
Are the Roma oppressed or unwelcome?

| Wednesday, 9 Sept. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT

The EU has called France's decision to deport Roma migrants a "disgrace". The move has sparked international outrage.

But is France right to take targeted action against illegal Roma migrants who they believe have caused social problems and who are perceived by many French citizens to be taking unfair advantage of their country?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Martin in France emailed - When Euro MPs have had their homes turned from being a safe haven to somewhere unsafe then they can comment. Until then, good for the French government for tackling a major social issue that has reduced the quality of life in its towns and cities.

  2. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    LB in bucharest emailed - Leftists, please stop victimizing gypsies like they are some kind of precious jewels of the world! Why don't you want to hear about someone that has been scammed, robbed, kidnapped or pick-pocketed by gypsies?

  3. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Sophie in Paris emailed - Why is everybody ignoring the first thing about gypsies way of life? Moving from country to country is what they do and they have been doing so for hundreds of years.You are discriminating them more by not understanding their lifestyle.

  4. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    John in Cleveland emailed - It's not a matter of racism or anything like that. It's a matter of a group of people who refuse to follow the laws. They live around the laws. They squat rather than buy the land and create unsanitary shanty towns. Americans do not know what this is like. There is nothing wrong with being nomadic. They can travel from town to town and rent.

  5. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Jamey from Ohio emails - We are citizens of the world. We all should have the right to settle where and when we please. But unfortunately the state of money being as it is not every state is in a position to support all those who wish to occupy their country. I do not agree with France's move, but I understand they are making tough decisions for the French state.

  6. Comment sent via BLOG

    Nikver in Lithuania on the blog - There is a Roma community living in Vilnius Lithuania. I would like to say that everything is fine here and they are integrated into our community, but they do not want to do so. Houses were built, a school was built and even supplies for winter such as wood to burn for heating was given to them. The school is empty and supplies for the winter they sold off.

  7. Comment sent via BLOG

    modernJan on the blog - France is NOT targeting a specific ethnicity: there are an estimated 500.000 people of Roma descent in France, of which only a small part faces deportation, because they explicitly broke French law.

  8. Comment sent via Facebook

    Simon in Harlech, UK - They are NOT illegal, they are EU citizens. What IS illegal is race discrimination.

  9. Comment sent via BLOG

    Hammad on the blog - According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its 1st Article: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." So have the French government had forgotten this?

  10. Comment sent via BLOG

    Peter on the blog - I do not support what The French are doing but do feel all immigrants could do more to integrate. Also most EU legislation is ill thought out. Immigration will eventually lead to civil war as people feel helpless in their own countries. EU "officials" do not have to live in the real world inhabited by those who pay them.

  11. Comment sent via Facebook

    Varghese - France has to deal with this problem in a more humaine way, Roma people should not be treated like this. France has to warn them first to leave the country

  12. Comment sent via Facebook

    Joseph - Its another Sarkozy ploy to improve his dwindling support...& a distraction from the many issues facing france.

  13. Comment sent via Facebook

    Lisa - The Roma have every right to be there, and the French decision was 100% illegal and racist.

  14. Comment sent via Facebook

    Kerry - Are they in the country illegally? If so, deport them. If not, leave them alone

  15. Comment sent via host

    Ben S here. Two topics today - are Roma an oppressed minority or unwelcome visitors? And big state or small state? What are your thoughts? Let us know.