
Video summary

Artist Emma Majury gives a simple lesson in beginner's digital photography, showing how to use distance and framing to improve photos, and how to make and use a card viewfinder to help with composition.

She shows how to frame and capture a moving subject in a photograph, noting the difference between photos taken with a moving or static camera.

She suggests ways of looking for balance and composition in a shot before transferring images to a computer for further manipulation or adjustment.

She suggests some interesting projects suitable for individual pupils or the whole class, including art history references to Warhol, Picasso, Braque and the Cubist movement.

This is from the series: Schools A&D clips

Teacher Notes

This could be used to help create photo montages for class display.

These could be themed from a class visit, another subject or topic area or in-school project.

This clip is suitable for teaching Art and Design at KS1 and KS2 in England, Foundation and KS2 in Wales, Foundation KS1 and KS2 in Northern Ireland and Early and 1st Level, 2nd Level in Scotland.

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