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Archives for September 2011

First Cut Is The Deepest...

Bryan Burnett | 20:05 UK time, Friday, 30 September 2011

Thanks for a great week of suggestions and judging by your comments, folk seemed to have liked the idea of doing a set of themes over the week. We will need to get the thinking caps on and come up with some more. Any ideas?

On Monday we will be following up on a recent report which suggested that surgeons perform better if they listen to music. So what would be suitable tunes for the operating theatre? Fix You? Put You Together Again or maybe something featuring Slash!

If you are interested then on Monday's MacAulay and Co they will be discussing this very subject and finding out if music really does help you work better.

One singular sensation...

Bryan Burnett | 20:11 UK time, Thursday, 29 September 2011

It was a delight as always to be back on the show. GIO continually turns up a bizarre but brilliant selection of music choices I never expect, and you guys rise to the challenge as ever. 2 word song titles struck me as quite hard initially, but when the wheels started turning I was amazed at how many I could personally think of. It was a relentlessly busy show thanks to y'all, with particular favourites of mine being Little Richard's Tutti Frutti and The Jam' s Going Underground.

Tomorrow is the last 'countdown' night of the week with possibly the toughest of the lot... 1 word song titles. Yes, some artists out there can sum up their emotions and express themselves with just 1 word... incredible, huh? Whether it's Help, Shout or Stop... or the nation's favourite, Caledonia... there are plenty out there to choose from. So get involved and get it on! Bryan will be back with you, and it looks like it could be a very exciting show!

Thanks for having me once again.


It takes two...

Bryan Burnett | 20:10 UK time, Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Thanks for all your three word suggestions tonight. It was another busy one and I was gutted to have to leave out some good tunes. Overall though I thought we had a good mix of songs but I'm afraid I cannot get the image of Miss B wigging out to The Foo Fighters out of my head. We picked up some ideas for future themes as well and I am sure all bloggers will be looking forward to the release of my compilation album of 'hip hop songs suitable for children'. Might be more of an EP than an album though.

Tomorrow night, Vic will be looking after things and we are down to two word song titles so get in touch in the usual way and let him know what you want to hear.

Three is the magic number...

Bryan Burnett | 19:56 UK time, Tuesday, 27 September 2011

There's no mistaking what I thought was the song of the show tonight - Patti Griffin's Top of the World. Mind you if I'd been able to include Grant Smith's suggestion of The Associates doing 18 Carat Love affair then it would have been a close run thing.

I like the way that some people have been suggesting the same artists all week, but I feel bad for not including any of Julie from Edinburgh's Elvis suggestions. Perhaps tomorrow we'll get Return to Sender, All Shook Up or Stuck on You.

You don't need to be Miss Marple to work out that tomorrow night it's three little words that are required.

4 your pleasure...

Bryan Burnett | 20:01 UK time, Monday, 26 September 2011

That was a busy one tonight. there were tons of really great 'five word titles' suggested and a brilliant range of music played. From Idlewild to ELP and Perry Como to Paul McCartney is a mix that shouldn't work but it does. Track of the night for me was The Waterboys doing Has Anybody Here Seen Hank which I hadn't heard in ages.

Tomorrow night the word count is reduced and we are looking for your fantastic four word titles.

5 4 3 2 1...

Bryan Burnett | 20:04 UK time, Friday, 23 September 2011

Thanks for all your contributions this week there were some really stand out themes and great stories. I wondered if tonight's theme was going to be a bit negative but I don't think that was the case at all. It was interesting to hear about how you thought some of the all time classics could have been improved - everything from Aretha dropping the spelling to Kelly Marie ditching her 'doo doos'.

Monday night is songs with 5 words in the title, Tuesday night is songs with 4 words in the title, Wednesday night is songs with 3 words in the title....well you don't need me to tell you how this story ends.

Pet hates...

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Thursday, 22 September 2011

Our whistling theme was very popular which surprised me as I know a lot of people can't stand whistling. So, following on from that theme I thought it might be fun to find out about the other elements of a song that make your teeth grate.

I asked around in the office and found out that Mandi can't stand harmonicas, Richard hates songs with children singing on them and poor Gavin was forced to use earplugs during the eighties as he has a thing about the saxophone.

I'm not a big fan of distortion and if I was the executive producer of River Deep, Mountain High then I'd be asking Phil Spector to hold back on the wall of sound.

If you were producing a song what would you leave out? Are you turned off by talky bits or can't stand key changes? Get in touch and tell me what drives you mad.

First editions...

