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Chris Evans | 16:19 UK time, Thursday, 13 December 2007

Tonight, tonight, won't be just any night....

....it's our do, our Christmas do. Not the team do, that's next week, we're off to a wine tasting. No, tonight is the whole of Radio 2 do. I can't wait, honestly, I'm so excited. I love a works Christmas bash, especially when we are part of a proper operation. It feels all genuine and everything.

Spent two and a half hours in the air on my own today. What a strange feeling. I never thought they'd let me do it. Thanks to everyone involved, especially Captain Young, I'm still in a bit of shock.

It just shows you, a few years ago I could barely find my way from one pub tot he next and now I have a vague idea of how to get from kent to Goodwood in a flying machine. What a laugh. Still behind the wife though but I can think of worse places to be.

What a line up on the show last night. If you didn't get to hear Jason Bonham then listen again, he was brilliant. Macca too as well as the Arch Bish and The Flying Picket with the smokers voice... Big bad Brian Hibbard.

Not much else to report, off to try and get a really annoying splinter out of the tip of my thumb, so bloody awkward.





  1. At 04:29 PM on 13 Dec 2007, wrote:

    betcha you are glad you are not on early mornings any more!

    I still remember the morning you didn't turn up on Beeb One after the Christmas Bash!

    The very next night I got myself in the same state, and am proud to say I've never vomitted down myself like that ever again. (Or my husband, or the taxi, or the living room carpet, or the stairs).

    Happy Holidays


  2. At 04:58 PM on 13 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Blimey! I've had sleepless nights and cold sweats about our staff christmas party and it's only 40 or so of us - I do not envy the person who has the job of doing the whole of Radio 2 !!

    Have a fantastic time and please ensure your hangover has left the building in time for ARF tomorrow!

    CtD xxxxxx

  3. At 05:08 PM on 13 Dec 2007, It's behind you wrote:

    Maybe it is, Maybe it's not one and all

    Christmas parties how exciting.

    Been down the farmland today anybody want a gorgeous little terrier puppy. 10 weeks old very shy and needs a caring home.

  4. At 05:40 PM on 13 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ow Christoff. Don't talk to ME about splinters.

    I recently got a splinter in me tongue when I licked me stirry thing whilst enthusiastically on the business end of a toffee nut latte in Starbucks. Jaysus you should try that for size.

    The daughter tried to extricate the thing with the aid of brute force, a pair of eyelash curlers and a pickle fork, but she was laughin' so much she had to resort to the Heimlich Manouvre when me nut sprinkles went down the wrong way, and consequently I spent the followin' week with a fat lip, bloodshot eyes an' talkin' like Roy Hattersley.

    So watch what you're lickin', guys and girls. It might bite.

    Mind you I must confess I love a good splinter. And a nice juicy blackhead. But not on somebody I don't know; that knocks me sick. What's that all about d'you reckon.

    The Genius daughter says it's primeval. Monkeys grooming each other. Whatcha think girls.

    Any road up. On that unsavoury note I'm off again. By the crin it's all go innit. Galway here I come. Hurrah!!

    Joyeux Noel one and all.


  5. At 06:37 PM on 13 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Seasons Greetings Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    BIG 'POLOGIES ter ALL for not being able ter blog but me computer blew up Mondee...... BIG style - loads ter say but it's all gone ape!!!!!

    Firstly BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE GREETINGS Ter yersen Chrissie, aka the 12th December - sorry bit late!!!!

    CtD - I 'eard your Christmas Gobsmackers on Mondee - Wrockin' good, especially the first one!!!!!!

    MfR - Sorry missed yours but i'll do the listen again thingy!!!!
    Proves CLP iz lookin' after 'is regular blog operatatives needs at Christmas!!!!

    Prof Plum - What a claim ter fame... meeting the Robert Plant & the Zep dudes!!!!!
    Prof if yer'd been a keybord player yer might 'ave been like the fifth Beatle - know what am sayin'!!!!
    PS Nancy Lamb - I know who yer mean - she's got..... round glasses.... not on the table but on 'er face... but 'aving said that being a cheif, sorry chef, she probs 'as got some on the table too - know what am sayin'!!!!!


