
  • A linear sequence repeatedly increases or decreases by the same amount.
  • The number added (or subtracted) at each stage of the linear sequence remains the same.

Learn how to visualise a linear sequence.

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  • A linear sequence goes from one term to the next by always adding (or subtracting) the same value.

  • The number added (or subtracted) at each stage of the linear sequence is called the common difference.

  • Examples of linear sequences occur when things change by the same amount each time.

How to find the next term in a linear sequence

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How do they work?

Example 1

Here is the linear sequence:

8, 11, 14, 17鈥

  • To find the next term in this sequence we calculate the common difference.
  • In this example the common difference is +3.

8 (+3) 11 (+3) 14 (+3) 17 (+3) 鈥

Therefore, the next term in the sequence would be 20 (17 + 3)

Example 2

Here is another linear sequence:

70, 60, 50, 40 鈥

In this example the common difference is -10, because 10 is subtracted from each term to give the next term in the sequence.

70 (-10) 60 (-10) 50 (-10) 40 (-10) 鈥

The next term in the sequence will be 30 (40 鈥 10)

When a linear sequence is plotted on a graph, it always gives a straight line.

Shape pattern showing an arithmetic sequence. The common difference = +1
Image caption,
Shape pattern showing an arithmetic sequence. The common difference = +1

Common examples of linear sequences

  • Shape patterns (see image).
  • Someone walking the same distance every 10 minutes.
Shape pattern showing an arithmetic sequence. The common difference = +1
Image caption,
Shape pattern showing an arithmetic sequence. The common difference = +1

Linear sequence activity

Find out how much you know in this quick activity.

Exploring number patterns

  • \({2}\), \({6}\), \({10}\), \({14}\)\({鈥\) is a number pattern that follows the rule 'add \({4}\)'.

The next number is \(14 + 4 = 18\).

  • \({81}\), \({27}\), \({9}\), \({3}\)\({鈥\) is a number pattern that follows the rule 'divide by \({3}\)'.

The next number is \(3 \div 3 = 1\).

  • \({5}\), \({8}\), \({14}\), \({23}\)\({鈥\) is a number pattern that follows the rule 'add \({3}\), add \({6}\), add \({9}\) \({鈥\)'

The next number is \(23+12=35\).

Each number in a number pattern is called a term.

So in the number pattern \({2}\), \({6}\), \({10}\), \({14}\) \({鈥\) the first term is \({2}\), the second term is \({6}\) and the third term is \({10}\), etc.


Write down the rule and the next two terms in the number pattern: \(2\), \(4\), \(8\), \({16}\) \({鈥\) and then check your answer.

Notice how patterns change from one term to another.

Work out the rule that will get you from the \({1}^{st}\) term to the \({2}^{nd}\) term, and then check that the same rule will get you from the \({2}^{nd}\) term to the \({3}^{rd}\) term.

If it doesn't work, find a different rule to get to the \({2}^{nd}\) number and then check that it gets you to the \({3}^{rd}\) number.

Number patterns in diagrams

A number pattern in a diagram often requires counting shapes to find the rule.

Look at how the pattern grows from one term to the next.

Number patterns in diagrams
  • pattern \({1}\) has \({0}\) purple tiles and \({3}\) blue tiles, so it has \({3}\) tiles altogether

  • pattern \({2}\) has \({1}\) purple tile and \({5}\) blue tiles, so it has \({6}\) tiles altogether

  • pattern \({3}\) has \({2}\) purple tiles and \({7}\) blue tiles, so it has \({9}\) tiles altogether


Q1. Based on the number patterns above, draw pattern \({4}\).

Q2. Look again at the number patterns above. Write the rule and the fourth terms for:

  • a) purple tiles
  • b) blue tiles
  • c) all the tiles

The common difference

To find the , you need to work out how much the terms are increasing or decreasing by from one term to the next.

For example, find the common difference and the next two terms of this sequence.

Find the next two terms in sequence.

We can see that these terms go up by \({3}\) every time, or we state that the common difference is \({3}\).

The next two terms will then be \({16}\) and \({19}\).

The next two terms are 16 and 19.


Find the common difference and the next two terms of the following sequence.


Finding the nth term of a linear sequence

Sometimes, rather than finding the next number in a linear sequence, you want to work out the \({41}^{st}\) number, or the \({110}^{th}\) number.

Writing out \({41}\) or \({110}\) numbers takes too much time, so you can use a general rule.

To find the value of any term in a sequence, use the \(n^{th}\) term rule.


What is the \({n}^{th}\) term of this sequence?


For example, to find the \({10}^{th}\) term, work out \(5 \times 10 = 50\).

To find the \({7}^{th}\) term, work out \(5 \times 7 = 35\).

So the \({41}^{st}\) term is \(5 \times 41 = 205\) and the \({110}^{th}\) term is \(5 \times 110 = 550\).


What are the \(n^{th}\) term and the \({10}^{th}\) term of this sequence:\({2},~{4},~{6}, 鈥)?

More on finding the nth term

So the sequence of numbers in the \({5}\) times table has a common difference of \(5\) and an \({n}^{th}\) term of \(5n\).


How do you find the answer in more complex sequences?


We know that the \({n}^{th}\) term should contain 鈥榎({5n}\)鈥.

The \({5}\) times table is \({5},~{10},~{15}, 鈥)

The sequence is \({7},~{12},~{17}, 鈥)

Each term in the sequence is \({2}\) more than the corresponding term in the \({5}\) times table, so the \(n^{th}\) term is \(5n + 2\).


What is the \(n^{th}\) term of the sequence \({8},~{11},~{14}, 鈥)?

How can linear sequences help you to tile your bathroom?

Find out which rule you need to work out any number in the sequence.

Test section

Question 1

What is the rule for the number pattern \({3}\), \({6}\), \({9}\), \({12}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 2

What is the rule for the number pattern \({5}\), \({9}\), \({13}\), \({17}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 3

What is the rule for the number pattern \({2}\), \({4}\), \({8}\), \({16}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 4

What's the common difference in the sequence \({6}\), \({8.5}\), \({11}\), \({13.5}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 5

What's the next number in the pattern \({6}\), \({8.5}\), \({11}\), \({13.5}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 6

What's the common difference in the sequence \({6}\), \({3}\), \({0}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 7

What's the \({n}^{th}\) term in the sequence \({7}\), \({14}\), \({21}\), \({28}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 8

What's the \({n}^{th}\) term in the sequence \({9}\), \({16}\), \({23}\), \({30}\), \({鈥\)?

Question 9

The \({n}^{th}\) term in a sequence is \({3n}-{10}\).

What's the \({10}^{th}\) term?

Question 10

Find the \({n}^{th}\) term in the sequence \({3}\), \({7}\), \({11}\), \({15}\)\({鈥\) and use it to find the \({1000}^{th}\) term?

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