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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Without doubt one of the most eccentric people in showbiz, introducing...

... Mr Peter Kay in our box last night at the O2.

On his own, smiling, chomping on a sarnie, having driven himself down from the north west - happy as a sand boy. A huge Zep fan by the way. Always nice, always friendly.

(In a thick Bolton accent)
"Hey, how about that Almost Famous, 'ow good is that film, I'm always in floods whenever I watch it. It just brings back all those feelings of being young, yer whole life ahead of you - all yer dreams ahead of you."

Apparently he watched it on the way to the gig to get him in the mood. How he did this and drive I declined to ask. Lovely fella though.

Hey did anyone mention that Foreigner were the support act. "I wanna know what love is," oh yes baby.

So how was the concert ?

How do you think ? In a word... awesome. Jimmy Page was on fire, I mean really on fire, Jason Bohman spookily good and Robert the Plant's voice as good as ever. I never realised how funky they were ! And how do you go about writing those songs ? They're so complex, so massive, so magnificent.

All the biggies, all the must plays didn't disappoint, nothing disappointed - the stage show itself was breathtaking. To such an extent, according to U2's manager Paul Mcguiness, "there's no way this is a one off." Hurrah.

My favorite moment however was after the show. A picture I'll never forget. Jimmy Page backstage slumped on a sofa with his three kids draped all over him telling their daddy how much they loved him. A happier, more content man, it would be difficult to imagine.





  1. At 03:56 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Elm wrote:

    my night of walking my friends dog just doesn't really compete though does it?

    Oh well - some of us walk the streets while other live in the clouds

    Elm x

  2. At 04:14 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Kate Williams wrote:

    Hi Christoff!

    Sooooooooo pleased to hear you had a fab night,

    and obviously,I'm a tad green with envy!!

    Would be great if Zep did tour.

    Love to y'all

  3. At 04:19 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    The last bit is the bit I liked in that.

    I don't get the whole led zepplin thing? Really I don't. I heard Paolo Nutini was a support there? That would have excited me a wee bitty more.

    I got taken out to lunch today. Yawnnnnnn, don't feel like doing much now.

    C-T-D You are A Star!

  4. At 04:21 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    The last bit is the bit I liked in that.

    I don't get the whole led zepplin thing? Really I don't. I heard Paolo Nutini was a support there? That would have excited me a wee bitty more.

    I got taken out to lunch today. Yawnnnnnn, don't feel like doing much now.

    C-T-D You are A Star!

  5. At 04:46 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh Elm ....


    Glad it went okey doke CLP. I had a wonderful eve too with the Dragons in their Den and Mr Russolution on Have I Got News .... not forgetting the Paxman/Corrie sarnie earlier in the eve!

    Not sure where today has gone but only 8.5 working days left to crimmy - yipppeeeeeeee!!

    Take care everyone - it's gonna be a cold, icy night.

    CtD xxxxxx

  6. At 04:47 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:


    I'm soooooo jealous. Loved them then and would love to see them now. Got a pair of old J Bonhams drum sticks - he handed them to me - how cool is that?

    From the names that were mentioned as being there, were there any non-celebs there at all?

    mange tout xxx

  7. At 05:20 PM on 11 Dec 2007, mike clark wrote:

    went for a fantastic run to day with bouncer my dog the ground was frosty and the puddles where frozen doing it again to moss want to come??? its great

  8. At 05:21 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Wow! was thinking of you! Last night was the 'fella's' works meal and for those who don't know he works in a drum shop. Anyway last night the boss was telling us that he got a phone call asking if they could buy a snare drum back as someone needs to borrow one for a gig which was on last night, and the fella's shop was the only place to have this drum! So they are all hoping that the drum was being played at the O2 last night! Oh boys and their toys!

    Well I'm now off for a rest and then finish wrapping pressies. Still got a few to get! Oh I love it though! Missy xx

  9. At 05:28 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Penny wrote:

    Aww Chris, I'm just SOOOOOO jealous, I wanted to go SO badly.......glad you had a good time, though......please tell us some more about it......
    Love the snow,
    Pen x

  10. At 05:45 PM on 11 Dec 2007, john wrote:

    hi chris i was at the 02 last night and also at knebworth twice to see zeppelin how many of your listners can say that

  11. At 05:56 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Dear Mr Evans,

    It will come as no surprise to you that Beaver Hateman and his gang are big fans of this band.

    Personally I find the lyrics of a somewhat dubious nature and not the sort of thing that would go down well at my annual Christmas Musical Soiree - although apparently their manager has rung the Old Monkey up a few times begging him to book them.

    I imagine they are keen for the publicity that a gig at Homeward inevitably offers.

    Yours Faithfully


  12. At 06:52 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    MfR - you were the christmas crackers did you hear them????