    PS ALL - Got another Sven style Christmas message ere -

    Lots of little green bottles, not on a wall, but on the supermarket shelf, containing....... SNOWBALL.... AND buy one get one free......

    I LIKE IT....... VERY MUCH....... I LIKE IT!!!!!!!

  6. At 08:10 PM on 13 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris well done for inviting foxy ....but comiserations on not getting jonny sport there to

  7. At 08:18 PM on 13 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    WROCKIN' RIGHT ON...... WROCKIN'!!!!!!!

    Me Blog Commentation got through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got a 502 message, then me blog dissapeared & I thought, not again, but some 'ow it's made it through!!!!

  8. At 08:47 PM on 13 Dec 2007, MfR wrote:


    Nice to see you back Bingo.

    Glad everything is still mad as a bicycle in your world.

    Just been down The M for a swift beverage with an old pal, bloomin' packed! Looks good with all the decs up though.

    Trawled through Tuesdays show to find my mention for the Christmas Crackers - that was nice of you to say so Chris. And, I got my Crackers played. And, I got an email from Juicy Janine!

    All is well in Rudgwick.

    Chris. I stand by my message from earlier. You must play some Dread Zeppelin before the silly season is out, you won't regret it. Alas, I don't have a copy of Un-Led-ed, but surely a jukebox with your unlimited means must be able to find it?

    Hope everyone is well. I know the blog has been playing up, but I miss seeing HL, Lyndyloo and the gang everyday.

    Oh, and Moose, best wishes.

    Peace & love


    PS Mary Bradley waits at home

    PPS The Christmas you get you deserve

    PPPS A face on a lover with a fire in his heart

  9. At 10:02 PM on 13 Dec 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Hey christy and all,
    A very sleep deprived tiny bump here, the wee girl is doing great, her mammy would be doin great if she could get more than four hours sleep on the trot!!!!!!!!!! Never mind shes a little beauty so that makes up for it.
    Splinters, love gettin em out as long as its someone else Im operating on, same goes for spots n blackheads!!!!!!! Himself hides all his blemishes for fear I pin him down and squeeze bejaysus out of it. Best thing for a really nasty spot or boil is a ho bread poltice, pour boiling water on a piece of thick bread n slap it on the offending pustle, Its supposed to "draw all the badness out" good for really deep slinters too!

  10. At 10:19 PM on 13 Dec 2007, wrote:

    you say you spent two and a half hours in the air alone today!
    Shouldn't you lay off that stuff now you are a middle aged man especially alone, that is a sign of a man addicted!!!
    Love your show (but not a lot, but not alot)

  11. At 10:59 PM on 13 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris listen to your show on the way home from work most nights, you sound a like a nice bloke, if you need a good window cleaner give us a shout.
    (Friday night is dvd night with my children, Lucy 10, William 6)

  12. At 01:08 AM on 14 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Wonder how the karaoke went?! Now, Christoff, you have to spill the beans on who sang what and how well!!!

    Just wanted to share a shot from my Viking pal to put is in the mood for a white Christmas!!


    Susan, Highland lass

  13. At 09:15 AM on 14 Dec 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Chris, we need Chriggy party gossip please. Who snogged who? Who threw up? Who flashed their undercrackers? That kind of thing...spill!

    Susan S - thanks for the luck - it must have worked; I passed with the equivalent to a 2:2 so not great but it's a pass and I'm relieved. Mr P is taking me out tonight to celebrate.

    Elm - I'm under 30 and I listen to Radio 2. There's nowt wrong with it. Chris Evans over Scott Mills any day.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Rosie x

  14. At 09:28 AM on 14 Dec 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Just a wee word to Rosie Roo - hope you get good news today!

    Bingo - thank you for your good wishes.

