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Chris Evans | 16:10 UK time, Tuesday, 3 April 2007

...it's called the POWER PLATE.

You stand on it.. for twenty minutes, just three times a week, it vibrates...loads. You begin to look like Mr or Mrs. Universe WITHIN A COUPLE OF WEEKS, it's ridiculous.l

You don't sweat, you don't have to get changed into gym gear. Elederly people can use it, Man United use it - apparently. It's a miniature miracle. How it works, I have no idea but my giddy aunt, does it work ? yes it does.

I am not being paid to say this. I paid full price for mine. All my mates come round and use it. It is the bomb !

Aerobically I'm still quite wheezie but speaking as a brand new forty one year old I'm looking forward to my toned middle age.

Buff oh yeh.

I have a friend who is going to the bank to ask for a loan to set up a power plate room for people who hate the gym, which let's face it is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % of the civilised human race.

I heard today that the chinese diet is so much better than ours that they are able to spend more on education than they do on health due to the relative lack of obesity and heart disease... so simple, ahhhhhg !

Also today passed a massive new shopping centre still under construction, like huge, all very well and good but not a single extra road ! Just the one dual carriageway already in existence that's bunged up for most of the day already, what are they thinking ?

It frightens me, it really does.

Caught a killer Irish stew recipe whilst I was away. Got it from a seventy five year old ex chef called Eamon. May share it tomorrow, must road test it first.

clp 2007.



  1. At 04:29 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Delilah wrote:

    oooh, Power Plates - they just installed one in the gym where I do taekwondo and it looks oh so scary. Have been warily eyeing it up for a couple of weeks as I'd love to give it a go but I'm scared I'd fall off or turn around to find smug reception staff laughing at me or something. Do you have to do exercises on it and is it really easy? Should I be brave?

    Glad to see you back anyway and happy birthday for the other day x

  2. At 04:31 PM on 03 Apr 2007, sarah wrote:


  3. At 04:31 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Glenn wrote:

    Just googled the Power Plate. Cheapest one £3000. I guess i'll still keep that gym membership for a bit longer.

    Can I use your one please?

  4. At 04:32 PM on 03 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Put your Irish Stew on a Power Plate and you have the perfect entree...

    Steak, rattle and roll...

    Lookin forward to 5 - can't TELL you how much, had a really grim day...and nothing particular either...

    the weather continues

  5. At 04:34 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Aha Christophe!, have just joined a gym for the first time ever, and they have a power plate, my induction is Thursday and intend to kick the fitness regime up a notch from thereon in. 40 next Feb so time to put my body in order before the depression sets in!!!

    DD out

  6. At 04:37 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Kev wrote:

    Nice thought Chris - sharing with us mere meeklings on the idea of getting fit without goin to the Gym... and the Power Plates...they start at £3K. Bargain.

  7. At 04:37 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Hellbell wrote:

    Like many other bloggers, I have just googled the trusty power plate, and Christophe, your claims seem to stand up.

    BUT IT COSTS THOUSANDS OF POUNDS, which might just be the stumbling block for us mere financial mortals.

    Back to the grindstone, or indeed treadmill


  8. At 04:41 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Told you so...

    S xx.

  9. At 04:47 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Greetings one and all

    Funnily enough talking of wonderful slimming/Toning gadgets. I happened to catch an early morning shopping channel today. Now those Americans are very persuasive..... This machine did not just go up and down it went to side to side. Working those inner thigh's and the waist. a MIRACLE or maybe something that gets put into the garage to collect dust after a week.

    By the way does anybody else think that Eurovision tune sounds like A Kylie song.

  10. At 04:52 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes

    Power Plate... Hmmmm (sceptical but open to persuasion look) I've looked these babies up on the wonderweb ( remember that stuff- no more sewing required - yeah right!.. ummm internet that's it.) So you stand on this thing ( and hold on like your life depends on it) , it shakes like a constipated dog and you get all slim trim and terrific as a result? Couldn't we just sit on the washing machine at home.. or stand for an extra stop on the tube maybe....... They don't come cheap do they?..... 8 big ones for a good model....... tell you what I'll do me old china... after a few weeks, when you fold yours up and put it under the bed ... I'll take it off your hands for a few hundred squid..........

    Oh one more question ..... do they do a duel ( two person) version? Would be fun finding out what that might do....;)

    Keep smiling


  11. At 04:53 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    No time to blog.

    The road home, the show and the gym beckon.

    Some of us don't have 'Power Plates'.

    Oh, and then LoM. Of course.