    GO BLOGGERS GO x x x x x x x

  13. At 07:06 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Not many, but the drugs will do that sort of thing to you! Tee hee

    DD out

    PS And he's cli-yi-mbing the stair-air-way to hea-yev-an!

  14. At 07:10 PM on 11 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    peter kay and the zep nuff said (garlic bread)

  15. At 07:21 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Sarah steed wrote:

    hello Chris
    you asked a question earlier about the flying pickets

    One of the members works at my school

  16. At 07:36 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Right I am fed up with this!

    For the third time I have posted nice messages to people and the gremlins have prevented me from actually posting!

    Last go - well done MfR for having your christmas crackers played tonight.

    C x

  17. At 08:11 PM on 11 Dec 2007, MfR wrote:


    I'm in the gang now too!

    Two 'Christmas Crackers', two bloggers.

    Over to you Bingo et al.

    Must be quick, Oz and James are about to strut their stuff, followed by Heston and our Gord.

    Tuesdays. Officially, the only night worth switching the telly on for.

    Peace & love


  18. At 08:49 PM on 11 Dec 2007, Lisalpa wrote:

    Last night was amazing. What a great opening with Keith Emerson and "Fanfare". Paul Rodger's voice was amazing as were all the acts. I went expecting a moderate overall performance and was overwhelmed by the whole show. Being in the gods up on level 4, the vertigo started to kick in when Jimmy Page pushed the sound system to its limit and the whole arena shook! You're quite right Chris there was nothing to disappoint. Here's one very happy Surrey housewife who made it through the ballot!

  19. At 11:53 PM on 11 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Evening Christoff!!!

    Had to pop in and out of the show tonight as was getting guinea pigs ready for their new home then took my sister for her Christmas shopping. She got ALL ... I repeat ... ALL her shopping in 2 hours!!!! Talk about shopping like a man!!

    Christoff, honey .... you ALWAYS make me smile, you are such a ray of sunshine (Bring me sunshine, in your smile ....) but tonight .... that was awesome!!! Bob Harris .... how could you forget speaking to him less than 24 hours ago!?!?! OOOPPPSSS! Och, don't worry honey - we were laughing with you, not at you!

    I'm guessing Peter Kay made it home ok afterwards? That is a long way to go!

    Right - I'm going to wrap my pressies, then I'll be back to catch up with y'all!!


    Susan, Highland lass

  20. At 03:17 AM on 12 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Ok - will do the catch up with y'all tomorrow!! Just kicking myself that I missed MfR's Gobsmackers!!! Will have to listen again again! Go Bloggers!!!!

    Missed James and Ozz too!! But it was worth it to spend time with my wee sister!

    Lyndyloo - honey, just wanted to remind you that you and your family are still very much in our thoughts and prayers.

    Night all!!

  21. At 07:10 AM on 12 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Morning all,

    Decided to give up fat club until after xmas - what's the point right now.

    Sammie still waiting to hear about your meal but maybe you're not home yet - mange tout!!

    Gingembre - hope you are ok

    Susan S - is the little one looking forward to Christmas?

    Ctd - vive la russolution he is everywhere yyeess!!

    MfR - assuming your refering to Spooks - I concur

    Have a great day x x x x

  22. At 08:32 AM on 12 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all...

    ...hope you are well this cold December day?

    I have to admit that I wasn't really excited by the whole LedZep reunion - not really my cup o' tea, however, I do totally understand the whole seeing someone 'live' that you've always dreamt of seeing. Glad you all had a good time.

    So, from the view I have this morning it looks like winter has landed, crisp crunchy white grass, cars frozen over etc. Love it. Off into the city in a mo' to get a few bits. Back to work tomorrow after my glandular fever tests first thing, dunno what happens if its positive???

    Had my knee appt yesterday, in a nutshell I'm going to be sent for a second opinion with the man who's regarded as the best in this field!! Unfortunately there's now the row as to who pays!!! The funny thing is, I suggested a 2nd opinion 4 months ago, but what do I know? - ho hum!

    Have a lovely day everyone

    Bonnet de douche


  23. At 09:56 AM on 12 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Christoff et al!

    How are we all this wonderful Hump Day?! Only stopping by for a quick hello as the wee lass has one of her Christmas parties this morning! Can't get her dressed until she finishes her ice lolly though!! In December! I ask ye!

    Yes, cathmel, she is getting excited! Though she is only 2, this is her third Christmas, so methinks she feels like a veteran! She has been sucked into the 'I want that for Christmas, Mummy' mode! But told me last week that she doesn't want Santa to come to her house - Mummy and Daddy are to go and meet him and tell him she is scared of him, then we have to get her presents from him! Sensible lass!! It doesn't make sense to have a huge stranger, dressed all in red, squeezing down the lum and sneaking round one's home at night, does it!? Any other time of year we'd be brandishing the biggest kitchen knife in one hand as we called the local constabulary with the other!!

