
Can you have too much religious freedom?

| Monday, 8 Aug. 2010 | 18:04 - 19:04 GMT

Two weeks ago we discussed whether to put the ground zero mosque story on the air. The only thing that was stopping us was that the initial spike in interest in the story had been the week before. In the end we decided we run with it, and here we are now with the debate getting bigger by the day. We should've known that journalist's pre-occupation with avoiding 'old' stories is not shared by most of you.

Your comments

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    Abu Bakarr Kamara - The twin towers was bombed by terrorist and there acts is unacceptable by islam.it's not only christians who died in those twin towers,muslims also died.There is absolutely nothing wrong in building a mosque close to the site

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    Yamini Someshwar - its a community center and 2 blocks away from ground zero...so its at ground 2 blocks away!!!! ignorant fools always find things to complain about. aren't there more important things going on?

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    Tuxi Tukuye - Did americans stop the building of mormon churches near The OHIO Bomb site that their own homegrown terrorist timothy Mckay bombed the building?

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    Ruben Adiekpornya - I would have thought a befitting structure will be built at Ground Zero in the memory of all who lost their lives during that carnage which had since changed the world's security system for good

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    Dangalan30 on the blog - Islamic or Christianity idealogy is not our problem now a days but the scholars leading most religions. Religion leaders has maximum infact on many of their fellows,so we have to know religion is'nt avenueof generating revenue because most of leaders depend on what their fellow gives which may leads to voilate and misconduct. No agreed to lose his revenue generating point

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    Mandie Rainwater - If they apply for the proper permits, follow building codes, who cares? they have just as much right to build there as anyone else.

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    Paulo Cariati - As far as it's clear that i don't care for religion... I'd like that the same freedom of opportunities is applied (or preached) in Muslim countries.

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    Kenny Hamilton - The Mosque should not be an issue. A mosque is as we know a place for Muslims to pray, teach and talk about religious matters. The people who attacked the western world at the twin towers were not acting on behalf of Islam.

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    Debra Porta - The fact (and as an American who knows this country really well, I say fact with confidence) that, were this to have been a Christian church, there would have been no controversy or backlash, tells me that it is repression of religious freedom and is an indication of our intolerance.

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    Frederick W. Asiedu - One thing people must realise is that majority of americans are not against the building of mosques in america but the location of this particular one has brought about the controversy. For people to question religious freedom in america are just not being realistic

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    Robert Haver - It's not just about religious freedom, but also about a property owners rights. Emotions vs. The Constitution..... It may be in bad taste and ultimately cause another layer of animosity towards Muslims, but it is their right to do this

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    We''ve got 30 minutes til the programme is live on air. Send your comment to worldhaveyoursay@bbc.com or Tweet @麻豆官网首页入口_WHYS.

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    Alan in AZ on the blog: Freedom of Religion doesn't allow you to shove it down someone's throat. A little courtesy and consideration should be on the minds of anyone building anything within a certain distance from Ground Zero.

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    Musonda MoozBally Clericuzio - Its a tricky situation because its believed the twin towers where destroyed by moslems....why should moslems be allowed to build there where they droppped the towers?? I think they should be banned from building as it'll create tension.

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    Elizabeth Clark - As long as building a mosque there doesn't break any laws it should be allowed just like any church, synagogue, or temple.