
WHYS: The Climate Connection: What's stopping us?

| Friday, 12 Dec. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

More than 190 countries are gathered in Cancun, Mexico for the latest round of UN climate talks. But expectations of making any progress are low. This journalist is convinced they will fail altogether.

If so many people across the globe accept that climate change is happening, why aren't we taking more action to tackle it? Is it something in our psychology or culture, a lack of leadership or a problem of economics?

As part of a series of programmes on the 麻豆官网首页入口 called the Climate Connection, WHYS is asking: What's stopping us?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via BLOG

    Guido on the blog - What is the point in reducing emissions when China and the USA aren't doing anything about it? Why should I save energy while my neighbour is driving an SUV and wasting energy in an uninsulated house?

  2. Comment sent via Facebook

    Emmanuel - Instead of environmental taxes governments should make it compulsory for businesses to invest a certain percentage of their profits in environment-friendly activities.

  3. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Mario Poppen from India emails - The way forward is awareness and a desire to change our lifestyles. We have to consume less and recycle more. Even if this leads to a slower growth rate as developed countries limp out of the recession.

  4. Comment sent via SMS

    Saving emissions and energy: Why not Tax instead of Ban light bulbs, plasma TVs etc Bans alienate people, tax keeps choice + gives Govmt money- Peter Ireland

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    Ody - What I, the individual, can do may be only a small part in the scheme of things, but it's an indispensable part of the whole.

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    Danielle in Colorado - I feel the issue needs to be approached on every level possible - new technologies, global partnerships and individual efforts. If we truly want to make a difference everyone ought to be included, encouraged and lobbied to make a change.

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    Apparently, lack of scientific harmony on climate change is synonymous with religious disagreements on a true salvation cult. P. CHINTHULI, MALAWI

  8. Comment sent via BLOG

    Alan in Arizona on the blog - We are not going to see much effective results from the Climate Change Conference. The politicians, leaders and attendees have to answer to the companies in their respective countries. They pay the bills and the leaders know it. We will have to rely on the average person to get anything done!

  9. Comment sent via BLOG

    Andrew on the blog - People say oh yeah i want to help but in reality if it disturbs their comfortable lifestyle which it must do or cost them money... then forget it!

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    Someone From Hawaii on the blog - As the largest economy in the world the US should step up and just pressure everyone and everything, but that won't happen likely as that is political suicide, not to mention would be hypocritical.

  11. Comment sent via BLOG

    Chintan in Houston on the blog - We have to understand that weather is unpredictable and therefore weatherman/woman have jobs to tell us the forecast and we can't base our argument whether the earth is warming or it isn't solely upon that.

  12. Comment sent via Facebook

    Bhaddy in Nigeria - First of all is this climate change thing real or a hoax. Coz many scientists have come out questioning the whole plan, saying that its not real and its a political scheme for people to trap money from it!

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    Roy in California - as long as corporations have politicians bought and paid for, nothing meaningful will get done, corporate profits come before real change

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    Daniel emails - The day someone invents a way to help the climate change in a way that makes millions, everyone will snap into action, but I imagine it would be too late, because in fact its too late now any way.

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    Hello, it''s Ben S here. Today we''re asking: what''s stopping us from doing more about climate change? We''re live now - you can listen here -