    Hey-ho! It is a crazy, mixed up world!

    Huggles all,

    Susan, Highland lass

    I'll try snaffle some mince pies for y'all!

  24. At 10:05 AM on 12 Dec 2007, mwk wrote:

    Morning All

    I believe we have another blogger birthday today.........

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Chrissie
    Happy birthday to you....hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray xx

    CtD & MfR well done for getting your christmas crackers played. Chris even gave you a special thank you MfR for the idea! Hope the cheque is in the post lol

    Lyndyloo - my thoughts are with you xx take care xx

    Gingembre - hope your feeling better and all went well with the knee people xx

    Susan S - so lovely to see you on the blog xx Big huggles to Charis xx

    Take care all
    Mary xx

  25. At 10:41 AM on 12 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Morning all,

    Bloody hell it's freezing today, so cold in this office/barn that I'm sitting here with my scarf on! No wonder I can't shake off this cold.

    Looks lovely out though doesn't it. Only downside to driving here today was the ice on the road, nearly ended up in a ditch.

    I'm being really miserable here aren't I? Actually I could do with some good jokes and some cheering up if anyone is inclined. Home not great and work is worse. Going to make some New Year's Resolutions today I think.

    Did anyone see Kitchen Nightmares last night? I so craved a curry while watching that, good job we don't have smelly vision!

    Gingembre, second opinion is good, hopefully you will be getting somewhere with it all soon.

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    PS. Has anyone heard of a group called Dread Zepplin?

  26. At 10:48 AM on 12 Dec 2007, mwk wrote:

    Morning All

    I believe we have another blogger birthday today.........

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Chrissie
    Happy birthday to you....hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray xx

    CtD & MfR well done for getting your christmas crackers played. Chris even gave you a special thank you MfR for the idea! Hope the cheque is in the post lol

    Lyndyloo - my thoughts are with you xx take care xx

    Gingembre - hope your feeling better and all went well with the knee people xx

    Susan S - so lovely to see you on the blog xx Big huggles to Charis xx

    Take care all
    Mary xx

  27. At 11:06 AM on 12 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Morning all,

    Bloody hell it's freezing today, so cold in this office/barn that I'm sitting here with my scarf on! No wonder I can't shake off this cold.

    Looks lovely out though doesn't it. Only downside to driving here today was the ice on the road, nearly ended up in a ditch.

    I'm being really miserable here aren't I? Actually I could do with some good jokes and some cheering up if anyone is inclined. Home not great and work is worse. Going to make some New Year's Resolutions today I think.

    Did anyone see Kitchen Nightmares last night? I so craved a curry while watching that, good job we don't have smelly vision!

    Gingembre, second opinion is good, hopefully you will be getting somewhere with it all soon.

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    PS. Has anyone heard of a group called Dread Zepplin?

  28. At 12:44 PM on 12 Dec 2007, It's behind you wrote:

    Oh yes it is, or no it isn't one and all

    I am sure even given the awful write up in the Mail that Led Zepp were fanstastic.
    I'm sure everyone had a ding dong of a night.

    I think it is fair to say though that live gigs are enhanced by the wizards of sound technics these days. Remenbering at rock concerts of old it was sometimes hard to recognise what was actually being played!

    The X factor, well how heart breaking was that. The Same Difference in tears. Well I felt so sorry for them I voted for them.

    Exit stage left

    Good day.

  29. At 01:59 PM on 12 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello, tried posting earlier, second time lucky.

    I felt sorry for Same Difference too. Nice kids but I don't think they can win it.

    It will be Ryhdian, (think I spelt that wrong), Leon second.

    What am I going to do when X Factor and Strictly are finished!?!?!?

    Debbie xx

  30. At 02:08 PM on 12 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello, tried posting earlier, second time lucky.

    I felt sorry for Same Difference too. Nice kids but I don't think they can win it.

    It will be Ryhdian, (think I spelt that wrong), Leon second.

    What am I going to do when X Factor and Strictly are finished!?!?!?

    Debbie xx

  31. At 10:15 PM on 12 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hey Lamby Pie,

    Just wanted to wish you and all the peeps Happy Hump Day. I'm downunder at the moment so just waking up to another Thirsty Thursday - it's only 8am but it's hot hot hot already.

    Missing my daily drive home with you though - I'll try to get online hear you later.

    Big Light, Cheese cake and Garlic bread kisses XXXXXXXX

    Kirstie Pie

    PS if you want to see what I'm up to here's a link to my blog

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