

In physics, any object moving freely under gravity is called a .

By moving freely it is assumed there is no or other external forces. In practice many sports balls achieve lift due to spin.

The motion of projectiles must be analysed in terms of and components.

Horizontal component

The horizontal component of velocity is (assuming no air resistance).

Projectiles - horizontal motion

Vertical component

The vertical component is downwards due to gravity (-9.8 ms-2 on Earth)

Projectiles - vertical motion

If the initial velocity is given as a and , this velocity vector must be resolved into two components by trigonometry.

The two components can allow the calculation of:

  • of flight
  • maximum height reached
  • range 鈥 horizontal from launch to landing

Watch this video for a practical demonstration of firing a ball obliquely and calculating values related to the horizontal and vertical components of motion.