    Have fun one and all.

    The four day weekend-a-thon is but a moment away!

    Peace & love


    PS Snap

  12. At 05:00 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Chrissie S wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Didn't get a chance to say to you yesterday WELCOME BACK!

    I know it was ages ago, but I loved your "bit" on Comic Relief. You must get back to TV as soon as possible!

    Also, hope you had a really happy birthday on Sunday. I was thinking of you while I was on the coach journey from Hell. HOW can it take 7 hours to go from Harrogate to Glasgow?!

    I digress.

    Great to have you back, but true to form CLP, you told us yesterday that you made a "semi massive discovery" while you were away and that you would tell us tomorrow. That is now today - and no mention of the discovery in today's blog.

    No rush, just spill the beans in your own time!

    C xx

  13. At 05:02 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Kev wrote:

    Thank you for sharing the 'discovery' of Power Plate with us mere meeklings...sounds fab and a piece of p*s* to get fit without gymming it - though do remember J Ross extolling its virtues on his chat show many months ago. However, they start at a cool £3K!

    Not for me, the Power Plate...I'll carry on going to the gym - to watch!! ;o)

  14. At 05:07 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Yayyyyyyyyy.............here's to the Power Plate....................I knew Ronaldo didn't get a body like that from nowhere : )

    Good bye gym membership (gathering dust).....hello Power Plate.

    Please put my name down for one Chris and I'll also put my name down for one for MY Mr Universe.........if only I could find him.



  15. At 05:07 PM on 03 Apr 2007, PeLe wrote:

    First too comment at this late stage in the day, whats going on!

    I have one question, where does one buy said power plate as I am one of those many people who hate the arduous task of going to the gym!

  16. At 05:07 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Welsh Lady wrote:


    Now that is the kinda exercise I could cope with...!

    Not sure what my hubby would say if when he comes home from work - with me vibrating all over the kitchen though!?!?!??!?!?

    Hope the stew goes well tonight - looking forward to the receipe tomorrow...

    Good luck to the blogger who is finishing one job this week and starting another next....scary!

    I have recently resigned from my job - and am now on 3 MONTHS PAID gardening leave (not a great gardener now but will be by the end!)

    So, on the look out for a new job... Might also go the the bank to see if I can get a loan to sell vibrating plates... from my soon to be beautiful garden!?!?

    Happy Easter to all if I don't blog before then... Off to 'The Land of My Fathers' (well, Brecon Beacons).... on a camping trip...

    Welshrarebit..... Will I see you there?!?! x

  17. At 05:08 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Jt wrote:

    Oh my GOd Chris I am so glad you have found the joy of the power plate it is amazing? My local Gym has it. I love it

  18. At 05:11 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    just a thought ("oh no", I hear you all cry).........I wonder if we can multi task whilst on the Power Plate?.................

    .....................a cappucino and a double chocolate muffin to keep the energy levels up?

  19. At 05:12 PM on 03 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Did I hear a stew?

    Bless you Chris, ahahahaha

    No but seriously, I tried one of those plate things once. Couldn't eat with a knife and fork for a week.

    I prefer to jog gently, and not very often


    J McC

  20. At 05:27 PM on 03 Apr 2007, peni wrote:

    Oh man, I want one........

    Welcome back, btw,
    Peni xx

  21. At 05:34 PM on 03 Apr 2007, andy.kiddle@ukonline.co.uk wrote:

    more on the power plate...how much,where from,sounds the dogs.. yep really hate the gym and just talked myself out of going for a run again!! Will power don't just love it.. off to see stella artois


  22. At 05:38 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Howdy Chris

    PowerPlate :

    Madonna is apparently a fan of the P/P.
    Allegedly, 20 mins on a P/P is like 1.5hrs
    in the gym. You can do heaps on them.
    Squats, lunges, lop-sided press-ups and
    (God help us) Abs.
    The first time I did Abs on one (feet locked
    under the "holding bar", leaning back and
    just holding in position for the 45 seconds, never mind crunches), four hours later out of the blue I had the most AWFUL abdominal cramps, the sort you get when you realise suddenly you've had eaten summat that disagress with you and you "just HAVE to go"

    I've previously used one for remedial work
    on injuries, all under the supervision of a
    Personal Trainer

    Warning to those who see them in their gym & thinking of just "jumping on". There are blood pressure implications of the Powerplate. I can't remember which way now ie bad for thsoe with High or Low BloodPressure.

