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Playground buddies, massages and mediators


An introduction to three types of bullying prevention strategies. This report introduces us to playground buddies whose job it is to make sure all children are involved in playtime and to try to solve any problems students may have. It also shows how massage in the classroom, accompanied by soft music and pictures, can relieve tension in the children when they go out onto the playground. Finally, we are introduced to mediators, children who volunteer for the task of being the sounding board for any problems children may have. Children often prefer this to confiding in a teacher.

Classroom Ideas

Students could discuss the skills and qualities needed to be an effective mini-bud. In small groups they could design one advertisement to recruit mini-buds, and another advertisement to encourage younger students to use the mini-bud service.

As a class students could discuss why it is important to relax, and they could share what they do to relax, and when. Students could then explore some quick and easy relaxation techniques that they could do at a time in school when they are feeling stressed, such as taking deep breaths or massaging their hands.

Students could also consider the benefits of using peer mediators in disputes at school rather than teachers. In pairs or groups the students could list the advantages and disadvantages of mediators, and these could be shared as a class and reflected on. Ask students to consider whether this system could be used in their school, and if they believe it could be beneficial they could write a persuasive letter to the headteacher asking them to put such a system in place.