
Fii al膬turi de Filip 卯n timp ce 卯nva葲膬 engleza cu ajutorul noilor s膬i prieteni, Nazia 葯i Jess.

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Jess, Filip and Nazia look at us, smiling.

Aceast膬 serie EAL se adreseaz膬 elevilor care 卯ncep s膬 卯nve葲e limba englez膬.

Prezint膬 cuvinte 葯i fraze introductive pentru a ajuta un nou elev s膬 vorbeasc膬 despre nevoile 葯i dorin葲ele sale 卯n situa葲ii de zi cu zi 葯i s膬 construiasc膬 prietenii pe parcurs.

Ghidurile includ urm膬toarele:

  • Un filmule葲 tematic pentru a introduce tema 葯i limba

  • Cuvinte cheie cu indica葲ii audio

  • Activit膬葲i interactive pentru a exersa cuvintele cheie

  • Structuri de propozi葲ii pentru a folosi cuvintele cheie 卯n mod semnificativ

  • 笔谤辞惫辞肠膬谤颈 pentru a pune 卯n practic膬 ceea ce s-a 卯nv膬葲at 卯n afara ghidului

Nu exist膬 o ordine prestabilit膬 卯n care s膬 se parcurg膬 ghidurile.

Multe dintre structurile de propozi葲ie abordate sunt utile 卯n multe situa葲ii. Le ve葲i g膬si pe toate enumerate pe aceast膬 pagin膬, cu linkuri care v膬 vor ajuta s膬 trece葲i de la un ghid la altul 卯n func葲ie de nevoile dumneavoastr膬 de 卯nv膬葲are.

脦nv膬葲are pl膬cut膬!

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  • / etc

e.g. from Emotions

e.g. from Hobbies and activities

e.g. from Family

e.g. from Health

e.g. from Health

e.g. from Health

  • / /

e.g. from Food

e.g. from Hobbies and activities

e.g. from Family

e.g. from Health

e.g. from Food

e.g. from Money

e.g. from Times of day, days and months

e.g. from Possessive adjectives

  • /

e.g. from Money

e.g. from Prepositions of place

  • /

e.g. from Home

e.g. from Times of day, days and months

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e.g. from School

e.g. from School

  • /

e.g. from Hobbies and activities

  • / etc

e.g. from Hobbies and activities

e.g. from Hobbies and activities

e.g. from Family

e.g. from Food

e.g. from Emotions

e.g. from Health

e.g. from Home

e.g. from Times of day, days and months

e.g. from Home

e.g. from Possessive adjectives

  • /

e.g. from School

e.g. from Home

e.g. from Possessive adjectives

e.g. from Prepositions of place

e.g. from Money

e.g. from Money

e.g. from Telling the time

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