    A responsible gym will NOT let you use the PowerPlate unless you have signed a waiver about what you are or are not suffering from. I didn't even recognise half of what I was "signing away". About the only thing I was sure of was that I wasn't pregnant.

    If I remember right, the P/P costs over £3k (or was it over £6k, I forget now but then if it is over £6k, then it would be over £3k - ha ha). A certain Supermarket chain (who are currently in the news denying they have a Monopoly and have just agreed to pay farmers more for milk) have a personal mini one in their "Extra" stores for about £100. Obviously nowhere near as strong as the one you bought. I've been tempted but have never got around to it.

    (P.S. Welcome back)

  23. At 05:43 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Reference tonight's bit on bad breath;
    reminds me of an "old one" :

    Mahatma Ghandi had blisters on his feet from walking barefoot all the time.

    He also ate very little and as such was very frail.

    Apparently he also suffered from bad breath

    Suppose that made him a super calloused
    fragile mystic hexed by halitosis

  24. At 05:45 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Straight Outa Bristol wrote:

    I hate gyms too, but love to work out by talking long walks on sudays.. with a pub at the end for sunday lunch and a beer to quench. I also love to cycle and swim too, of course not at the same time..! :)

    chris what did you and the team get up to today before the show? would be good to have a daily or weekly video blog from you, just like Chris Moyles is doing for his blog on Radio 1.. go on give it a try!?

    Happy road testing the Irish stew.. sounds.. tasty! :)
    I hope the drivetime team also get to try some of your cooking?

    Rock on dudeman!

  25. At 06:21 PM on 03 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    I love stew, any kind of stew. My mums chicken or beef stew is great, but, I have to admit I`ve only ever had an Irish Stew out of a tin. I know, not good. I think I`ll do a bit of research into making an Irish Stew. Just brought myself a chess computer, well a chess set that teaches you how to play etc. Got it from Argos so not too expensive. I`ve seen some wonderful chess pieces on the internet from hundreds of pounds to a thousand or more. Another thing I want to learn is to play is the piano, just need to make more of an effort.

  26. At 07:26 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Enjoyed the students visit, how about a weekly tourism tuesday, perhaps we could get a bloggers visit, and see the master (Johnny Saunders) in action!

    DD out

    PS Rachel, I don't want to know where you're going with the power plate plan, you've already mentioned the washing machine! Getting frustrated are we love??

    PPS If you put a hot wok on a power plate do you get a stir fry that tosses itself??

    PPPS Hazel one for you!
    Love Love
    Love Love Love! doo dee doo! love love love!

  27. At 07:53 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Nathalie White wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Power plate sounds fantastic looked on e-bay am I allowed to mention them, and you can get them for just over £200 apparently. Not sure of quality etc but worth a look.

    Good luck with yours you deserve to have a few jollies in return for all the joy you give. (Not sure how gramatically correct that is but hope you understand the sentiment.)

    Perhaps we could have some before and after pictures in your gallery!!

    Glad your back.


  28. At 08:50 PM on 03 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Would a room full be called a vibrarium?

  29. At 09:49 PM on 03 Apr 2007, wrote:

    They are scary!


  30. At 10:08 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Wally the Walrus wrote:

    Er......ever heard the phrase: "There's no such thing as a free lunch"? And at £3k that's certainly not free.
    The views at my gym are worth the sweat and the toil... ;-) and they also have a Power Plate should I ever wish to use it.

  31. At 10:59 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    I'm so happy, oh so happy....

    Tra la laaaaa.

    I don't care about Power Plates (Can you get Vibration White Finger (or other vibrating white things) from them? All I can think about is the gorgeous, lovely Flutterby Man coming home soon. This time tomorrow, he will be winging his way back home and into my arms at the airport!!!! (BIG sigh!)

    Welsh Lady - thanks for the good luck message! I have already had a day at my new office (30 mins away, instead of 90!) and it's looking good. I am off work this week, but have already e-mailed my new boss with suggestions - is that sad or sucky???

    Anyhoo, I'm off now to plan the Welcome Home outfit and write a list of must do's for tomorrow, so that when I get up on Thursday morning, all I need do is have a quick shower and dress, before the drive to the airport. (Apols to all those that are reaching for the sick bucket!)

    Sweet dreams all,

    S xx.

  32. At 07:31 AM on 04 Apr 2007, anna wrote:

    Powerplate - i want one!

    Irish stew - can i put white wine in that? Got a bottle the other night and frankly thats all its good for!


    Tis a good day today. The snow has melted and spring is here. Egg hunt anyone?

