
Speaking questions – shopping role-play - Higher

Role-play – Taking clothes back to the shop

Practise taking part in a conversation at the cinema. Read the instructions and prepare what you will say.


You are in a clothes shop to exchange an item of clothing. Respond to the questions the shop assistant asks and address them as vous. They will start the conversation.

The bullet points give an idea of what might be asked, so use these to prepare what you might say. Where there is an exclamation mark (!) a surprise question will be asked. Where there is a question mark (?), you will need to ask a question yourself.

Vous parlez avec un vendeur/ une vendeuse dans un magasin de vêtements en France.

  • Acheté – quoi et quand.
  • Problème - taille.
  • É󲹲Բ.
  • !
  • ? Cabines d’essayage.

Listen to this example role-play.


Shop assistant - Bonjour, je peux vous aider ?

Customer - Oui, j’ai acheté ce pantalon la semaine dernière.

Shop assistant - ’aǰ. Il y a un problème ?

Customer - Oui, il est trop petit.

Shop assistant - Alors, voulez-vous l’échanger ou voulez-vous un remboursement ?

Customer - Je voudrais l’échanger, s’il vous plaît.

Shop assistant - Bon. Vous voulez quelle taille ?

Customer - Grand, s’il vous plait.

Shop assistant - ’aǰ.

Customer - Où sont les cabines d’essayage, s’il vous plaît ?

Shop assistant - Là-bas, au fond du magasin.


Shop assistant - Hello, can I help you?

Customer - Yes, I bought these trousers last week.

Shop assistant - OK. Is there a problem?

Customer - Yes, they are too small.

Shop assistant - So, do you want to exchange them or would you like a refund?

Customer - I’d like to exchange them please.

Shop assistant - OK. Which size do you want?

Customer - Large, please.

Shop assistant - OK.

Customer - Where are the fitting rooms please?

Shop assistant - Over there, at the back of the shop.