
Directed writing - Employability - Writing about a part-time jobEmployability – Writing about a part-time job

The following scenario and responses are about having a part-time job. The Gaelic responses and English to Gaelic quiz aim to help you extend your Gaelic writing skills.

Part of Gaelic (Learners)Writing

Employability – Writing about a part-time job

Read the following scenario.

SCENARIO - Employability

You recently got a job working with a local business. You have been asked to write in Gaelic about it for a community magazine.

You must include the following information and you should try to add other relevant details:

  • where the job is and what hours you work
  • what your main responsibilities are
  • what skills you have learned in the job
  • how you get on with people in the job
  • the best part of the job
  • whether you would like to do this job in the future.

Addressing each point

Write a couple of sentences to address each bullet point. Aim for 150-180 words in total.

Select Reveal answer to see an example of a complete answer to each part of the question.


  • Where the job is and what hours you work


  • What your main responsibilities are.


  • What skills you have learned in the job.


  • How you get on with people in the job.


  • The best part of the job.


  • Whether you would like to do this job in the future.

How did your responses compare with the examples?

Now review the key vocabulary on the next page and try the Test Bite - the bullet points remain the same.

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