  33. At 08:24 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Awwwwww Sammie - have a wonderful Flutterby reunion hun - just like the beginning of Love Actually with all the people hugging at the arrivals gate at Heathrow (long sigh, gone all soppy now!)

    Power plate - I suffer from motion sickness so it might not be for me! Makes me think of those boy scouts on Jim'll Fix It all those years ago ...

    Nearing the end of week 2 of my notice period - my boss is (as predicted) behaving like a 6 year old with no Easter eggs - why why why doesn't he just let me go early???

    Very 'cited today - test driving a car after work tonight as I need to replace my Company Car with one of my own. Its a 3 year old Nissan Micra with low mileage and one lady owner - honest!

    Righteo, best do something - at least I've got Thursday and Tuesday off so today is my last day this week! YooooooHooooooo!!

    Laters amigos.

    CtD x x

  34. At 08:36 AM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, and what a lovely Hump Day we have south of the Downs...no birdies today as yet, but I don't think they put their clocks forward do they?

    Martin James...your mum's chicken or beef stew...made me laugh...is no-one quite sure what meat it actually is???? My Gran'ma used to make a superb corned beef pie...then one day she told me she'd used Kitekat cat fud as she didn't have any corned beef...funny, couldn't face it ever again!

    Rachel, Ange Bleu, bonjour ma petite xx

    anna - there will indeed be an egg hunt. Starting fairly shortly...hopefully...

    Sammie, I trust you have something suitably floaty and romantic...I'm all excited too, hoorah!

    Looks like being a better day today...yesterday was just totally odd...and like I said, no real reason...OOOH, except, when I was in the checkout queue at Tesco (other supermarkets are available but without the handy parking and not on my way home) I realised I had been wearing my watch upside down all day...THAT'LL be why it went SO S L O W L Y!

    Go West young Moose

    ps B*gger the Power Plate...bend me over backwards on a Hostess Trolley!

  35. At 09:06 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Belles wrote:

    Good Morrow one and all and what a fine Hump day it is!!

    What a bizarre eveing i had yesterday - ended up working late so heard the first bit of the show in the office, managed to get in the car just after womens minute and Chris was talking about Dungeness, and how fanatstic it is(it really is by the way especially on a crisp winters day)

    Well i was shocked as i live nearby, and thought i would text our beloved CLP with the news - and then low and behold he only went and read my message live on air!! Nearly crashed the car on the M20 - (prehaps their should be a warning about texting radio stations prior to driving!!)

    Anyway i want one of these power plate thingies -i do try and walk and cycle as much as possible but wouldnt it be great to just stand for 20 mins and get all slinked down? Cant afford £3000 tho!

    Second to last day at work today - trying to look busy so will be checkin in from time to time!

    Big loves to all

    Belles x x x

    PS Hazel Love - be careful!! If the trolly is hot burns may occur - could be worse than carpet burns!

    PPS Sammie - am jealous - but full of joy for you xx watch out for burns yourself!! x x

  36. At 10:14 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Graham Seale wrote:

    Hi Chris recently had an operation on my leg, also have a sick foot, Drs.looking after my leg say I must exercise it, Drs looking after my foot say I must rest it, do you think the power plate will do the trick?

  37. At 10:24 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hey BP - what's your game??? I blogged AGEs ago and it's not appeared ..... sulk sulk.

    Anyhooo .. what's all this about our CLP being 'told off' for talking over records? Surely the worstest culprit is Little Miss Dawn Patrol?? Leave CLP alone - it's his cheery banter that gets us all home in a happy mood ...

    ... bet that gets BP'd !!

    Adieu amigos.

    CtD x x

  38. At 10:56 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Belles wrote:


    I agree - Little Miss Dawn Patrol does talk over records and so does STW - and what the flip does SW's mean?????

    I am having the same problems with bosses - was late in about a week ago due to traffic accident on motorway and have to make up the time hence i was in work at 7.30 this morning - not good when you have an hours drive in!!

    But only till lunchtime tomorrow to go and the thirsty thursday can really start!!!

    Belles x x x

  39. At 11:13 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:


    Dunno what the SWs are either ... bizarre! I've actually stopped listening to Lady Dawn Patrol in favour of CDs to get me up and about in the morns. So far has exhumed The Smiths, Blur's Parklife and The Best Of Siouxsie and the Banshees. Class!

    Sooooooooooooo loving Dermot .... he's making portacabin life almost bearable!


    CtD x

  40. At 11:44 AM on 04 Apr 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    Ooooooh - a Power Plate - I want one of those.

