3, k2 tog ) 22 times, k5. (98 sts )2nd row. Knit3rd row. k.1, k2 tog, wool over needle knit to end (button hole)Knit 3 more rows garter stitch

Divide for fronts and back.7th row k.24, cast off next 4 sts, k.41, cast off next 4 sts, k. 23. ( 90 sts.) 24 sts R. front, 42 for back , 24 sts. for L front.

Work on last 24 sts as follows:1st row. k5, purl to end.2nd row. k1, k.2 tog, k.to end3rd row. k5. purl to end.

Continue in stocking stitch keeping 5sts garter stitch for border, Decrease at armhole edge in the knit rows until 14 sts. ending with a knit row.Next row. Cast off 6 sts, purl to end (8 sts)Continue in stocking st., decrease at both ends in knit rows until 4 sts remain. Next row. purl. Next row ( k2 tog) twice. ( 2 sts.)Next row. purlNext row. k2 tog. Cast off.


Rejoin wool to 42 sts. for back.1st row. purl.2nd row. k1, k2 tog, knit to last 3sts, sl 1, k1, psso, k1.Continue in st.st, decrease at both armhole edges in knit rows until 20 sts. remain.Next row. purl.Cast off.

Right & Front

Rejoin wool to 24 sts.1st row. purl to last 5 st. k5.2nd row. knit to last 3sts, sl 1, k1, psso, k1. 3rd row. Purl to last 5sts. k5.Continue in stocking stitch, with garter stitch border, decrease Until 14sts remain, ending with a purl row and working a buttonhole in row 12 border as before.Next row. Cast off 6sts, knit to last 3 sts , slip 1, knit 1. pass slip stitch over, K1 (7 sts)Next row. Purl.Next row. Knit 2 together. Knit to the last 3sts, slip 1, knit 1, pass slipstitch over. K1.(5sts)Next row. Purl.Next row. k2 tog. Knit to the last 3 sts, slip 1 K 1, pass slip stitch over, Knit 1 (3sts)Next row. Purl 1 Purl 2 together ( 2sts)Next row. Knit 2 together. Cast off


Cast on 26 sts. and knit 7 rows.Change to stocking stitch.8th row.(k2, increase in next stitch ) rep to last 2sts. k2. ( 34sts)9th row. Purl.Continue in stocking stitch until work measures (4") ending on a purl row.

Shape armhole

Cast off 2 sts at beginning of next 2 rows.Next row. k1, k2 tog, knit to last 3 sts. sl 1, k1, psso, k1.Next row Purl.Repeat last 2 rows until 6sts remain.Next row. Purl. Cast off.

Sew sleeve seams and sew into garment

Neckband right side facing, pick up 55sts evenly around the neck edge1st row. knit.2nd row. k1, k2 tog, wool over needle , knit to end. (buttonhole) Knit 3 rows. Cast off. Sew up and sew on buttons


No 10 needles. 4 ply yarn

Cast on 61 sts, Knit 3 rowsProceed in pattern:

1st row. * Knit 1, yarn forward, knit 3, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over, knit 3, yarn forward* repeat from * to last stitch. Knit 1.2nd row. Purl3rd row. As first row4th row. Knit.5th row Purl6th row. Purl

Repeat these 6 rows, once more

Next row. PurlStarting with a knit row. Work 20 rows in stocking stitch.Shape Crown:1st row Knit 6 * slip 1. Knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over knit 5. repeat from * to last 4 stitches Knit 4 (47sts)2nd row . Purl3rd row. Knit 5 * slip 1. knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over, knit 3, repeat from * to last 3 sts, Knit 3 (33sts)4th row. Purl5th row. Knit 4. * slip 1. knit 2 together. Pass slip stitch over. Knit 1, repeat from * to last 2 sts. Knit 2 (19sts)6th row. Purl7th row. Knit 3, slip 1, knit 1. pass slip stitch over repeat to end 13sts8th row. Purl

Thread onto bodkin.Draw up sts and sew up seam

Ab psso == pass slip stitch over

last updated: 25/08/08
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