
Video summary

In this video, a group of children delve into the fascinating world of minibeasts and their 鈥榮uperpowers鈥.

They discover how minibeasts use their extraordinary abilities for various purposes, from helping humans to defending themselves against predators.

Expert insights and engaging demonstrations highlight the diversity of minibeast superpowers and their significance in ecosystems.

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Teacher notes

Discussion points:

1. Introduction to minibeast superpowers:

  • Discuss the concept of superheroes and superpowers. Ask 鈥 鈥業f you had a superpower what would it be and why?鈥.
  • Introduce the idea that minibeasts possess extraordinary abilities that help them survive and thrive in their habitats and we can call these 鈥榮uperpowers.鈥
  • Ask 鈥 鈥榃hy are minibeast superpowers important for their survival in their habitats?鈥

2. Minibeast defence mechanisms:

  • Investigate the different defence mechanisms used by minibeasts to protect themselves from predators, such as camouflage, chemical defences, and venomous stingers. Ask the children to name some specific examples.
  • Explore how these adaptations help minibeasts survive in their environments.

3. Minibeast hunting abilities:

  • Examine how certain minibeasts use their 鈥榮uperpowers鈥 for hunting prey, including venomous stingers in scorpions and formidable strength in ants and dung beetles.
  • Discuss the role of these hunting abilities in the minibeast food chain, asking pupils for examples of how minibeasts with these abilities capture their prey.

4. Minibeasts helping humans:

  • Explore examples of minibeasts that perform valuable tasks beneficial to humans, such as pollination by bees and soil aeration by earthworms.
  • Discuss the importance of these minibeast contributions to ecosystems and to the wellbeing of humans.

Suggested activities:

1. Minibeast superpower showcase:

  • Encourage children to research and create presentations or posters showcasing different minibeast superpowers and their significance.
  • Provide resources for children to explore various adaptations, defence mechanisms, and hunting abilities.
  • You could create 鈥楳inibeast Top Trumps鈥 as a variation of this activity.

2. Minibeast habitat enhancement:

  • Guide children in designing and building bug hotels or wild garden areas to provide habitats for local minibeasts.
  • Discuss the importance of creating suitable environments for minibeasts to thrive.

3. Invertebrate stories:

  • Invite children to write creative stories or narratives featuring minibeast characters and their adventures in their habitats.
  • Encourage children to incorporate scientific facts about minibeasts and their superpowers into their stories.

4. Minibeast observation and documentation:

  • Organise outdoor excursions for children to observe minibeasts in their natural habitats.
  • Provide journals or observation sheets for children to record their findings and document minibeast behaviours and adaptations.

5. Cross-curricular integration:

  • Science and literacy: Children can create informative posters or brochures about minibeast superpowers, integrating scientific knowledge with literacy skills.
  • Art and design: Encourage children to illustrate their stories or create artwork depicting minibeasts and their habitats, fostering creativity and artistic expression.

Curriculum Notes:

This video supports learning objectives related to science in KS1 within the national curriculums of England and Northern Ireland, and 1st Level in Scotland.

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What is a minibeast? video

Learn about the diverse characteristics and habitats of small invertebrates, from slimy snails to speedy spiders.

What is a minibeast?

Where do minibeasts live? video

Children learn about the diverse habitats that support minibeast communities around the world.

Where do minibeasts live?
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