    OR a Hostess Trolley - nice one Hazel Love.


  41. At 11:53 AM on 04 Apr 2007, Kate wrote:

    In trouble for talking over records?!....tut tut! we love you for it anyway! :)

    Have to say...its a classic when you join in singing with the song...and even add your own lines!

    :) see you on the air tonight! (does that even make sense...seeing you...on the air?!)

    take care one and all!

  42. At 12:04 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    God almighty you are in great form altogether...it'd nearly sicken a man but yo're hard to beat as the song goes...
    Was that Hi FI LIKED THAT A LOT ....ME I;M DESPERATELY TRYING TO STOP THE POETRY COMING OUT BUT THEN BEING A CATHOLIC THE OUL SUPPRESSION OF PAIN AND THE DARKNESS COMES QUIET NATURALLY TO ME AT THIS STAGE O ME LIFE.. YOU ARE 41 YOU SAY.. I'M 37 NOW BUT FEELING A LOT OLDER PROBAB;KLY COS i'M A MISERABLE SHITE!! yUO CAN'T BEAT THE iRSH STEW especially like most bakes and casseroles when left for a day or two just before the turn,.. jesus powerful.. the sun is bright and shiny today and the job I do is great but I needs the kick up the arse to appreciate what I've got.. christ I've been going to the jacks a lot lately is this normal?
    Was at the Doctor this morning about it he says no risk but there has been a change in pattern so observe the stuff..
    tHANKS dOC..lovely but its like when I gets the message to go, boys oh boys I have to go.. whoosh ...
    no accidents as yet but I'm not far off let me tell

  43. At 12:28 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh dear my last chance to post tomorrow before my computer is packed up in a box,
    I don't know when I will ever get back online. Just wanted to say Thanks for the clever and amusing writing some make you think, some make you laugh and some make you just a little sad.

    Oh and thanks for not banning me.

    Prof Plum aka Q aka Mystic Mog aka Chicken Noodle aka Miss Scarlet and not forgetting Major Tom.

  44. At 12:57 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    First Moose and now Prof Plum ....

    Hope all goes well Prof ... don't forget we're here and come back soon!

    Lotsa luv

    CtD x x

  45. At 01:05 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Belles wrote:

    Agree Ctd especially about Dermot - he played some fine tunes today, and is so easy on the eye!!

    Roll on 4.30pm then home! Might have a winey wednesday tonight as i have a late start tomorrow! Hurrah!!

    Belles x x

  46. At 01:42 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Prof Plum...missing you til you're back again!

    CtD...buy it! I used to have one, and it ran and ran and ran and ran...and ran and ran...

    SWs? Have I missed sunnink? I thought it was thinly veiled about the afternoon presenter and egotist...I don't think I've ever heard a record all the way through on SW...and I joined in the bits of the Bob Dylan track in the same places you did, Christophe, and it heightened my enjoyment...it did!

    anyhoo, the Robin has been in and squeaked loudly at me for having a chicken sandwich, so I'd better go and hide me millet...

    aka M and some others I can't remember...

    Ah yes! Merember you're a Womble!

    DD - thank you love love you DO! xx

  47. At 02:46 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I see Christophe is being tardy with his appearance again today! Has he been shaken not stirred to sleep by power plate???

    DD out

  48. At 02:56 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello all

    Still no sign of the blog master. One hopes he hasn't vibrated too much on the plate, and is no longer able to type without his fingers skidding uncontrollably across the keyboard.

    Whilst you wait for the next post, why not pop along to the McCrumble blog - now written every working day (bar holidays, weekends, wedding days, funeral days, birthdays, off-days).

    Put a little more McCrumble into your life and bask awhile in one of my daily emissions.

    J McC

    **This post was brought to you by McCrumble Promotions - targeted advertising for the blogger seeking that little bit extra publicity ****

  49. At 03:47 PM on 04 Apr 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    I imagine CLP is 'tardy' because this blog is becoming so bloody boring.

    I'm a troll, apparently,


  50. At 04:12 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Life is what you make it dear J-not-J, and I wouldn't have said a troll...what a low opinion you have of yourself...unless you mean like Rocky, or Detritus, ore?

    What would you like to liven it up?

  51. At 04:38 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    How about a sing-song?


  52. At 04:40 PM on 04 Apr 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    Hello BGno.1

    I call myself a troll with tongue-in-cheek because I've been called it before on this site. I enjoyed this blog in the past for the discussions that follows on from CLP's musings.

