
Scriptwriting Essentials

From Introductions to Re-writing - watch a series of eight videos covering the essentials of writing a successful script

When you’re new to writing, just getting to the end of that first script is really hard. This section of the website is for those who want to write, who have an idea that is itching to get out, and who would like a guide or structure to help them take it from idea right through to a first draft.

What you get here is a series of steps in the writing process with essential elements, questions and challenges you will face. It’s not designed to be exhaustive, but it’s not just a basic ‘how to’. It’s the essentials of what we believe go into making a good script.

And if you have already written a script - more than one, even - and are looking for a similar helping hand through your next idea, then try using these steps to structure the process. Essential principles and problems remain important throughout a writer’s career – not just at the start of it. Because writing a good script is always hard. And losing sight of the essentials is much easier than you might think.

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