
What is percentage change?

In everyday life, quantities are often changed by a percentage of the original amount.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

In a sale, prices might be decreased by a certain percentage or electricity might have to be increased by a percentage of the present cost.

This is referred to as percentage decrease and percentage increase respectively.


A set of towels normally costs 拢45.

What will the set cost after the price is reduced in the sale?

\(拢45\) is reduced by \(15\%\)

\(15\%~of~45\) = \({45}\times{15}\div{100}\)

\(= 拢6.75\)

The price has been reduced by \(拢6.75\)

The new price is \(拢45 - 拢6.75 = 拢38.25\)


\(拢45\) is reduced by \(15\%\)

The full price is taken to be \(100\%\)

\(100\% - 15\% = 85\%\)

The sale price is \(85\%\) of the full price.

\(85\%~of~45 =\)


\(= 拢38.25\)

The new price is \(拢38.25\)


How much cereal will be in the Wheaties packet after the extra is added?

Calculating Percentage Change

Percentage change is the amount that a quantity has changed, expressed as a percentage of the original value.

This can be either an increase or a decrease.

Percentage change can be calculated using the appropriate formula:

\(\%\) increase = \(\frac{(actual~increase)}{(original~value)}\times{100}\)


\(\%\) decrease = \(\frac{(actual~decrease)}{(original~value)}\times{100}\)


A laptop that normally costs \(拢550\) is reduced to \(拢484\) in a sale.

What is the \(\%\) reduction in the price?

Use the formula:

\(\%\) decrease = \(\frac{(actual~decrease)}{(original~value)}\times{100}\)

Actual decrease \(= 拢550 鈥 拢484 = 拢66\)

% decrease =\(\frac{66}{550}\times{100} = 12\%\)

Key point

Percentage increase/decrease is always a % of the original quantity.


A family鈥檚 gas bill for one year was \(拢654\).

The gas company increases the price and the next year their bill is \(拢709.59\).

What was the % increase?

A short video showing how to work out percentage increase.

How to work out percentage increase slideshow

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Whiteboard pen calculator and ruler, Click to see a step-by-step slideshow.

A one-minute video showing how to work out a percentage decrease.

How to work out percentage decrease

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Whiteboard pen ruler and a calculator, Click to see a step-by-step slideshow.

Reverse Percentages (finding original value before percentage change)


Naydia spends \(拢52\) on a pair of trainers in the sale.

What would they have cost before the sale?

Let the original price = \(100\%\)

The reduction is \(20\%\) so sale price = \(80\%\) of the original.

Reverse percentage

The trainers cost \(拢65\) before the sale.


A car salesperson sold \(378\) cars in 2019.

This was an increase of \(8\%\) on the year before.

How many cars did she sell in 2018?

A one-minute video showing how to work out the original value before a percentage change.

Work out original value slideshow

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 7, whiteboard, pens, ruler, calculator, Click to see a step-by-step guide.

Repeated Percentage Change

Repeated Percentage Change is when an amount changes a number of times by a given %.


Amy buys a nearly new car costing \(拢10500\).

The dealer tells her that the value of the car will depreciate (decrease) by \(8\%\) each year.

How much will the car be worth after 3 years?

Decrease in first year:

\(8\%\) of \(拢10500\) = \(拢840\).

Value at the end of first year = \(拢10500 - 840 = 拢9660\)

Decrease in second year:

\(8\%\) of \(拢9660 = 拢772.80\).

Value at the end of second year \(= 拢9660 - 拢772.80 = 拢8887.20\)

Decrease in third year:

\(8\%\) of \(拢8887.20 = 拢71.10\) (nearest penny)

Value at the end of third year \(= 拢8887.20 - 拢710.98 = 拢8176.22\)

Amy鈥檚 car will be worth \(拢8176.22\) after 3 years

Alternative method

There is an alternative and much quicker method.

The value of the car decreases by \(8\%\) each year.

This is \(92\%\) of the value for the previous year.

\(92\% = 0.92\)

After one year the value will be:


After two years the value will be:


After three years the value will be:

\({10500}\times{0.92}\times{0.92}\times{0.92} = {10500}\times{0.92}^3\)

\({10500}\times{0.92}^3 = {拢8176.22}\) (nearest penny)


The population of a town is \(42000\).

Planners estimate that it will increase by \(0.7\%\) every year.

Calculate the estimated population in two years鈥 time.

Test section

Question 1

A calculator normally costs \(拢18\) but the price is reduced by \(12\%\) in a promotion.

What is the reduced price?

Question 2

The population of a town increases from \(67500\) to \(72600\).

What is the percentage increase?

Question 3

Zak runs a \(10k\) race in \(40\) minutes.

The next week he runs it in \(38\) minutes.

What is the percentage reduction in his time?

Question 4

After a reduction of \(15\%\), a sofa is priced at \(拢680\).

What was the price before the reduction?

Question 5

Daisy鈥檚 annual salary has been increased by \(4\%\) to \(拢26000\).

What was her salary before the increase?

Question 6

In 2020, it was estimated that house prices in Northern Ireland were increasing by \(2.4\%\) every year.

In January 2020, the average house price \(拢143000\).

What will the average house price be in January 2022?

Give your answer to the nearest \(拢\).

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