    What would I like to see - less personal chit-chat - I don't really want to know the in's and out's of other bloggers lifes. But I do want to read about their opinions following on from the chappie who owns the blog and who surely leads the flow of the blog for the day.

    The only real discussion that's happened about C's blog of yesterday is about the price of the power plate and even then, fleetingly. Nothing about China, diet, education, etc.

    I wonder if I'm in the wrong place!

    Thanks for your time, Billy,

  53. At 05:31 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Farewell J-not-J, you'll be missed!!!!

    Feel better now sweetie???

    DD out

  54. At 06:38 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    PowerPlate sounds fab, can i pop round in a min and have a go?

    Think SWs are taking the mickey out of Steve Wright for always saying "Love the show", so when people say SWs they are really saying they love Sarah's show.

    Thought the lady who will be wearing the wedding dress sounded lovely, maybe she could come on here and tell us all about her big day in a few weeks time.

    Is it poor form to blog while the show is still on.....?

    Em xx

  55. At 07:38 PM on 04 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    Do my eyes deseave me or did Chris not blog today? Funny bequlia!!! For someone who`s professional about things I`m wondering why. But then I missed a fair chunk of the show, so the reason may lie in listening to the pod?

    To blog or not to blog...

  56. At 07:49 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Wot no blog?

    Don't think you've missed one before. You've come pretty close mind.


    Caught the first half of the show and then plugged into my Pod (other, inferior, MP3 players are apparently available) and went for a spiffing walk around Rudgwick in the sunshine.


    Now I have a G&T on the go and can kick back while the sun goes down, safe in the knowledge that the monthly numbers have been crunched and the megaweekend is on the doorstep.

    J-not-J. No right or wrong here, so won't criticise other than to say if it ain't to your taste, walk away. Negative blogs can be such a downer.

    CLP. Happenings at the club. Drop me a line or maybe I'll catch you at the weekend. You will be interested.

    Much peace and love

    Here's to ART!


    PS Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue

    PPS Turn it up loud, captain!

  57. At 08:13 PM on 04 Apr 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Darn - what's up with today's blog - keeps saying it can't be found.



  58. At 08:24 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I'm sure I'm not the only one thats noticed, but CLP has blogged today, called Yes they are my pyjamas, but it would seem that he too has been BP'd.

    There be an error my dears, and probably will be sorted out and fixeded by the time I've finished typing this.

    Hope it does appear, as pyjamas are a subject close to my heart.

    Sleep deep, dream well

    MW, a!

  59. At 08:32 PM on 04 Apr 2007, anna wrote:

    j not j - i think perhaps you are.

    happy easter lovely people.


  60. At 09:25 PM on 04 Apr 2007, wrote:

    /wot no blog! Gosh lordy lordy Chirstophe You must have been really busy with the new project. J not j I must admit I found the whole 'community' thung quite difficult at first but hey it's great - you are welcome. Please feel free to post about our great leaders thoughts or your own. Actually come to think of it - is this becoming a message board?

    Ciao chaps. xx

  61. At 10:36 PM on 04 Apr 2007, Richard Thomas wrote:

    I've just read your blog on POWER PLATE. Stuff that!
    Why not go to 'Google Maps' Directions ...Put 'New York' as your starting point, and 'London' as your finish point Scroll to step 23 - see how you get on with that!
    You'll love it - I guarantee it!

  62. At 09:37 AM on 05 Apr 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Hope we are all in fine fettle this bright an scrummy Thursday.

    Mariella, you is correct it would appear no-one is safe from the BPs.

    Anywhoo, just had to say Christoph had me in fits on the way home last night...It was womans min that did it, Frankie Howard, priceless!!
    And the guy that thought anchovies were like salty eyebrows, couldn't agree more, just like IMHO dried apricots are 100% ear lobes.

    Well that's about it from me (for a while anyhow), appart from, have to say, if you don't like this blog leave it alone!

    Take care

    ps I know it's not Friday, but I'm still in love!!

  63. At 10:14 AM on 05 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ah Christophe. Greetings to you and all the eejits out there in the ether from a gloriously sunny Belfast.

    Now then. Forty one is the new black. A belated Happy Birthday to you.

    Ok. After 3.

    Forty One Today,
    Forty One Today,
    You've lost the key of the door,
    Never bin Forty One before;
    Your mother says you can do as you like
    But break your hip, hooray,
    For you're a jolly good fellow,
    Forty One today.

    Well, last Sunday but who's countin'.

    Bottoms up.


  64. At 04:58 AM on 06 Feb 2008, wrote:

    >hurricane documentries

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