Bryan Burnett | 19:59 UK time, Wednesday, 21 September 2011

There was a lot of cringe worthy moments during tonight's 'inappropriate songs' theme as well as loads that made me smile. The story of the chap called jack who picked 'Jack in the Box' as his funeral song was genius.

Tomorrow is a simple theme - The first record you owned. Mine was Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep. Sadly it was a plain cover so I missed out on the rather natty shirts featured in this Spanish edition.

Big Mouth Strikes Again

Bryan Burnett | 12:45 UK time, Wednesday, 21 September 2011

We lost a listener during last night's 'whistling' theme. Normally this would upset me but I couldn't help laughing at Myra in Cullen's text: "Humans loving show. Dogs hating show. Sorry, dogs win. Always! I'm going to have to switch you off :-(! Can't deal with squawking anymore!"

Tonight's theme of inappropriate songs is asking for trouble but I think it could be a good laugh. I want to hear your stories of the songs that turned up in the wrong places. We are bound to get loads of stories of funeral songs that just should not have been played and there are brilliant examples of songs that the wedding band got wrong. My pet hate is I Will Always Love You being played at weddings. It's one of the best break up songs of all time!!!

Let me know what yours is, and fear not as the queen of appropriateness is producing tonight.

Whistle While You Work...

Bryan Burnett | 20:02 UK time, Monday, 19 September 2011

Thanks for your suggestions tonight and I am ashamed that i ran out of time before playing Engelbert's disco treatment of Strangers In The Night. The nation really needed to hear that. Still, I am saving it up for a Children In need show I have planned and I can predict it will definitely make an appearence then!

Tomorrow is 'songs that feature whisteling'. I know it's a theme that has been done before but that Maroon 5 single has brought the joys of whistling to a whole new generation. Pucker up bloggers and start suggesting....

Good Morning Scotland...

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Friday, 16 September 2011

Our week of different musical genres was a great success and actually the one that I thought might be the trickiest was the busiest of the week and the most well received. Post Nirvana alt rock was described by some as the best edition ever of Get It On. I got a nice tweet from a guy who was 'dancing around his kitchen like it was 1995'. It's a decade we don't feature much on the show but it sounds like we should.

Monday's theme is 'All Day and All of The Night' as we feature artists singing about different parts of the day. From Delta Dawn to Midnight at The Oasis, get in touch and let me know about your Perfect Day.


Bryan Burnett | 20:00 UK time, Thursday, 15 September 2011

We've had country, jazz, pop and alternative music this week so thought we'd end the week with a touch of blues n soul.
Who are the greatest exponents of the blues, from the Mississippi Delta to the amplified sounds to come out of Chicago and from the world of soul music where iconic labels like Motown and Stax produced some of the music's best voices.
Alison Craig will be here to ensure that your Friday night is sure to be a soulful experience.

Grunge fest...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Our genre themes this week have been great fun and as you might expect every night has sounded really different. I worried too much in advance about what 'pop' actually was but in the end it came to most people quite naturally. It was a nice fun show.

Tomorrow we'll celebrate the fact that it's twenty years since Nirvana released Nevermind, which is widely credited with bringing alternative rock to a mainstream audience. So what we are looking for is 'post grunge' tunes. Let's have your suggestions of the bands that followed in Nirvana's wake. You won't hear anything pre 1991 as we play the best of twenty years of alt-rock.

Power pop...

Bryan Burnett | 20:01 UK time, Tuesday, 13 September 2011

I'm glad we had a very broad interpretation of jazz tonight as despite everything being rooted in one genre we had one of the most varied sounding programmes we've had in ages. We covered everything from swinging pop to jazzy hip-hop with some of the big names in jazz in there with one or two surprises. Good covers of pop songs as well and I loved both Jamie Cullum doing Don't Stop the Music and Jimmy Scott's Heaven.

Tomorrow night it's 'pop'. I realise that everything could be considered pop(ular) music but in particular we are thinking about chart music and the kind of pop that's aimed at teenagers - but secretly enjoyed by the rest of us as well.

Jazz it up...

Bryan Burnett | 20:02 UK time, Monday, 12 September 2011

Tonight's 'country' theme was totally oversubscribed and I was gutted to leave out Gram Parsons, The Mavericks and even Patsy Cline! Still it was nice to finish with the holy trinity of Willie, Hank and George.

The Hank song was suggested by Madmac who sent me some great photos of vintage country music album sleeves that were in his parent's record collection. Album art is a theme we have to get round to soon. I've stuck one of them on the blog for you to see.

