
Toddlers love inviting their teddies to a picnic or tea party!

Putting on a teddy bear's picnic is a fantastic way to practice role play and develop your toddler's communication.

It's also fun to include siblings or other family members, which will help broaden your toddler's social skills.

Watch the short video below for inspiration on how to make the most of your teddy bear's picnic.

What are the benefits of hosting a Teddy Bear's Picnic?

  • Hosting a Teddy Bear's Picnic can help your child's communication and social skills.
  • Simple role play helps children pick up new words in new scenarios.
  • Taking turns throughout the picnic helps build important conversation skills.
  • Letting each teddy have some food encourages sharing and teaches concepts of fairness.
  • Using "please" and "thank you" teaches children about manners.

How to get the most out of your teddy bear's picnic

You can set out a teddy bear's picnic by getting your little one's favourite toys round a table, and then laying out cups and saucers.

The planning of the picnic can be just as great for children as the picnic itself. Ask your child what kind of picnic would teddy bears like? Would they like to play any games? Is there going to be food?

Encourage your toddler to role play and talk to different toys. You could ask them to pour out the tea for everyone and explain what they are doing.

Let your child lead the activity. This will help them to develop their planning and leadership skills, encourage responsibility and will be more fun for them.

Inviting siblings, friends, and other family members will offer more opportunity for your toddler to use and hear new words.

Print off this teddy bear's picnic invitation for friends and family

Fun activities for a Teddy Bear's Picnic

1. Hide and Seek with teddy

Try hiding a teddy around the house during your picnic and looking for it together.

Hide and seek games are great fun and can help children follow simple instructions. Try giving your child clues about where the teddy is hidden, or play "colder or warmer".

Find out more about playing playing hide and seek with young children.

2. Teddy says

This twist on the classic game Simon says is great for younger children and the perfect game to liven up a picnic.

If your child is struggling to pick up the game just try giving all the instructions as "Teddy says", so they have to follow the action.

Find out more about playing the teddy says game.

3. Dress up teddy

Using clothes from around your house your child can dress teddy up in a lovely outfit for the picnic.

This game is a great opportunity to chat about different body parts and ask them lots of open questions.

Chat to them about the colour of the clothes and what the weather will be like when they wear them.

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