
What are percentages?

Percent or % means 'out of one hundred'.

In this diagram, \({30}\) out of \({100}\) squares have been shaded. So 30% has been shaded.

In this diagram, 30 out of 100 squares have been shaded. So 30% has been shaded.

Examples of percentages

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, , What percentage has been shaded?

Writing one number as a percentage of another

Key point

To write one number as a percentage of another, divide the first number by the second number, then multiply by 100.


Dress with 拢10 off.

a) A dress which originally cost \(\pounds{80}\) is reduced by \(\pounds{10}\) in the sale. What percentage reduction is this?

b) A swimming team has \({20}\) members and \({12}\) of these are boys.What percentage of the swimming team are boys?

Finding the percentage of a quantity

It's often useful to be able to find a percentage of a quantity.

For example, you might be told that bus fares are going up by \(5\%\) and you need to know how much more you will need to pay each week.

Here are a couple of ways you could do it:

Method 1

Find \(1\%\) of the quantity by dividing it by \({100}\).

Find \(5\%\) of a quantity by multiplying \(1\%\) of the quantity by \(5\).

To find \(x\%\) of a quantity you need to multiply \(1\%\) of the quantity by \(x\).


Rakesh has a box containing \({60}\) pens. \(20\%\) of the pens are red.

How many red pens does the box contain?

Method 2

Find the percentage of a quantity by multiplying that quantity by the percentage expressed as a fraction.

This combines the division and multiplication of Method 1 into one sum.


Q1. In a class of \({25}\) pupils, \(24\%\) live in a flat. How many pupils live in a flat?

Q2. Last year Sam earned \(\pounds{20,000}\). This year her pay has increased by \(8\%\).

a) By how much money has Sam's pay increased?

b) What is her new salary?

A one-minute video showing you how to work out a percentage of an amount using bar models.

How to work out the percentage of an amount

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Question written on a whiteboard, STEP 1 - DRAW TWO BARS: Write out the problem and circle the key information. Here it is the percentage you want to find, 20%, and the weight of the chocolate, 70 g...

A short video showing you how to work out a percentage of an amount using the 1% method.

Work out percentages slideshow

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Whiteboard, marker pen and phone, Click to see a step-by-step slideshow.

A bargain for Gran: Calculating percentages

A hunt for a bargain birthday gift turns into a challenge as one shopper works out how to calculate percentages.

Test section

Question 1

\({40}\) squares are shaded in a \({100}\)-square grid.

What percentage of the grid is shaded?

Question 2

There are \({35}\) squares shaded in a \({50}\)-square grid.

What percentage of the grid is shaded?

Question 3

What is \({40}\%\) of \({90}\) people?

Question 4

What is \({35}\%\) of \({210}~{g}\)?

Question 5

There is \({15}\%\) off the price of clothes in a shop.

A sweater's original price is \(\pounds{36}\).

What is its price after the reduction?

Question 6

The number of participants in a cycling competition has increased by \({20}\%\) since last year.

If there were \({1,240}\) competitors last year, how many are competing this year?

Question 7

Ben gets \(\frac{14}{20}\) in his Geography test.

What percentage is this?

Question 8

In a class of \({30}\) pupils, \({12}\) are boys.

What percentage of the class are boys?

Question 9

Diane eats \({4}\) pieces of a \({16}\) piece chocolate bar.

What percentage of the bar has she eaten?

Question 10

If \({27}\) out of \({60}\) cars are red, what is the percentage of non-red cars?

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