Tomorrow I hope we can do for the world of jazz what we did for country tonight...

Country boy...

Bryan Burnett | 20:05 UK time, Friday, 9 September 2011

Tonight's show was a fab way to end the week and I hope it set you up for the weekend. I used to love listening to those kind of shows on the radio as I got ready for a Friday night out which as you now know ended up at the all night baker scoffing on rowies.

Monday kicks off a week of different genre themes and it's Scotch Gits suggestion of country music ....now where did I put that Brad Paisley CD?

Dance yersel dizzy...

Bryan Burnett | 20:18 UK time, Thursday, 8 September 2011

Thanks to everyone who suggested a guitar hero for tonight's show. I tried to keep it as varied as possible but inevitably it was the traditional rock gods who got the most votes.

The show didn't turn out quite the way I expected it. Bizarrely we managed not to play Hendrix, Gilmore, Jeff Beck or Richie Blackmore! I got it wrong by playing Frank Sinatra featuring Glen Campbell as a session guitarist. It was an interesting story but not the best track to illustrate his playing. I was keen to do more soul which I never got round to and really was gutted that we didn't play Martin Taylor. I was adamant this afternoon that he was a 'must' for the show. Do you think it's worth trying to do a part 2 for this theme or should we just come back to it next year sometime?

Tomorrow night is 'disco' as I thought it might be a nice contrast to tonight's show. This came about after Paulo on the blog suggested a Philly song and that put me in the mood to hear more. (At least I think it was him, apologies if I have denied another blogger of the credit.)

I am thinking of the classic age of disco for tomorrow but if there are more modern songs that are influenced by those sounds then feel free to get them on.

Axe attack...

Bryan Burnett | 18:09 UK time, Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Thursday's show will be a torrid tale of Burton and Taylor, however it's more likely to be James and Martin rather than Elizabeth and Richard. The theme is guitar heroes and I'd like to know who yours are.

It would be easy to fill the show with the usual suspects from the rock world but I'd love to get nominations for folk, soul and country and maybe even a bit of classical guitar?

Axes at the ready bloggers for hero worship of the guitar kind...

Pic: Simon Murphy

Musical descriptions...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Tuesday, 6 September 2011

See, we don't live in a, 'Health and safety obsessed culture,' as risk taking proved popular tonight. We did stay on the right side of the law thanks to the brilliant 'risk assessment' which Norrie compiled for tonight's show. It contained many gems including the stern warning to "avoid repeat themes if possible; however the risk of grumbling cannot be eliminated."

Let's hope tomorrow's theme is OK then. It's 'songs which describe someone' - Long Tall Sally is a great example, so let's see what else you come up with...

Danger danger...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Monday, 5 September 2011

Well that was quite a show tonight. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. I was really touched by all the lovely emails, texts and posts that came from families saying goodbye to their teenagers for the first time. " It had me greetin into ma stovies" said Davy on the text. Who said Scottish men are afraid of showing their emotions?

There was some great advice in song and from listeners. I love the blunt advice that Kirsty's mum passed on: " Don't get pregnant and always wear a vest!"

Tomorrow night is 'risk taking' - from Freefalling to Dancing on The ceiling it'll be a healthy and safety nightmare...

Teen anthems...

Bryan Burnett | 19:58 UK time, Friday, 2 September 2011

Across the country teenagers are preparing for the next exciting chapter in their lives. For some it's university and for others the scary world of job hunting. On Monday's get It On I'll be asking you which songs do you think could best prepare them for what lies ahead. Is it Dylan urging them to stay Forever Young? Would you put Take Good Care of Yourself or Hold Your Head Up on their playlist.
Producer Richard suggests the Grange Hill cast doing Just Say No. I know one or two parents who would think that was an excellent choice!


Bryan Burnett | 19:39 UK time, Thursday, 1 September 2011


We had skater punks, teds, sharp suited mods and even a maggot* get in touch for tonight’s ‘youth cults’ theme. However my favourite was the woman who got in touch to say she was a ‘cowgirl’ in Montana in the 70s. I also loved the fact that so many of our listeners dabbled in different youth cults, and I thought ‘roller- maniac to new romantic’ was perhaps the most interesting journey! Moving on to tomorrow’s theme? Have you got Friday On Your Mind? Do you spend a lot of time (Looking For) The Heart of Saturday Night when you’d rather be having a Lazy Sunday? Songs featuring the weekend is our theme so lets have your Friday, Saturday and Sunday anthems.


*It’s a Slipknot fan in case you were wondering!

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