    Clodagh and Big Bump - Blackheads? Ewwww, almost put me off my Full Scottish this morning!

    SusanS - when do you actually sleep?!

    Have a good day all.

    C xx

  15. At 09:52 AM on 14 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    So, what gossip from the party???????

    Hi everyone!

    I've been poorly for a few days - had a bad cold, then was a bit down - I read somewhere that it can take up to a year to get over a broken relationship - argh! Only 46 weeks to go then!!

    Feeling a bit better now though. Going out for a ramble with a new group on Sunday - eek!!


  16. At 10:33 AM on 14 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Seasons Greetings Ter ALL of...... The www.

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - 'ope you & ALL of The Drivetime Mega Team 'ad a beautiful party last night.
    The Fox - Glad you invited 'er along after the BIG misunderstanding... 'ope The Rebecca 'ad a good time!!!

    CLP - The flying solo thingy, reminds me of the first time I drove a car on me own - probs the same feeling.... bit eirie being on yer own for the first time.... all those noises etc.
    Only experience i've 'ad of flying is flying low a few times.... probally be easier ter wear a skirt, problem solved.... mind you that would be more embaressing than flying low.... unless yer scottish..... Jimmy - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    MfR - Recognise the PPPS - bit of Whigfield & Last Christmas - great tune!!!

    ChrissieS - 'ope you 'ad a good one but soz abit late with the birthdee wishes!!!!

    Cathmel - Thanks for asking but am back atlast - computer been expertly repaired atlast by me local computer reapiring experts!!!!!

    ALL Blog Operatatives - I've got very exciting news..... me new Bingo Crystal Ball Of...... The Zodiac 'as arrived!!!!!!!! Yyyyyyyessssssssssss!!!!!!
    I've been advised by me suppliers ter not dare put any Cillitt Bang near it.
    The've told me if I need ter clean it up abit for an extra shine try something medically medical like witchhazel.
    So i've been looking for a witch called Hazel for the past day but can't find one - any ideas anyone??????
    The only Hazel I know of is fellow blog friend Hazel Love & she's anything but a witch - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Atleast for know, sorry now, me new crystal ball is so shiny I was able ter get me quiff just right this morning via it's reflection - Ace Venturer style... but not quite as 'igh!!!!

    Find too 'igh a quiff effects me fuel figures driving me truck plus it gets blown outta place more easily.
    'aving said that a big quiff 'elps if the wind iz behind yer!!!!
    Me bosses were ever i've worked never could figure out why i'm always top of the fuel figures despite suspicion of me nicking diesel.... it's the aerodynamic effect of me shades & me quiff - worth an extra 2mpg!!!!!!


    PS I'll atlast bang me Aries astro reading on the later blog, aka CLP!!!!

  17. At 10:43 AM on 14 Dec 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning!

    It's Friday - YAY!!

    Sorry for my absence, in case you were wondering, my date DIDN'T kidnap me - I cancelled it, as I slipped and twisted my knee! Really couldn't bear his first impression of me to be limping, miserable and wearing trainers! Anyhoo, he was very sweet, so we're going to try again next Wednesday - BUT Heston Blumenthal's Christmas thingy is on that night!!!

    Tinsel, before you know it, you'll be thinking to yourself (and saying to all your new friends) "Blimey, where did that year go?" Promise xx.

    Happy Birthday Chrissie - sorry I'm a bit late xx.

    Glad to read you're all still mad as a box of friends (love that phrase).

    Gingembre - sorry about your knee matey - guess HL won't be sitting there for quite some time, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

    I was savaged by one of my sons gerbils this week. The little sod has almost taken off the top of my index finger - very annoying indeed. The shop we got him from could never have handled him at all - such a contrast to our other furry little chap. I told my son (in temper) that I was taking Jonty back, at which point, my son quite rightly pointed out that it wasn't Jonty's fault the horrible man didn't love him. Aaaah. He's right of course - so will only handle the vermin whilst wearing oven gloves from now on.

    Well, I have some work to be getting on with, so had better do so. I got to work very early today, which is just as well, as I've forgotten my purse and need to buy a pressie for the friends I'm seeing tonight - so will clear orff at 4pm. Hooray!

    Have a great day one and all,

    S xx.

    P.S. BIG weekend, my daughters surprise birthday party tomorrow and her actual brithday on Sunday - my little girl's 16!

  18. At 11:01 AM on 14 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Oh fogot ter say........

    Any one stuck for Christmas present ideas, eres some ere -

    The Sally Traffic 'andbook - Been reading it, only £10 & very, very good value for money - am tellin' yer!!!!!

    Sals book 'as got a mini biography, very interesting reading about R2, Sally, Wrightie, CLP & lots of travel tips, road factoids & a few jokes in there too - I'd advise anyone who drives, listens ter R2, or needs ter improve their english skills - BUY IT!!!!!! It's a good read!!!

    Also get someone an astrology birth signs profile book - there's something in there for every single person & even the none believers will 'ave a sly look on the quite and might even start ter become...... beavers, sorry believers!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!


  19. At 01:16 PM on 14 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hope a good time was had by all CLP.

    There's nothing like a good Christmas 'do'. Even the bit at the end when everyone drapes their arms over everyone's shoulders, makes a big circle singing 'so here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun'. Unless, of course, you get the guy with big sweat circles under his arms next to you......

    Debbie x

  20. At 01:30 PM on 14 Dec 2007, Martinimo wrote:

    ‘Tis a good time of year for parties and concerts, I hope everyone is getting their fair share. I bet Chris and the gang had a ball at the Radio 2 Christmas Bash.
    Here’s hoping that the wine, the music, the dodgy dancing was all in full attendance and worth the cost of a shaky head the next day.
    I was at a Rodrigo Y Gabriela concert earlier this week and for a couple of ex- heavymetal players from Mexico they didn’t half blow me away with their amazing Spanish Guitar antics, even did their version of ‘Stairway’ awesome stuff. The way they got the audience involved with some fancy clapping was inspired and made us all feel like backing musician for the night. Catch them live if you have any interest at all in guitars.
    You know I’ve listened to the Drivetime show since the beginning, just great stuff, the last winter’s tour was some of the best Radio I’ve heard in years. However I have ditched the car in favour of the train better in every way except no Radio. I’ve tried listen again but for some reason it doesn’t quite do it the same for me.
    So as I end my First Blog entry a portable radio just topped my Christmas list and I wish you amigos well for the festive season.
    Take it easy,

  21. At 01:57 PM on 14 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I'm soooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! I've just had a lovely lunch with a colleague at the local garden centre and I couldn't help myself .... I purchased (with my hard earned cash) a 3' high silver wire santa with blue LED lights in his belly. He's divine!!! He's currently having a lie down in the boot of my car in readiness of meeting Sootycat later this evening. She'll love him!!!

    Also bought a pink (yes PINK!!!) santa with gangly legs.

    Oh dear. I need a dark room and a brandy!!!

    AND tonight me and Mr Diva are off to another local garden centre to buy our Christmas Tree ....


    Love everyone!

    CtD xxxxxxxxx

  22. At 03:12 PM on 14 Dec 2007, BINGOing STARk raving bonkers wrote:

    Afternoon all,
    Good to hear the toons from MfR the uvver day! You are always welcome on the dark side of the Moose!

    I do hope CLP had a good evening last night and didn't do anything silly, such as fox the Fox. Trust that the baby's head was well and truly drowned inspite of Johnny boy's absence.

    Thoughts are with Lyndyloo!

    keep on Wrockin


  23. At 01:03 PM on 20 Dec 2007, Dafydd Williams wrote:

    I'd like to contact Brian Hibbard regarding a new play written by Alan Osborne of 'The Merthyr Trilogy Fame'. Wonder if he might be interested in reading it. No Agents Please.

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